Chapter Seventeen

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A/N So, there's a lot of speech in this chapter... it annoyed me quite a bit but it's necessary for the development of the story, so sorry if it annoys you, but just remember it means the story's going to get better from here! Enjoy! (And no, I totally didn't almost forget that it was Monday and that Mondays are my upload days what are you talking about)

 Jensen wasn't there. He was in his room. He wasn't in the large room they had previously been in. He wasn't anywhere, confused and annoyed, Rose retired to her bedroom, where she set her mind on getting some reading done before dinner. She had just gotten into a good book when her bedroom door crashed open. Standing in the doorway, was- of course- Scorpius Malfoy. And he was angry, his face was going red, and his hands where in fists.

"Jealous, Malfoy?" Rose sneered- a laugh in her voice- before turning back to her book. Scorpius marched up to her bed, and stood- towering above her.

"Why?" he asked, the anger plain in his voice. Rose looked up to him, clearly annoyed.

"What, so I have to have your permission to date now do I?" Rose asked sarcastically "I thought I told you long enough ago that I wanted you out of my life, you still haven't quite gotten that message have you?"

"You told me in third year, what you haven't seem to have gotten is that we can't not see each other" Scorpius said, crossing his arms across his chest "Hogwarts, here... Rose we can't get away" Rose took a deep breath, the anger rising like a bubble inside her- dying to pop.

"I don't care if it's destiny, fate or whatever the hell you think it is Scorpius" Rose took another deep breath, trying to take control over her emotions "I'm happy with Jensen, okay? If you love me like you say you do, you'll let me be happy- yeah?" Scorpius looked defeated, but then he took control and he looked even angrier than he had before.

"Of course I want you to be happy, Rose, I just want you to be happy with me" he said, sounding almost... hurt?

"Well, that's not going to happen, is it?" Rose shook her head and returned to her book "Leave me be, and don't say a word to Jensen" she said without looking up. Scorpius started walking out the door, but as he got to the doorway he turned back to her.

"You don't control me" he barely even whispered before walking away.

One Month Later 

"DINNER!" Victoire called up the staircase. Rose put the bookmark in her book and placed it shut on her bedside table. Walking slowly down the stairs, Rose ran every snide remark Scorpius could possibly come up with in her mind, before walking into the kitchen and taking her seat at the table. She looked up at the space Jensen occupies- but he wasn't there.

"Rosie, where's Jensen?" Teddy asked, grinning madly as he knew he was annoying her, or he thought.

"I.. I don't know" Rose looked confused and slightly upset, and then she realised that Scorpius wasn't in the room either. She gritted her teeth and muttered under her breathe "I swear to God if that rat has done anything to him I will kill him" just as Scorpius and Jensen sauntered into the room.

"Sorry we're a bit late, Victoire" Scorpius shrugged, as if it was nothing "We just got a bit carried away with our conversation that's all" Victoire went to say something but just sighed, shook her head and continued serving up the roast pork.

When the meal was in full swing- and everyone around Rose was talking happily whilst eating their delicious roast pork- Rose turned to Jensen, who was opposite her.

"What did he do to you?" Rose asked, glancing over to Scorpius so Jensen knew who she was talking about. Jensen just shook his head, and continued cutting his pork as he spoke.

"Don't worry, Rose" Jensen said, almost emotionlessly "I'm fine, you're fine, Scorpius' fine, and it's okay" Rose shook her head, and reached her hand and supportively squeezed Jensen's hand.

"Jensen, he's a douche, I don't want him getting in the way of us, I really like you" Rose said, a small smile on her face. Jensen looked up at her and smiled kindly to her before turning back to his dinner and making idle conversation.

After dinner, Rose left for her room- happily resuming her book and getting lost in the fictional world the muggle author had created. She was fully immersed in the book when Jensen walked in that she didn't even hear him knock on the door. He walked in slowly, a cute smile on his face, and sat on the end of Rose's bed, seeing how long it would take her to realise he was there. After five minutes- Rose was really into the book- he got bored, and shook her leg. Rose gasped and dropped her book.

"Jensen!" She gasped, laughing a little "I didn't hear you come in!"

"I've been in here for five minutes!" He laughed, shaking his head. He picked the book up that had landed open on Rose's lap. He looked at the cover, nodded and smiled, closing the book and handing it back to her "Read that one, it's good isn't it" Rose nodded and smiled.

"Very easy to get lost into" she laughed, taking the book and placing it on her bedside table and shuffling over, patting the bed beside her so that Jensen could sit beside her.

"Who's your favourite character?" he asked, shimmying up the bed until he was next to her, and swinging his legs around so that he was sitting the same way as she was.

"Newt" she said, "yours?"

"Thomas" Jensen smiled "But Newt's a good pick too" the two sat there, talking about the book for a while. When their conversation drew to an end, Jensen twisted in his seat, so that his body was facing more towards Rose. "Rose, can I ask you something?" Rose rolled her eyes.

"This is never good, but go on, I guess" she sighed.

"Why... why are you so... why do you hate Scorpius so much? He's a nice guy- sure he's a bit jealous, but who wouldn't be? You're gorgeous" Jensen grinned, Rose didn't even blush this time- even thinking about Scorpius took away any emotion other than anger.

"We... we have history... a-a bad history" Rose stuttered, she'd never really told anyone this, she'd never told anybody this at all. "We've never gotten on well... Perhaps it's the family, perhaps it's something else. I'm not sure. All throughout Hogwarts we argued, duelled, bickered, we never got on particularly well" Rose shrugged "That's just how it is"

"But why?" Jensen asked "Please, I don't want to pry, but neither you nor Scorpius will tell, I just want to know what happened- I won't be mad, I don't care"

"If you don't care why do you want to know so badly?" Rose asked, slightly annoyed- but she shook the feeling off "Besides, there is nothing to know, we have never gotten on well and I don't know why we argued so much, but we did- we do"

"But if there's no reason behind it surely you can't make up? Come on Rose, you're twenty-two! You've been out of Hogwarts for four years now, can't you put it behind you?"

"It's not as simple as that Jensen" Rose sighed.

"Then there must be a reason behind why you two argue so much! And you must know it!" Jensen laughed slightly at the stupidity "Rose, please, I just want to know" Rose shook her head.

"There's nothing to know, Jensen"

"Well, Scorpius tells me different"

A/N Hope you like it! I know the beginning doesn't really go anywhere, but it's kind of a filler, but the ending make it better- I hope? 

Brownie points if you can figure out the book I was referencing when  Rose was reading! 

Please vote/comment if you enjoyed- it makes my day!

See you next week ;) (hopefully)

-Elise x

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