Chapter Twenty

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A/N Hey guys so, sorry this isn't very well written, I did it in a rush. I knew what I wanted to happen in this chapter, I just wasn't quite sure... how... Anyway, hope you enjoy! (Also, twenty chapters, damn, I'm not even sure if I'm nearly finished!)

I thought I would post this chapter early as a thank you for over 1K reads! I am so happy thank you so so so so much if you have even looked at this story once. Thank you!!!

Victoire entered the house, her arms full of shopping, to the sound of arguing, no doubt it was Rose and Scorpius yet again, they tended to do that a lot. After calling Teddy to put away the groceries, Victoire walked up the stairs, ready to sort out the arguments they seemed to have all the time. She followed the sound, and found the arguing to be coming from behind Jensen's closed door. But she couldn't hear Scorpius, she could hear Jensen. Confused, she listened in for a bit.

"Scorpius told me you don't love me!" Jensen yelled

"And why would you believe him over me? I'm your girlfriend Jensen for Merlin's sake!" Rose yelled back- Victoire could hear strained sobs in her voice.

"I wouldn't believe him if you would just tell me you loved me!"

"Jensen, you know I'm not ready!" Rose shouted, but her yell sounding more like a groan- like it was something she had said over and over again. Sighing, Victoire tied up her long blonde hair and pushed Jensen's door open, so that by the time the door was fully open and the two were staring at her, she had her hands on her hips.

"You two are making quite the racket" she sighed, shaking her head slightly. Both Jensen and Rose immediately looked to the floor.

"Sorry 'Toire" Rose mumbled, Jensen doing almost the same.

"Come on" Victoire motioned for the pair to follow her "Let's sort this out" She walked down the stairs and cleared the Scammander twins from the kitchen and pointed to the chairs so that Rose and Jensen could take a seat opposite Victoire and Teddy- who was now sitting at the table reading the daily prophet. Rose and Jensen took seats side by side, opposite Victoire and Teddy, but they did not look at each other. Teddy folded away his newspaper, his hair changing from his usual bright blue to a more normal, chestnut brown- something that only happened when he was being serious. Rose shrunk into herself, knowing this was going to end badly, possibly for everyone, but definitely for her.

"What's wrong?" Teddy asked, waiting for one of them to explain. They both stayed silent "I heard the shouting, come on" he turned to look directly at Rose "Rose?" Rose took a deep breathe before explaining.

"We... we were just having an argument... we can sort it out, it's fine- I don't want to trouble you" Rose rambled. Victoire shook her head, and Teddy copied.

"Rose, I heard" Victoire sighed "And not just vague yelling, I heard exactly what was said when I came close to the room" Rose went red and looked to the table.

"How... how much did you hear?" Rose asked, though it looked like she could have been asking the table- her expression changed as if she was asking the question normally, to someone, but she didn't take her eyes off the table.

"Enough" Victoire replied, a sternness in her voice even she didn't expect to hear. Rose looked up, tears welling in her eyes- she didn't want it to end like this, and perhaps not even yet. For the first time since they had been sitting there, Jensen looked up and spoke.

"I'm really sorry that we disturbed you- the whole house, even- and thank you for your concern, but we can sort this out ourselves, really- it's just a petty argument, it would have been over soon anyway" Jensen said seriously- the usual joking tone from his voice gone. Victoire only shook her head, and remained in her somewhat stern state of mind.

"It's okay, and you're welcome, but I don't think you can sort this out on your own- from what I heard I really don't think so, and I don't even know if I heard the whole of it. Yes, it may have been over quickly, but it would only be over quickly with you two on bad terms" Victoire explained, knowing full well even with her and Teddy's help this was more than likely going to end up with the two on bad terms- though hopefully not on as bad terms as if they were left to sort it out themselves. Rose and Jensen were nodding slowly, waiting for someone to talk.

"Well, what's wrong then?" Teddy said, he attempted to laugh about it slightly- the cheek in is voice acting the same way Jensen's joking tone usually did- but it just made it sound a little... off. Despite that, Jensen carried on to explain.

"Okay, so a while ago Scorpius told me that Rose didn't love me, even though I had told her multiple times that I loved her- and he knew this. However, I didn't believe him, how could he know Rose's feelings towards me?" Jensen sighed

"Let me guess, he could 'just tell'?" Rose said, her eyes starting to close as if to glare at him, but quickly realising that would not be the best thing to do, she stopped herself.

"That's what he said, yeah" Jensen said, without looking at her, before continuing "After a while, I started to believe him, so I got him to actually ask her- see his reaction a-"

"So that's why he was interrogating me the other day! Argh, that rat!" Rose said, interrupting Jensen as the annoyance that was boiling up inside her quickly being show in her eyes. Jensen rolled his eyes and continued, completely ignoring her statement.

"And he said that Rose would only say 'none of your business' which cl-" Jensen continued, before being interrupted once again.

"That is not all I said!" Rose yelled, before quietening after a stern 'Rose' came from Victoire "Yeah, I told him it was none of his business, because it wasn't! But I also told him that I'm not ready! Because I'm not! That doesn't mean I don't!"

"And yet you are still not actually saying it" Jensen said, his eyes closing in anger, and his mouth forming a thin line as he turned to face Rose for the first time since they had been sitting there "This is exactly why I wanted Scorpius to talk to you! Because you won't say it! And you've proved it!" Jensen was almost yelling at this point, his arms were up in the air- proof of his anger.

"Argh!" Rose called out "Why does it matter so much to you that I can't say it? If you truly loved me then you would understand! Understand that I'm waiting for the perfect time to say it!" Rose was going red, another sign of her anger and annoyance. Neither said anything, they just stared at each other, their anger bubbling up inside themselves. Knowing just the thing to push her over the edge, Jensen continued.

"Rose by any other name would smell sweeter" he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Rose to hear, but not Victoire or Teddy- not that they would understand anyway.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Rose practically roared. She stood up so quickly that her chair flew backwards "HOW DARE YOU!" Knowing all too well that this was exactly what Jensen wanted- her anger to come out, that is- she curled her hands into fists, looked him dead in the eye and said "We're over" before storming out of the room and up the stairs.

"What the hell did you say to her Jensen?" Teddy asked, looking twice as confused as Victoire did.

Anybody get the reference? Am I a nerd? Probably. Hint- it refers to the title of this book. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, please vote if you did and comment if you got the reference, or if you understand the name of the book at all... In any way... Because I didn't actually realise it was a reference until I'd written about five-ish chapters so it had another meaning to start with, but I love the reference! Thank you guys!

-Elise x

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