Chapter Sixteen

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Scorpius had to hold in a gasp. He felt the anger grow inside of him. He silently tiptoes back to his room; he shouldn't have followed them. Well, he didn't purposely follow them, per se... He went to his room to calm down his jealousy, only to find they were heading in the same direction he was. He ducked into his room and let them pass, and waited a moment before peering into the room they were in. He couldn't tell whether he was glad he did or not. He was angry, angry that she could just kiss him like that, without even telling him she didn't like him back- didn't he at least deserve that? He was glad he saw them, because now he knew- though he didn't want to see it, he didn't want to know that Rose didn't love him. He knew she didn't, but he didn't want to have proof.

Falling back onto his bed, he scrunched his hands into fist. Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be angry he fiercely told himself. He took a deep breath in before sitting up and thinking. There was nothing he could do now, any efforts at winning Rose back were long gone- she had someone else now.

Picking up a book from the his bedside table, Scorpius attempted to distract himself of all things Rose Weasley

Rose Weasley

It was great. Jensen was so kind, she was so happy! Finally, a good reason for being here- aside from being with part of her family of course. Rose and Jensen stayed in the room for a while, just sitting there together, talking. It was as if nothing had changed- Rose was glad they had grown so close. There was something pestering her in her mind, though, what would she say? Alice wouldn't mind, she'd be happy for her. As would Lorcan and Lysander- and though they would be happy for her, they probably wouldn't even think twice about it. Macie and Niamh probably wouldn't care, but she's never really spent that much time talking to the young girls, maybe they'd be jealous- Rose didn't really care. But then there was Teddy and Victoire; they'd probably tease her for a while, but they'd probably find it cute too.. But then they would understand, they were much younger than Rose when they got together, so they should understand. And of course there was Scorpius... Rose knew he would be jealous, of course he would- but she didn't care; he had hut her badly, perhaps he deserved it.

"I wish we were allowed out of the house" Jensen sighed, his hands intertwining with Rose's. Rose sighed and nodded- she seemed to be doing a lot of sighing these days... Well, she's sighed a lot for a while, for ages in fact. Shaking the though off, she blamed it on the war.

"Me too" she agreed, squeezing Jensen's hand slightly. Rose looked around the room once more- it must have been abandoned for a good few years "I can't believe I've never been in this room before" she said, looking confused with herself "I played hide and seek in this house countless times, and I was set on going in every single one of the rooms at least once- I thought I did, but I don't recognise it whatsoever!"

"The door was locked the first time I came in here, alohomora did it, but then I guess when you were a child you couldn't use magic" Jensen suggested

"Oh, I wasn't a child the last time I played hide and seek in this house!" Rose laughed, but she agreed with what Jensen said.

"Hide and seek then, eh? I bet this house was great for that, so old, countless rooms, it must've taken forever!" Jensen exclaimed, sending them both into laughter.

"It did, plus there was a lot of us... Thirteen at one time, I believe, when all of us played" Rose smiled fondly at the memory.

"Rosie! Rosie! I found you! I found you!" Lily cheered, the five year old was jumping up and down on the spot, ginger hair flying up and down with her green eyes wide. Rose had been hiding for ten minutes under a bed in one of the abandoned rooms, but it looked like she was the only one who had been found. Rose laughed and wiggled out from the tight position.

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now