Chapter Twenty Three

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A/N Since the last chapter was a filler and nothing happened, I thought I would give you two chapters today. Sorry this chapter's also kind short and bitty... Again, it's more of a filler chapter, but I know where I am going now, so hopefully soon you shall be getting more answers (to questions you probably don't actually have but I like to think you do, so they'll be answered soon). Anyway, enjoy! 

"Wait, which one did you just break up with?" Albus asked, confused. Rose laughed slightly and pointed to Jensen. Albus nodded before continuing with "Oh, alright. And how's Scorpius been acting?" Rose sighed before explaining.

"We've argued... a lot... but since I broke up with Jensen he's been acting really kind. Like on the way here he let me borrow his shoes because mine all burnt in the fire. I must give these back to him" Rose bent down to undo his shoes, as Albus continued speaking.

"I didn't think you took your timberlands with you" Albus laughed "Plus, they look about ten sizes too big" Rose laughed slightly, before picking the shoes up and looking around for Scorpius. Albus noticed and explained "He's talking to Narcissa, you should probably give them back to him later" Rose sighed, but put the boots back onto the floor. Albus took a deep breath before pulling a piece of parchment out of his pocket and explaining "Rose... you remember this letter?" he asked, handing her the letter. Rose slowly unfolded the letter and skimmed through it; it was the first letter she sent to him, the one where she confessed she had a lot to tell him. Rose sighed.

"I will tell you, tomorrow, I promise. How about we just catch up for a bit? Let me settle in?" Rose asked. Albus nodded but didn't say anything.

An hour later Narcissa and Scorpius joined the large group in the main living room. Narcissa opened up the second living room- where she had been talking to Scorpius- and a few people filed into that room to stop the main living room being so crowded. Frank Longbottom had joined the conversation that Rose and Albus had been having, and a couple of others had weaved in and out of the same conversation. As Scorpius walked back in, he immediately spotted Rose, drew up a chair and sat next to her, though he did not interrupt the conversation she was having with Albus and Frank. Rose was totally oblivious to the boy sitting next to her as she laughed along with her friends and family, on the other hand Albus was not.

"Hello Malfoy" he said, when their conversation drew to a close. Rose whipped her head round to see the blond boy sitting next to her. Rose sighed, but she didn't say anything, and let the two work things out for themselves- until it got too bad.

"Potter" Scorpius nodded, but spoke emotionlessly, not wanting to stir anything up.

"What are you doing here?" Albus asked

"Well, considering I actually live here...." Scorpius said, a cheeky grin forming on his face. Rose put her hands to her face to stop herself from laughing. Albus frowned.

"You know perfectly well that's not what I mean" Albus sighed. Scorpius wasn't getting the hint of what he meant- or more likely he was, he was just pretending he didn't, "Why are you sitting here with us?"

"Al, leave it" Rose mumbled. Albus looked confused and turned to face his cousin.

"Rose, wh-" Albus asked, before his cousin cut him off.

"I said leave it, Al" Rose said, louder before shaking her head. She picked up Scorpius' boots, handed them to him with a quick "thanks" and left the room. Albus was more than perplexed. He stared after his cousin as she left the room, his brain ticking as he tried to work out what had just happened, what was going on. His head immediately turning to Scorpius- knowing, or thinking he knew, that Rose hated him.

"What did you do to her?" Albus asked, growing angry. Scorpius was shocked.

"What? Nothing!" He said, his arms half-up in mock surrender. "I thought you knew me better than that, Albus" Scorpius sighed and followed Rose out the room, leaving Albus and Frank to sit completely bewildered.

Rose was standing at the base of the floor-to-ceiling window in the Malfoy Manor's second living room. A few people were scattered throughout the moderately-large room but none paid attention to her. Scorpius marched into the room in search for her, and joined her at the window. He stood by her side and the two looked out the window in silence for a moment or two.

"How much does he know?" Scorpius asked at last, breaking the silence the two shared. Rose turned to him.

"Who, Albus?" Rose shrugged "Not much..." She looked up at Scorpius, into his eyes and knew that didn't fully answer his question. She sighed and dropped her eyes to the floor. "He knows nothing about what happened... what happened in Hogwarts. Aside from that, obviously he knew about the hate... the duelling" Rose returned her gaze to Scorpius' eyes. "You told him about Christmas... you know he knows about that"

"I'm... I'm sorry Rose... I thought you would have told him that... I thought you told him everything" Scorpius said, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"I do, I just.... I didn't want to remember it... I hated you...." Rose replied, her voice quietening as she took a breath. Scorpius looked up, his brows furrowed

"You hated me? As in past-tense hate? So you don't anymore?" Scorpius asked

"No... I don't... I don't hate you... I..." Rose couldn't get her words out "I don't hate you" she couldn't let herself say it, she didn't continue and looked to the floor. Scorpius raised his hand to Rose's cheek and lifted her head up so she was forced to look at him.

"Red" he whispered. A silent tear fell down Rose's cheek from that single word "Red I didn't... She kissed me and I didn't want her to and-"

"Shh...I forgive you" she whispered back.

Okay, so perhaps the end bit wasn't so much of a filler... but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! Please vote if you did, and comment. See ya next week! Ta ta!

-Elise x

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