Chapter Twenty One

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Rose sat on her bed, silently crying. Alice had been up to her room, trying to console her, multiple times before she realised it was no use- she'd have to just get through it alone. Macie and Niamh had walked past- joined at the hip as always- multiple times, each time daring to glance into the room to see Rose huddled up, her head on her knees. Neither of them said anything. Victoire and Teddy had each been up individually to try and talk to her- so much for ending on good terms. Practically everyone had tried to console her, tried to distract her, but she wouldn't take any of it. The only people that hadn't been up to her was obviously Jensen, and of course Scorpius. That was until just before dinner.

He wrapped his knuckles on her door five times before she moved or said anything. She moved her head slowly up off of her knees, knowing full well who was here- the only person who hadn't been up already that most definitely would be.

"Here to yell at me for upsetting your best friend? Or are you here to gloat? Got what you wanted didn't you?" Rose scowled. She didn't remove from her position, her knees up to her chin and her arms wrapped tightly around her legs.

"Not what I want.... exactly" Scorpius shrugged. He walked into the room, his arms folded across his chest. He dropped one of his arms in order to drag one of the chairs in the room closer to Rose's bed, before sitting on it.

"Well, I broke up with him, doesn't that make you happy?" Rose asked, finally letting go of her legs and crossing her arms across her chest to mock Scorpius subtly. Scorpius nodded, but shrugged again. Rose was confused, she didn't know what he wanted and it annoyed her- it meant there was no way for her to stop it happening. "Well, what do you want then?" Scorpius shrugged again.


Something had exploded in the back garden. Scorpius jumped off the chair to look out the window, causing it to fall over backwards; Rose's head snapped to look out the window beside her. Flames crawled across the garden at top spread consuming everything it their paths- trees, benches, flowers and heading directly towards the house.

"Merlin's beard" Scorpius said. Rose scrambled off of the bed, attempting to back away from the window- not that that would really do anything. Suddenly, Rose felt something on her hand and a pull on her arm, but she was mesmerised by the fire, frozen in confusion.

"Rose!" Scorpius called, tugging at her hand- which was in his. "Rose we need to go- NOW!" Rose suddenly snapped out of her daze, and ran hand-in-hand with Scorpius down the stairs. Victoire and Teddy were running round the house, calling for everyone to drop what they were doing and exit the house immediately. Rose and Scorpius ran. Ran as fast as they could. They burst through the door just as the flames started to consume the back of the house. The gravel scratched at Rose's feet, and she realised she hadn't even stopped to grab some shoes. Plus it was cold, she had no coat, no jacket, nothing. Luckily she had her wand in her jeans pocket, just as always, but aside from that she had virtually nothing. Her red hair whipped about her head as the wind picked up. She looked up at the house to see the flames licking at the roof of the house. Rose felt Jensen's glare on her back, and immediately dropped Scorpius' hand- she had not realised she had clung on to him for so long. She wrapped her arms around her body, her white and blue jersey top didn't do much to warm her, but her light skinny jeans kept her thin legs fairly warm. The flames consumed more and more of the building, and Rose realised she was crying at all the memories she was losing along with the house- please let them save it! She turned to see where everyone was- everyone was staring up at the house, watching more and more flames appear to destroy it. As she looked at everyone she realised people were missing. Where was Teddy? At Niamh! The young girl probably didn't have the first clue on how to save herself. Was she even old enough to start Hogwarts? Rose couldn't remember.

Teddy burst through the front door, pulling Niamh out behind him. They were both covered in soot and Niamh looked a bit scolded but neither was terribly harmed. Victoire and Macie ran to the pair, hugging them and thanking them that they got out.

"We need to go- now!" Teddy yelled- pointing down the street "We will find somewhere safe to go- do not split up!" he nodded at Victoire and started walking in the direction he had pointed. Jensen glared at Rose one more time as she wrapped her arms around her body tighter. He hurried off ahead with Teddy, but Rose was too scared to move. Victoire had not started walking- she was to keep up the back of the group- and neither had Scorpius- he refused to leave without Rose.

"Come on Rose, it'll be alright" Victoire soothed, rubbing her cousin's arm for warmth and consolation. Rose took a deep breath and nodded- everyone had followed Teddy, not thinking twice, except for the three of them. Rose's eyes filled to the brim with tears, skewing her eyesight but she nodded and carried on, staying close to Scorpius so she could feel where she was going. The group walked slowly, as to not draw any attention to themselves- who knows where the death eaters could be hiding. Teddy showed the way and everyone followed, though Jensen stuck by Teddy's side in order to stay as far away from Rose as he could. They kept to the main roads- hoping that, if there were any, the death eaters would not attack in plain sight of muggles. Rose stole a glance back to Grimmauld Place, though she instantly wished she hadn't. The flames had died down but the place was a wreck. Parts of the walls fell crashing into the centre of the building where they were burnt to a crisp- it was falling apart and there was no way to get it back to how it was. Rose began to cry. She wiped the tears from her eyes to stop anybody- Scorpius- seeing her cry, but Scorpius had already seen her. He offered her a kind smile, and shrugged slightly, but didn't say anything as they continued walking.

Rose's feet were beginning to become really sore- how she wished she had stopped to pick up some shoes, she wasn't even wearing socks! Once again the wind picked up and she began to shiver, but carried on walking as she tightened her arms around herself.

They walked for another half an hour before they came across a field that they stopped in- only because of Alice and the Scammander twins' pleads. Although she knew they couldn't stay here, and she dreadfully wanted to just get to their new safe place, Rose was very grateful for the rest. Her feet were beginning to bleed from walking barefooted for so long, and she was practically frozen. She had been crying more or less the whole journey, both because of Grimmauld place becoming tatters and the constant pain she was in because of her feet. She sat with Scorpius in silence as they rested, until Scorpius moved closer to her.

"I'm sorry" Scorpius whispered. Rose looked up. She had gone back into the position she was in earlier, her knees at her chin and her arms around her legs- it was an attempt at both keeping warm and making herself feel better.

"For what?" Rose asked, turning her head towards the boy.

"For Grimmauld Place burning down, for being a dick to you about Jensen, for being selfish, for what you saw in third year" Scorpius shook his head slowly as he looked to the floor.

"It's okay, Scorpius" Rose sighed, though she felt she would never forgive him for what happened in their third year, Rose was not in the mood for an argument right now. When they were warm, she had shoes and they were safe- maybe then they could argue again. Besides, it was more or less inevitable. But Scorpius looked shocked.

"Wait, what? Seriously? You don't want to talk?" He asked, confused at the way the girl had acted.

"Seriously Scorp, it's okay. I haven't forgiven what happened third year but I'm not arguing right now. I'm not it the mood. I'm cold, tired and in pain" Rose sighed, before hiding her head behind her knees. Suddenly, she felt something drop beside her. She looked up to see Scorpius' shoes lying next to her. "Wh-what?" she asked, confused.

"Sorry I don't have a coat to give you" Scorpius sighed, before laying down and closing his eyes softly. It took a while for Rose register what happened, but she didn't stop him. She pushed the Timberlands on her feet with ease, and although they were much too big for her, she knew she would be thankful. Ten minutes later Teddy announced that they were to start walking again. He had sent an owl to all the safe houses nearby, and just had a reply. They were off to the Malfoy Manor.

A/N Whoo! Getting interesting? (I hope!) Please vote if you enjoyed and please leave a comment about what you think will happen at the Malfoy Manor! Thank you!

-Elise x

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