Chapter Thirty Three

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Rose sat crying in the middle of that field for a good hour. Scorpius said nothing, but sat with his arm around the girl, letting her sob into his shoulder- an attempt at comforting her.  After Rose finally got a hold of herself, she stood up, shaking Scorpius' arm off her as she did so.

"We need to fight" Rose commanded, looking Scorpius dead in the eye.

"It's not safe" he whispered, standing up beside her.

"I don't care, Minnie told me to save us" Rose said, crossing her arms across her chest at an attempt to look confident with her words.

"Rose" Scorpius muttered, shaking his head slowly.

"Scorpius" Rose sighed, her arms dropping to her sides in fake strop, "I thought you wanted to help me"

"I wanted to keep you safe"

"Then you'll come with me" Rose raised her eyebrows at him, knowing full well he was going to go with her wherever she went.

"Fine" Scorpius groaned. Rose picker her bag up off the floor and held out her hand to Scorpius. As soon as his hand touched hers their feet left the ground.

They found themselves outside a large cottage. The area was silent save for the wind blowing through the leaves of the weeping willow that hung over the stream beside the cottage. It was beautiful, a perfect little family home. It was old, but that clearly did not affect how well it stood- perhaps magic was involved? It was three stories high, and the roof was thatched. The house was white, crossed with black wooden slats and little glass windows rimmed with old wood. Down one side of the house was a large brick chimney and the other was coated with ivy. It was such a cute little place, and the lack of human inhabitants was almost scary.

Rose slowly walked up the cobbled path and reached her hand up to touch the door. Her fingers barely scraped the surface, but she still pulled back- hesitant. Scorpius silently walked up beside her, and put his arm around the girl's slender waist for moral support as she reached down to the brass doorknob and turned it.

The door creaked as it opened, sending chills down Scorpius' spine as he once again realised how homely this place was- yet it looked abandoned.

Rose took a couple of slow steps into the front room. Again Scorpius could see how comfortable this home must have been. There were three brown sofas on one side of the large room with a large red rug over the worn brown floorboards. The room was sectioned off by wooden beams by the side of a moderately large dining table with knives and forks still set out as if dinner was on its way.

"Welcome home, Rosie" Rose whispered as she walked forward and ran her hands softly along the walls. She walked in through a door and Scorpius followed her, staying out of her way but eagerly wanting to explore this beautiful house.

Scorpius found himself in a kitchen. It wasn't too large, but it was nice and cosy. Right in the centre of the kitchen was a wooden breakfast bar- the wood in this cottage seemed to be a kind of theme- with tall wooden stalls all around it. Around the walls of the kitchen stood the usual- the fridge, the work tops, the sink; yet somehow the way it had been put together made Scorpius want to live here.

Suddenly, a purr echoed around the room. Scorpius saw a flash of red as Rose whipped her head round to follow the sound. Suddenly, a small tabby cat appear from around a corner Scorpius hadn't even noticed. Rose called out in delight and fell to the floor as the cat walked over to her.

"Minnie!" Rose yelled in delight. The cat crawled onto her lap and Rose practically fell on it in as she hugged it. Scorpius smiled at how something so little- literally- could make such a change in her attitude, she was happy again- thank Merlin.

Scorpius walked out of the room and gave into his urges for exploring the beautiful cottage. He quickly found himself upstairs, as it didn't take him long to realise although the downstairs area was big there weren't that many rooms. The first floor, however was opposite. Again, it was large, but it was full of rooms- most of which Scorpius just peered into.

Finally, Scorpius found himself in Rose's room. It was one of the two rooms on the third floor- the other of which was a bathroom. Each wall was covered in stacks and stacks of books- how is it even possible to have that many books? It could be more than a library! Scorpius thought, laughing out loud to himself. The floor- just like ever room of this cottage- was wooden, but there was a large antique rug in the centre of the floor that was looking very worn. In the centre of the room was a large four-poster bed sporting the Gryffindor colours. The room was scattered with beanbags and other types of chair- the majority of which were made of wood- as well as, of course, Rose's wardrobe and chest.

Scorpius noticed a book left half-open on the floor beside a large-ish green beanbag. Scorpius sat down and picked the book up, looking at the cover 'City of Bones' it was called. He opened the book to the first page- making sure he kept his thumb where the book had previously been opened at- and soon found himself lost in the words it contains.

Scorpius was five chapters in when Rose found him. She smiled at herself- that was one of her favourite books and now Scorpius was enjoying it too. She sat down on the nearest beanbag- that was conveniently opposite Scorpius, as Minnie jumped into her arms.

Rose sat for five minutes, waiting for Scorpius to notice her, but he was too absorbed in the book for him to even notice Minnie's meows. Bored, Rose leant forward and poked his leg, as it was the only part of his body she could reach without disrupting Minnie on her lap. Scorpius looked up in shock, and then put the book down.

"Sorry" Scorpius mumbled "I didn't want to disturb you I-"

"It's fine" Rose shrugged. Minnie hopped out of the girl's arms and walked up to Scorpius, winding around his legs. Rose grinned, "She likes you". Scorpius smiled down at the tabby cat as it jumped up to his lap and walked around in a small circle before laying down.

A/N So, a lot of description in this chapter, huh? I feel like my writing has been really lacking in terms of description, so I am really trying to keep that up. Anyway, there are several things in this chapter that I really like. The book I used in this chapter is one part of one of my favourite series and it has been recently (or recently when I am writing this at least) been turned into a TV show which I am obsessed with. Please comment if you watched it/have read the books too! Also, there was a little flashback-y kinda thing which you should be able to get.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment and I will see you next week!

-Elise xxx

What's In A Name? {Harry Potter, Next Gen, Scorose Fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now