Chapter Twenty Nine

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Above is the outfit Rose wore that I describe later in the chapter, in case you were wondering. 

The next morning, Rose woke early. She grabbed a bag that Teddy had managed to salvage from the Grimmauld Place fire when he went back to see the ruins yesterday, as well as a couple of the things he had saved from her room: a couple of books, the photo album that she took everywhere and her silver locket necklace that contained pictures of her family. She clasped the necklace around her neck- vowing never to take it off again- and slid the books and the photo album in the bag.

She silently walked downstairs, it was still dark. Nobody was up. Rose walked to the room she had spent the previous evening with Scorpius in. Nobody in there. She took a seat on the small sofa she had become so comfortable on. She took a deep breath, smiled softly to herself and got up, pulling the bag further up her shoulder. She went to leave the room, but someone was blocking it.

"What are you doing up this early?" the voice said. Rose recognised the voice- must be someone in the house- but she couldn't see who the deep voice belonged to, nor could she work it out. She pulled her wand out from her hair, causing it to fall around her face from the messy bun it was in, and lit it with a silent 'lumos' charm- something she had perfected.

She lit up the face of a tall thin boy. Hunter. She smiled softly at him, and calmed considerably, now knowing who the figure was, and why she didn't know who the voice belonged to- she had spent hardly any time with the boy. Not that she particularly wanted to, the boy seemed pretty distant.

"Couldn't sleep" Rose shrugged. It was true, she had been up all night worrying about Ailbe. The night had been particularly bright- something Rose had come to relate to fighting not too far in the distance. What if Ailbe had seen that? And knew what it meant? That had been the last straw for Rose, yes truthfully she was terrified of the war, but she wanted it over- and nobody seemed to be stopping her.

"It's three in the morning" Hunter said, his statement sounded more like a question than an actual statement. He pointed to the bag on her shoulder "why did you need to bring that down here?" he asked.

"It's got all the things Teddy could salvage for me from Grimmauld. I don't want to loose it again- so it's not going to be very far away from me every again" Rose lied. Hunter looked at her feet.

"Narcissa doesn't let us wear shoes in the house" Hunter said, though this time it sounded threatening.

"I don't want to have to run away without shoes again, it was very painful and not an experience I want to repeat" Rose said, though this time everything she said was true- and even true to the real reason she was wearing them, but the way she said it didn't make it sound that way, she hoped. 

"You won't need to run away again, we're in a safe house"

"Grimmauld Place was a safe house- that got attacked" Rose shrugged, trying to get this boy to leave her alone.


"Yes attacked. Bombed.  Something. I don't know exactly what happened. There was an explosion in the garden, the whole house was set on fire, it's not exactly a safe house anymore"

"Safe ruins?"

"Unsafe ruins"

Hunter sighed. He looked down at her feet again. "I can tell when people lie, you know, it's one of my talents"

"Well done, you'll know I'm not lying then"

"No, you're not, but you are twisting the truth" Rose gulped at what the boy said- he knew, he was going to tell someone. "You have the bag because you want to take all the possessions you currently own wherever you go- and wherever you go isn't going to be here anymore. You are wearing the boots because you want to have shoes if you have to run away again, and you feel like you have to run away now. And everything you said about Grim is true. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I won't even say I saw you" Hunter held up his hands and started walking away. Rose looked at his back as he walked- his arms still up in the air.

"Don't call it that, you make it sound like a bad place- it was wonderful" Rose called after the boy. But she didn't say anything more. She watched the boy's back until it merged in with the darkness of the room he had walked into- or he had turned a corner, Rose couldn't tell. She took a deep breathe a left the room, walking towards the front door. She picked up the cloak that Narcissa had brought for her- she had brought cloaks and new clothes for all the newcomers to the house as many of them did not have any other clothes besides the ones they were wearing, Teddy couldn't salvage much from the fire.

As she opened the door, she tied the cape up, lifting the hood up over her red hair. The cloak was beautiful, she had never had anything like it before. It was red in colour, much like the colour of her hair "for little red riding hood" Narcissa had said, with a smile that reminded Rose so much of her own grandmother, as she gave Rose the cloak. The cloak itself was made of silk, yet the inside was lined with faux fur that kept her perfectly warm no matter the temperature- some sort of charm, Rose presumed. The cloak had a black ribbon at the top to tie it up, and it never came undone despite how loose the knot was- ah, the pleasures of designer clothing that only the Malfoys seem able to afford, she thought, then quickly dismissed the thought as why shouldn't they buy lovely clothes if they can afford them?

The clothes Rose was wearing was also the gear that Narcissa had brought for her the previous day, and they were a perfect fit. Rose wore the most gorgeous ruffled cream skirt that reached half-way down her thighs. Narcissa had matched this with a plain long sleeved burgundy top that went so well with the skirt; and to join the two up Narcissa had brought a black belt with gold swirls detailing the centre. Underneath the skirt, Narcissa had found the warmest pair of black tights Rose could ever imagine, that hugged her legs and made her feel so warm. To finish the most perfect look Rose owned off, Narcissa had kindly brought her a pair of beautiful reddish-brown heeled ankle boots with zips down the side. Rose loved the outfit and couldn't be more thankful for Narcissa for buying this outfit for her.

But that was yesterday, and Rose had thanked Narcissa for the outfit more than enough times. As she walked down the pathway from the front door of the Malfoy Manor, Rose tied up the black ribbon and pulled her arms inside the cloak. She was almost at the bottom of the path when she heard a call.


A/N Hello lovelies! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and although it wasn't quite into the action, it wasn't quite a filler either. More of a moving-on-to-another-part chapter. I don't know. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment if you did. I'll see you next week! Ta!

-Elise x

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