Chapter Thirty Eight

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A/N I'm really really really sorry

Scorpius' face was covered in tears as Lydia pushed his face in the direction of the wall Lucius had charmed. Rose was screaming in pain and Scorpius didn't need the clear wall to know that she was being crucio-ed.

"Please, make him stop" Scorpius replied, desperate to get to Rose and help her- take the curse for her if he could.

"No can do" Lydia giggled. Her voice was that really annoying type of high pitched, and her laugh- her giggle- was ten times worse.

As Rose fell back panting for the second time as Lucius moved his wand away from her. Lydia let go of Scorpius' face so that he was no longer forced to watch her.

"And that" Lydia said, wiping the hand that had been on his face down her trouser leg, "is what will happen more if you don't answer what I ask you". Scorpius was still so shocked and upset over what had just happened to Rose to really take in what she was saying. Scorpius braved a glimpse into the room next door. Rose was still panting on the floor, but she was attempting to push herself up- which only landed her back on the floor on top of the sharp rocks. There was blood all over her face and her clothes were torn, and were, too, stained with blood.

"Okay, first question- what are you doing here? Why did you come to the ministry?" Lydia asked, grinning with her arms crossed across her chest.

"I was looking for Rose" Scorpius replied honestly. Suddenly she stamped her booted foot on the floor twice. She then pounced on Scorpius and forced his head towards Rose's room just as the red flame-like beam of light hit Rose once again.

Scorpius tore his head from Lydia's grip and fought fiercely to get her off him. She fell to the ground and her hand instantly flew to her wand, her face dropping in fear.

"I TOLD YOU THE TRUTH!" Scorpius roared "HOW DARE YOU!" Lydia did nothing but giggle hysterically.

"It's fun- don't you like watching your Grandfather have fun?" She giggled from the floor. Scorpius noticed her hand itching forward to reach her wand.  As she grabbed it Scorpius stood up and dashed forward to the girl lying on the floor. He fell on top of her and fought her for her wand- she might have been a talented witch, Scorpius had no idea what she was like with magic, but in a competition of brute strength Scorpius won. He stood up above her, her wand pointing down at her, she shook in fear.

"I'm not like you..." Scorpius whispered, "I can't hurt like you can". He walked out of the room and locked the door behind him.


Rose wanted to cry; it was her natural reflex to the searing pain she was feeling- as it would be with everyone. But she didn't have the energy. Lucius had drained her, she felt as if she was panting from solely keeping her eyes open. That wasn't true of course- she was panting because that curse left her struggling for breath.

Lucius had his arms crossed again, not that Rose could see him- he wasn't in her peripheral vision and she was in not state to turn her head to face him. He was waiting for his call, the knocks, to curse her again. Rose pleaded everything she knew of- Gods she didn't believe in- that that call would never come.


The door flew off his hinges, knocking Lucius to the ground beside Rose- that she could see. He's come to save me Rose thought Scorpius is here, he's safe...ish. Scorpius ran forward, cursing Lucius into unconsciousness as he did so.

"Rose... Rose" he whispered. Tears were falling down his face as he knelt beside her. He applied pressure the freely bleeding cut at the base of her neck, she winced. Rose gave into the feeling of closing her eyes, letting herself fall. Scorpius pulled her softly onto his lap, trying to do anything to get her to wake up, to talk to him, to say, do something.

"No, no no no no no" Scorpius whispered, to himself. He rocked back and forth. His grubby hand swept Rose's tangled hair to the side so he could see her face properly. Her eyes were shut, she wasn't breathing.

"No! No please!" Scorpius called out. Shaking Rose again and again trying to get her to open her eyes, to take a breath.

"Wake up! Rose! Wake up wake up!" Scorpius yelled, his hand running over her head, trying to soothe her awake. Trying to shake her awake. "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you" Scorpius whispered, tears falling from his eyes. He felt her body shake as her eyes darted open and she took a wheezing breath.

"Scorp..." she breathed, before beginning to pant. Scorpius gasped and hugged the girl tightly.

"Red I love you" he replied, crying with delight as she closed her eyes once again

A/N Uhh, *smiles kindly in the hope that you will forgive me?*

Elise x

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