Chapter Thirty Nine

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A/N not entirely sure what this chapter was, to be honest. I'll get back into the action next time.

Rose awoke in a pristine white room. The lights in the room were not bright, but she still had to blink a couple times before she could see- the whiteness seemed to magnify the brightness. She tried to move her arms, but she found she couldn't. She couldn't move her legs either. She tried her voice- at least that worked.

"Help" she cried, her voice soft and quiet. Suddenly a mop of blonde hair- blonde that should be almost silver- appears through the curtain's surrounding Rose's bed: Scorpius.

He practically ran forward, not that there was much space to run, and he had to slow down considerably to stop him from falling onto Rose's bed, and onto her.

"Rose, you're awake" he whispered, as if talking any louder would harm her more.

"Yes" Rose replied "Scorp, I can't move, help me"

"I can't... I can't do anything...The healer put you under a spell, to make sure you couldn't move whilst you recovered. You were cursed so many times, you were broken all over" Scorpius explained, still whispering. He sounded in shock.

"Scorpius, what's wrong?" Rose asked. Scorpius moved quickly to beside Rose. He was kneeling on the floor, and holding Rose's left hand delicately in both of his.

"I almost lost you" he whispered. Rose could see the tears brimming in his eyes.

"Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" Rose asked, attempting a joke, though neither of them laughed.

"Rose I love you, don't you ever scare me like that again" Scorpius said sharply- almost as if he was telling a child off. He sunk back onto his heels, letting go of Rose's hand so that he did not harm her. He looked to the floor and whispered something, "I almost lost you"

About five minutes later, Rose fell asleep once more. Scorpius made sure she was comfortable before leaving the room to tell the healer she had awoken. The man nodded and went into to her room, presumably to check her vital signs.

Scorpius walked into the neighbouring room, where the majority of Rose's family were residing- they had been for the five days Rose had been in her coma.

"She's awake" Scorpius mumbled, before falling into the chair he had been residing in for the five days Rose had been in her coma.

Eagerly, Ron and Hermione flew out of their seats and into their little girl's room- the tears that they thought their eyes had dried up of falling down their faces once more, though this time for a much better reason.

Scorpius was left sunken in the rigid plastic chair he had taken as his own. Slowly, more of Rose's family members trailed into the neighbouring room. Scorpius didn't need to watch them, he had done his part, besides they needed their time with her. When he believed they had all left he finally looked up- only to find Arthur Weasley still sitting in his seat.

"That was a very brave thing you did for our Rosie, Mr. Malfoy" Arthur nodded approvingly.

"You don't know what I did" Scorpius spat. He didn't mean to be rude, but since that day in the ministry Scorpius felt drained of all kindness for anyone other than Rosie, as everyone seemed to be calling her- even the healer. He didn't like that so much, Red suited her so much better.

"You told Harry and Ron, did you not? That Rose apparated to the Ministry, and that you went to find her" Arthur explained- as if Scorpius didn't know the story as if it was yesterday. Oh yeah, it pretty much was!

"That doesn't really make me brave, though, does it? I didn't know she had actually gone there- probably got us both into more trouble than it was worth"

"The tests ran show that the cruciatus curse was used on Rosie, several times. Nobody has gone back to the scene yet, but we know it was a death eater- one of them. I would bet you were the one that stopped it from happening" Arthur nodded.

"It was the cruciatus curse all right" Scorpius sighed "and it was my grandfather that did it, and he made me watch" Scorpius shivered at the memory- he would cry if he had not done that enough already.

"I had my suspicions" Arthur replied. Shortly, the whole family walked back into the room at once. Scorpius hung his head again, he couldn't bear to look at them- he blamed himself, felt so guilty. He got Rose into this mess, he got Rose injured- it was his blood that did it too. Scorpius felt two people sit either side of him, but he didn't move. Not until he felt a soft pair of hands on his own.

He looked up to see Hermione's bloodshot eyes looking down into his, her soft hands enveloping over his.

"Thank you" she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears. "You saved my little girl". Scorpius' couldn't say a word, he knew that if he did he would say that it was his fault she was in the mess she was in, and after all it was his Grandfather that caused her such pain. He felt a hand softly place itself on his back, and Scorpius turned to see Ron nodding at him.

"Thank you" he nodded, but didn't say anything more.

A/N Please vote if you liked and comment... something. Cheers ta.

Elise x

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