Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N So there is a lot of new characters in this chapter. And I now realise that the majority of them are probably not exactly needed... But creating new characters is one of my favourite things to do so I may have gone a little overboard... Oh well. Enjoy!

They walked for another hour before they stopped again. They were all aching and cold, and the sun was beginning to set. Rose was so thankful for Scorpius' boots, and felt bad for him having to walk just in his socks. They had stuck together and repeatedly tried to warm each other up- and though their efforts didn't really work they were thankful that they were trying. They stopped in a hidden field, which was where they were to apparate to the Malfoy manor. Scorpius had opted to take a couple of people and Narcissa had promised to apparate to this spot with some of the older ones from the house to take everyone else to the Manor. Teddy sent Scorpius off with Rose and Alice to alert Narcissa that they were ready.

"When you're ready, Scorpius" Teddy nodded. Scorpius nodded back, took Rose's and Alice's hands and apparated to his home. They arrived in the living room, where Narcissa, Albus Potter and Frank Longbottom were ready waiting for them. Rose ran to hug her cousin, just as Alice had run to hug her brother. All the other people in the safe house had been ordered to stay in the second living room- Narcissa explained- with the oldest boy, whose name was Hunter, taking care of them.

Slowly, the rest of Rose's group joined them in the Malfoy Manor, and Rose was able to relax and take in her surroundings. Albus had been right, the Manor actually seemed pretty nice. The rooms were bright and colourful- though, Rose had to admit, majorly green and silver rather than any other colours. Though Rose didn't mind, she still couldn't shake her Gryffindor pride- why should anyone else be forced to shift their house pride? Narcissa allowed the rest of the household back into the main living room, and they became acquainted with the newcomers.

The first person Rose spoke to was Hunter- whose full name was Hunter Sebastian Carmody, the boy who had been in charge whilst they were waiting for the newcomers. He was tall, pale and extremely thin- making him look very fragile- perhaps the opposite to what he actually was. He was 24 and almost 25- something he was very glad of as he told of his annoyance of being stuck in "this hell hole"; he wanted to fight, because he wanted to be away from everybody. He had pale blonde hair to match his pale skin, and stern grey eyes. He wore black-rimmed glasses along with his smart yet fashionable attire- a white long-sleeved shirt tucked into grey trousers and black shoes. He seemed like a very harsh person and despite his good looks, Rose immediately found a disliking for the boy.

The next people she spoke to were twins Jet and Kit Selman. Rose recognised the first twin to talk: Jet, as she had heard her name and seen her around Hogwarts every now and again as she was only 3 years younger than her, the same age as Lily and Hugo. Jet was very slim and not at all muscular, she didn't have a figure but she was fine with it- something Rose found somewhat odd, as though she was skinny, she absolutely loved having a figure. Jet was very pretty, but not my normal standards- she had black hair and almost a perfectly round face. She was extremely pale with almost icy grey eyes and plump red lips. Jet explained that she was very supportive of her sibling, and they spend as much time together as possible. Kit, too, was somewhat small but very good looking. They were slim but with a bit of muscle- especially compared to their sister. They didn't have much of a figure but they didn't again, didn't care- though Rose understood this time. Kit had less of a rounded face than Jet, but their black hair was shaved at the sides and a lot shorter than Jet's on top. Rose also realised she had heard of Kit, remembering the stories of the "weird no-gendered girl", and Rose felt very bad for listening to those stories. Rose found a herself eagerly listening to everything the twins had to say, and was excited to get to know them more later.

Then Rose met Nova Lancaster, the seventeen year-old. Nova was a tall, slim girl with a fair amount of muscle and no figure- something she explained she hated about herself. She had an olive tone to her pale skin- which she explained was due to her Greek decent. Nova had shaved her shoulder length dark-red hair on one side which matched well with her extremely dark brown eyes- Rose had to look twice to realise they were not actually black, just very dark brown. Nova was very obviously a pessimist, and got annoyed at a lot whenever she was speaking- or even when she wasn't. Rose didn't recognise the girl, but when she realised how angry she got easily, she remembered hearing stories about her from Lily and Hugo- not that she told Nova this. Nova explained that she didn't really try in any of her subjects aside from defence against the dark arts- which she thoroughly enjoyed. Nova explained that she liked to play the piano, so if, whilst she was staying here, Rose heard the piano, it was probably going to be her.

Ailbe Jaelynn Green was the next person to come over to her- to come skipping over to her. The fifteen year old girl was slender but with a visible figure. Her skin was obviously naturally tanned though she was not overly dark. She had long brown hair that had been ombréd- something that was probably introduced by a muggleborn friend. Ailbe's chocolate eyes were covered with large glasses that she said she couldn't see a thing without. She was wearing a collared crop top and a pair of disco pants that looked surprisingly very good on her, though it isn't a combination many people would think of. Ailbe had a very bubbly and kind personality- which vaguely reminded Rose of Luna, though it was more toned down than Luna's personality. Ailbe explained that she liked to read- which made Rose very excited at the thought of having someone new to talk to about books.

Lastly, Rose met Evangeline (who stated she would prefer to be called either Eva or Lina- Rose decided Eva was nicer) Rosaire. The girl was very short with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She explained that her darker skin tone was due to her mother being Hispanic- before breaking out into speaking in Spanish, just because she decided she wanted to show off. Eva then went on to talk about how much she loved books, and how she valued her classwork- something that Rose instantly loved about the girl.

After Rose had met everyone- there was only eight people in the house (excluding Narcissa) and Rose already knew Frank and Albus- Rose took a seat on the green sofa beside her cousin- deciding the need for a good catch up.

Yeah, so this chapter's pretty slow, just a filler really. I hope you enjoy it anyway, and here's new characters for you to form an opinion on! Write in the comments what you think each person's going to be like, and if so far you like them or dislike them! Also, you can see who I imagine to play these new characters in the cast! Please vote if you enjoyed and I'll see you next week! Ta!

-Elise x

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