Chapter Fourty One

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The sky rumbled with murderous thunder across the deathly grey sky. Lines and lines of wizards and witches stood either side of a daunting gap of mud and grass. Many were already covered in blood  and dirt, their wands shaking in their firm grips.

Some people were already crying. Mourning the deaths already gone or ready to come. Couples and families stood as close together as humanly possible- if not closer.

They were outnumbered. That much was clear. There were thousands of men and women in pure black- their cloaks flowing about them in the slight breeze. Around them stood a disheartening array of dementors, mountain trolls and nameless other dark creatures.

Opposite them stood the small number of wizards and witches loosing hope. There were a couple hundred of them, but that was nothing compared to the terrifying crowd of death eaters before them.

Suddenly a cry came from somewhere in the distance- nobody was too sure where it came from- and all at once wizards and witches from both side started charging, filling the gap between the two sides.

Flashing lights of all colours erupted from every which direction. Purple. Blue. Green. Red. People dropped at seemingly random. Not many stopped to care for the already wounded- they just charged on, their only aim to take out the countless opposition.


Rose was lost amidst the crowd. She had started off right in the centre of her family, with Scorpius firmly at her side, clinging onto her hand like it was the only thing that could save him. Now none of them were anywhere to be seen.

It didn't bother her. Yes it did, it bothered her a lot. But she still screamed her curses at the top of her lungs- hurling her spells in the direction of the endless death eaters heading her way. Her hair streamed behind her as she ran- clad with dirt and blood and who knew what else. She cursed like it was the end of the world; well, it almost was.

Tears were streaming down her face as she ran. She didn't know if her family were safe. She didn't know where they were. She didn't know where Scorpius was- and that, scarily, frightened her the most.


"ROSE! ROSE!" Scorpius yelled at the top of his lungs. He had lost sight of her- the one thing he promised himself he wouldn't do, and he did it. He needed to keep her safe. He promised to keep her safe. She has to stay safe.

He ran against the crowd, looking in every which direction for the girl with red hair- not that it was that red anymore... more brown and black. He threw curses and jinxes and every type of attacking spell he could think of as he ran. Almost absent mindedly- though he made sure not to hit any witches or wizards that were not death eaters.

"Scorpius!" he heard a call. He whipped his head around, hoping to everything he knew that it was Rose- it had to be Rose. But, of course, it wasn't. Hermione was calling out to him, her eyes sore with tears as she reached out for him. He ran forward, clutching her hand as he reached her.

"What's wrong Mrs. Weasley?" Scorpius asked.

"I... Ron, I... I don't... Rose?" Hermione could not muster a full sentence, only looked warily about herself as people ran around the pair. Scorpius shook his head and walked closer to the woman.

"Where is he?" Scorpius asked, knowing the way the woman was talking- only something bad could have occurred. Hermione said nothing but pulled Scorpius against the crowd to the back of the warzone. As the left the large group of wizards and witches, Hermione slowed to a halt and fell to the floor beside someone writhing in pain. Ron.


Rose collapsed. She had been hit with who knew how many spells, and they were finally taking their toll on her; she was still weak from the curses Lucius had laid upon her, but she was determined to fight nonetheless. People ran around her, seemingly taking no notice of her sudden fall. Everything was a blur, her eyes were drooping. She couldn't see a thing.

Suddenly she was pulled upright. She forced her eyes open to see none other than Jensen Glaze-Hurley standing in front of her, his eyes centring on hers.

"I-what?" Rose asked, aghast "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you- I wanted to fight" Jensen explained "Come on, we've got to go" he said nothing more as he ran off again into the crowd. Rose still didn't feel like she had enough energy to run, so she stood where she was and cast spells at every death eater in sight- silently thanking Jensen for saving her from being trampled.


"What happened?" Scorpius asked, falling onto his knees beside the man.

"I don't know... I... he..." Hermione was still in shock, in tears and could still not string together a complete and comprehendible sentence, forcing Scorpius to work out what had happened to the man himself. He clearly wasn't bleeding, there were no physical signs of pain- aside from the fact that he was wincing as he clearly was.

Scorpius used all the healing spells his auror training had taught him, hoping one of them would work. After the final spell, Ron fell silent- but it was not a good sign. He was breathing- but dangerously slowly; his eyes were closed and he showed no signs of gaining any strength. Scorpius sighed- he didn't want to have to do this, but he knew he must. He looked up at Hermione, who was shaking with fear and sadness.

"Stay here, keep an eye on him- make sure he keeps breathing" Scorpius instructed "I need to find Rose"

A/N I thought this was going to be the last chapter... clearly not.

Elise x

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now