Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N Hello! Sorry this chapter is a bit iffy... I had a bit of a break in writing at this point and when I came back I was a little iffy. I didn't really leave myself with a good chapter to start up again with (though I didn't know I was going to have said break, it just happened). So I guess this is kind of filler, sorry if it bores you, or the writing is off, I promise it will get better!

Rose was absolutely devastated. Ever since she could remember, she looked forward to those Sundays with Auntie Minerva. She couldn't be hurt! No, Auntie Minerva was a strong woman, she'll pull through. But then... she is what, 91 now?

Rose spend the whole morning in her new room- as did the others who had heard the terrible news. Nobody wanted to chance thinking that she would die- but she wouldn't, of course, she is Minerva McGonagall, she can do anything.

Just after lunch- which Rose had not attended- Scorpius knocked on her door and carried a tray into the room, placing it on the table beside her bed and sitting on the end of it.

"I heard the news" he sighed. He said nothing more, and perched on the end of the girl's bed. Rose didn't say a word. She looked to the side to the food Scorpius had brought up for her, and reached for the apple on the far corner of the tray. She bit into it, and Scorpius could see the tear stains all down her cheeks, her eyes red from rubbing them, and the mess she had left her hair in, because she didn't really care about anything right now.

"I want to see her" Rose replied, not managing more than a whisper.

"Rose, you know you can't" Scorpius sighed. He looked to the bed, he couldn't bear to look at her in that state for any longer.

"I know but..." Rose trailed off. She took another bite of her apple, she didn't know what her 'but' was, but she knew it was there.

"The war'll be over soon" Scorpius consoled "you can see her then" but he didn't look at her when he said it, because he highly doubted it would be true.

"You can't say that" Rose shook her head "you don't know". The two sat in silence for a while, the sound of Rose biting into her apple the only sound that filled the large room.

"Red, can we talk?" Scorpius asked, quietly.

"That's what we're doing isn't it?" Rose replied, knowing full well that was not what he meant, but not in the mood to talk right now. Scorpius only recently called her Red when he wanted to talk about that.

"Sorry" Scorpius said, almost silently. Again, they sat in silence- though they were comfortable in it. Rose soon finished her apple, and the room sounded like a void- empty. Shortly after, the pair were disturbed by feet thumping up the wooden stairs. Albus stormed into the room, his face red with anger. He walked further in, slower now, and sat on the end of Rose's bed, the other side to Scorpius.

"I worked it out" Albus said, quietly though Rose could hear the anger in his voice; the anger was not something Rose- or anyone- heard often, as Albus was not known to lose his temper, he was calm, collected and rational- except when it came to the happiness of his family. Scorpius and Rose looked at him, perplexed. Rose had not spoken to him since the morning- since hearing the news- and Scorpius had not spoken to him since the day before. "It was Domi, wasn't it?" he asked, looking straight at Rose. Rose did not say a word, but the confused look on her face only hardened. "The one you found with..." his voice trailed off as he turned to look at Scorpius. Both Rose and Scorpius instantly knew what he was talking about. So much for not talking Rose thought.

"Yes, it was Nique" Rose sighed. She had never uttered those words, not once. Never told anyone what she felt towards her cousin. It felt good to get it off her chest; but it felt bad, knowing she had lied to her entire family, to all her friends, most of her life.

"She doesn't like being called that, does she?" Scorpius asked. He didn't know much about Rose and Albus' cousin, just that she kissed him. But he could tell. Albus was fine with her- he had no reason to be angry with her- and he called her Domi, but Rose called her Nique. Rose had perfect reason to get angry with her, so why not call her something she hates? Just a little piece of revenge I guess Scorpius thought to himself.

"No, she hates it" Albus laughed "I guess I know now why Rose always calls her that"

"How did you get on, at family gatherings, with her?" Scorpius questioned Rose.

"I didn't. I was never too close with her, she was older, I spent all my time with Al or Lily, I hardly ever spent time with Nique, not that I can remember at least. And after... after it happened, I stayed as far away from her as possible. I never needed to and I certainly didn't want to. We never spoke, or if we did we spoke with as much venom in our voices as possible. I hated her. I hate her" Rose spat.

"Now now Rosie" Albus said, a grin playing on his lips "Calm down, she's not here"

"Shut up Albus" Rose almost shouted without looking at him, her voice full of rage.

"Don't you want to talk to her? –"Scorpius went to continue, but Rose cut him off, instantly thinking how stupid the question was.

"What sort of question is that? Why in Merlin's name would I ever want to talk to her again? Scorpius she ruined my happiness! Hogwarts was so dull those last years, third year was amazing, the best year of my life- and she ruined that!"

"I just thought you would want to know why she did it" Scorpius shrugged.

"I don't"

"Really? I do"

"Well go ask her then"

"Is she still here?"

"How would I know?"

"She is" Albus input, "I can go get her"

"Don't you dare bring her up here" Rose scolded as he walked out of the room and down the stairs opposite.

Hello again! I hope you enjoyed. Again, I'm sorry this chapter was so iffy, it was definitely a filler and I think the next chapter will be too. Sorry! Please vote and comment :D

-Elise x

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