Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N Yep, sorry it's not Monday. I was reading Cursed Child. I've finished it, it's amazing. 

Minerva McGonagall lay unconscious on the red-stained hospital floor.  Her grey hair had fallen out of the tight bun it had been put in, and it lay around her head like a frame. Her legs were at a wrong angle, and they looked more than broken in Rose's opinion.

She wore a red hospital-issued robe that was way too big for her, and was soaked through from the previous day's rain. Just a foot away from her hand lay her wand- she had tried to defend herself but in her sickness she had been unable to.

Rose screamed out in dismay, and fell to the floor beside the woman. She instantly held her hand out to check for a pulse. The woman's skin was freezing, but Rose could just about feel the beat of the pulse travelling through her neck.

Rose did not notice Scorpius apparate up beside her as she leaned forward and desperately tried to awaken the old witch. It was then that she noticed the horrible cut down the side of her face- and the blood that was gushing out of it.

"No!" she cried out again. She applied pressure to the wound, but only found her hand being covered in blood, not that it was doing anything. Scorpius noticed the amount of blood that had pooled on the ground around the old witch, and how pale from blood loss she was. Rose cried out once more.

"She can't die. No, I won't let her!" she sobbed. The wind picked up, and Rose's hair whipped about her- the ends dipped in blood. Scorpius knelt down beside her, and felt for her pulse- still there. He grabbed the unconscious witch's hand, and Roses, and they apparated to the countryside that Rose had recognised from their walks that day.

They were in a field, full of all the flowers Rose could image, but the flowers that surrounded them now was poppies- her favourite, Rose thought. Rose sat there in silence, staring at the old witch, trying to think of something to do. As she was thinking, Scorpius pulled out his wand, aimed it at the wound on the witch's face, and the two watched the blood slowly stop, and the wound heal itself.

"How did you do that?" Rose breathed.

"Auror training" Scorpius replied. He cast more spells, until eventually the woman opened her eyes.

"Minnie!" Rose cried, falling forward to hug the witch, but being careful not to harm her.

"Rose?" Minerva asked, blinking once, twice, three times. She tried to sit up, but found she was unable to.

"Stay still, Professor" Scorpius said. Minerva had never taught at Hogwarts during Scorpius' time, but he did not know which other way to address her, "you've lost a lot of blood". Minerva turned her head slowly, and looked over to the boy who was now on her right.

"My, my Mr. Malfoy- how you look like your father" Minerva smiled weakly.

"Auntie, what happened?" Rose asked, breathing deeply as she held back the tears.

"I don't know, my little flower, all I remember is an explosion, I have no doubt it was the war"

"Of course it was" Rose breathed. Eventually, Minerva got her sense back.

"Rose, Scorpius, what are you doing here- surely you are not old enough to fight, you should be at a safe house" she asked, her eyes dropping from the loss of energy.

"Grimmauld got destroyed- I think in the same way St. Mungo's did" Rose explained, "and I couldn't leave you to suffer, I needed to see you- thank Merlin I did"

"I'm very proud of you, Rose" Minerva breathed, the lack of energy clearly effecting her "But you are not safe"

"I know, Minnie" Rose cried. In the recent years, she had only called Minerva Minnie when she was upset- something that was clearly shown now from her constant use of the name.

"Don't cry, dear child" Minerva whispered.

"You're going to die, Minnie" Rose sobbed.

"I am, but do you not think I am old enough to do so?" Minerva asked, a slight laugh in her tone.

"That doesn't mean you should" Rose replied, her body drooped and she wrapped her arms around herself, shaking from a cold she did not feel.

"My little flower" Minerva said, using her pet name for Rose since she was little, "Rosie, I am so proud of you for saving me- for not leaving me to die on my own, and thank Scorpius, for what you did too" Minerva wheezed "But I must die, and you must go back to your safe house- I have no doubt that whoever is in charge is worried sick about you too"

"We're old enough to go about on our own, Professor" Scorpius explained "I'm an auror, I can keep her safe"

"I am sure" She wheezed again, whatever had happened to her whilst she was fighting was taking a severe toll on her "but it is the law, Scorpius, you must go back"

"Not before I get Toby" Rose muttered looking to the floor, she then turned back to Minerva "and Minnie" she said.

"Who is Toby?" Minerva asked, her eyes closing and opening slowly.

"A little girl at the house's cat... She was panicking about the war, and she missed her cat. I told her I would get him for her when I left, which I did today- obviously" Rose explained.

"You are too kind for your own good" Minerva sighed, breathing more and more deeply with each breath.

"Minnie, don't die" Rose pleaded.

"I can't hold on any longer, my dear"


"Save us, Rosie, save us all- we cannot win" Minerva closer her eyes and took her last breath.

"NO!" Rose screamed once more.

A/N I am so sorry that this is so bad... I don't really know what happened. I had a good plan for this chapter, but it kind of left... Oh well, hopefully next chapter will be better. Please vote and comment if you liked, see you next week.

-Elise x

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