Chapter Ten

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A/N Wow, ten already? Anyways, I decided to upload this chapter earlier as I was bored and had nothing else to do with my time. Also, I just thought I'd be nice :D

 Shortly later, the doorbell went again. Rose had been talking to Victoire and Teddy for about half an hour in the kitchen, watching them walk about from place to place, making sure that everything was ready for what Victoire had called 'the welcoming meal'.

As the doorbell rang, Rose hopped down from the counter top that she had been sitting on, calling out that she would get the door, and walking calmly to the door. She opened the door, and a grin grew on her face as she saw who was standing there. The girl had a rounded face surrounded by a mane of curly dirty blonde hair. A cheesy permanent smile was always etched on her beautiful face that was perfectly reflected in her wide green eyes. Freckles dotted her face all over, something she thoroughly disliked but everyone else found them great.

"Alice!" She yelled, flinging herself onto her god sister. Neville Longbottom stood behind his daughter, a smile forming on the upset look on his face. "Neville!" She grinned, smiling up at the tall man.

"Well you're certainly not Victoire" Neville smiled kindly- it was obvious that he was trying to cover up how upset he was for his daughter.

"No, I'm not, she's in the kitchen if you want to go and speak to her- you know where that is right?" Rose asked, slipping her arm in Alice's "Come, Alice, you can share a room with me- mine's very big and I think I'll get a bit lost in it if someone else is not there" Rose flashed Neville another smiled before leading Alice up the stairs to the third floor and to her new bedroom. When they reached the room, Rose pointed to where her bed was, but allowed Alice to pick either of the remaining two beds for her own. Rose sat on her bed, and smiled to herself.

"Rose?" Alice asked, the permanent smile gone, and its place a distraught look "Rose, I'm scared" Rose patted the bed beside her.

"It's alright Alice, we're safe here, nothing's going to happen to us here, I promise, I'll protect you- if it comes that we ever need it that is" Rose offered Alice a sympathetic smile "The war will be over as soon as you realise, hey, you're seventeen now, right? There's two girls downstairs, they're a bit younger than you, twelve and fifteen I believe, but aside from me, they're probably the closest people to your age here, so far at least" Rose sighed, wrapping an arm around Alice "The girls, at least, I don't know how old the boys- I mean I don't know how old one of the boys is... Twenty-ish, he looks I think"

"I don't want Dad to die" Alice sobbed, rubbing her eye to push away the tears.

"Don't rub your eyes, Alice, you're make them red and puffy- you don't want that now, there is a gorgeous guy downstairs" Rose smiled.

"But Dad-"

"Isn't going to die, he's working with the order, isn't he?" Alice nodded in response before Rose continued "Well, so is my Mum and Dad, and all of my family who are fighting, actually... I made Mum and Dad promise to protect everyone- not only each other, and that includes your Dad, he'll be fine- I promise Alice... And so will you, come on, let's go down, we can unpack later, I haven't even done that yet!" Rose grabbed Alice's hand and they went downstairs. Neville was still talking to Victoire and Teddy in the kitchen. "Go into the living room, Alice, introduce herself to everyone... just not, not Malfoy... I'll call you when your Dad is ready to say goodbye" Alice nodded, but then pulled Rose back to speak to her again.

"Why are you not coming into the living room?" she asked, her innocent face full of fear and confusion.

"I... I can't, not now, I will later- I promise, I'm... I'm helping Vic at the moment, go introduce yourself to everyone" Rose smiled at Alice before slipping into the opposite room, as Alice walked into the living room at the same time Rose entered the kitchen.

Neville, Victoire and Teddy all turned to Rose, nodded at her but said nothing apart from carrying on their conversation. Rose sat on the counter top once more, listening on to the conversation- but not interrupting them. Although Rose was twenty-two, Rose did not feel adult enough to include herself in this conversation.

"Please, keep her safe" Neville pleaded, the tears welling in his eyes "If she died I don't know what I would do with myself... I've already lost her mother to this awful new magic, please, I wouldn't be able to live"

"Of course Prof- Neville" Victoire stuttered, Rose laughed silent at her cousin almost calling Neville Professor, one would think that after being out of school for ten years- not having to call him Professor for ten years- she would have grown out of that habit, but apparently not. "We will keep her as safe as we can, we have every charm known to wizard to protect this house on it, and we have a fair few children, talented wizards and witches, who are twenty or over, if anything is to happen, you have mine and Ted's word to keep her safe" Victoire nodded slowly, knowing her promise would be kept if it happened to come to it.

"I've promised to keep her safe, too" Rose piped in, she didn't want to interrupt, but she wanted to make sure her godfather was reassured. "She was scared, but I comforted her, she'll be happy here, Neville- much better than fighting, I'm sure you will agree. So far there are a couple of girls a couple of years younger than her... she'll be safe, and happy, and I'm sure she will write to you if it is safe to do so"

"I've promised to visit her when I can" Neville announced

"And I have no doubt you will, Neville, but don't make her upset, she is afraid, as we all are... But you don't want to stay here too long, otherwise she'll get attached again, I'm sure" Rose sighed "I know you don't want to, and it's not my place to tell you what to do, but I'd advise you say goodbye as soon as possible, that's what Mum did, and as upset as I am for having to say goodbye, I can see it is for the best" Rose offered him a kind smile and then waited for Neville's nod before heading to the living room.

She took a deep breathe before walking into the room, avoiding eye contact with the Malfoy as much as possible; but she couldn't help a quick glance over to him to see if he was glaring at her- and, surprisingly, he was looking at her in confusion not in anger or despite.

"Alice" Rose said kindly, snatching her glance back to the girl who was quickly making friends with Niamh and Macie "Your Dad needs to say goodbye now" Alice nodded, said a quick goodbye to her knew friends, and ran out of the room into the kitchen. Rose lingered in the door was about to leave when she was called spoke to.

"Professor Longbottom has a daughter then, eh?" Scorpius sneered, staring into the kitchen as the two were saying their goodbyes.

"Don't you dare talk to her, Malfoy" Rose spat, keeping her back to him "And I thought I told you not to talk to me either"

"He giving you trouble, hun?" Jensen asked appearing in the doorway in front of her, flashing Rose the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

"Oh" Rose giggled, raising her hand to cover her mouth and turned her head away "I guess he is" Rose could see Scorpius out of the corner of her eye, and she could see that he was almost growling at the man in front of her, but he spotted her looking at him, and snapped his attention back to Rose.

"You trying to make me jealous Weasley?" Scorpius scowled.

"But of course" Rose sneered sarcastically "I'm just dying for your love" She rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Jensen, "I'm terribly sorry, Jensen, but the rat over there seems to have ruined my mood- yet again, and I don't suppose it will be the last. I'm going to see if Alice and Neville are finished, I'm sure she will need my support, sorry Jensen" Jensen nodded and Rose walked calmly into the kitchen, just in time to see Alice hug her father one last time before he apparated away. Alice turned to Rose, glad to see her there, before running to her, tears streaming down her face. She didn't say anything, neither of them did, neither of them had to, Rose just hugged the younger girl until she calmed down.

A/N Ooh ;) I like this, writing thing, I haven't done it properly in sooo long, I think this book became my distraction from the others... sorry if you were reading them... 

Please vote if you likes and comment, uh, comment what your favourite bit so far is! Ta!

-Elise xxx

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