Chapter 1

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The sun bled through the curtains and hit my face. The reason for that specific curtain was to block sun out, but it's not doing it's job. Fifty dollars well spent.

I groaned into my pillow. I didn't want to get up yet but sooner or later I'd have to. Turning over in bed, I peered over to find Darron not there. He probably went out again. Darron is my current boyfriend, I should say. We met a few weeks after my break up with- his name isn't important. Anyway, we started hanging out more and before I knew it we were in this relationship. It's already been two years.

I'm not going to lie. No relationship I've ever had, I don't think will ever have, can compare to me and what's-his-face. I don't say his name often because Darron doesn't like it, but you know who I'm talking about.

That relationship was just, perfect. One of my bests and fucking it up was one of my worst mistakes. However, now that I think about it, after we broke up I expected karma to be a bitch and ruin my life, but instead it made it better.

Last year, I got a promotion that pays way more than what I was being paid before. Now, I live in a nicer house than what I used to live in. (The one I got evicted from, not the mansion. I will never afford something better than that). It has an upstairs, three bedrooms, a living room, a game room, a huge backyard and a few other little details. I love it.

And Jane? Jane is going to be nine in a few weeks. She's an A student in a nearby school, which I hope she keeps up when the school year starts back up, and is also in soccer. As a mother, I'm insanely proud, And she still has a long life ahead of her. Hopefully, she'll make me more proud.

Speaking of Jane, I feel she's forgotten all bout you-know-who. I mean, she's heard his name be said on the tv, but she doesn't ask about him or stress about it. Not saying she particularly enjoys Darron more, but I think she's just put all those memories behind her. As I have learned to do the same.

Who else have I left out? Oh yea, Sean. He's off the radar. No one knows where he is, or what he's doing. Police have tried to track him down many times, but he's no where to be found. I've learned he's good at doing that. It, however, doesn't bother me one bit.

I felt it was time to get out of bed. My stomach was growling loudly at me, telling me I need to eat soon. There was no use in staying in bed any longer anyway. I pulled the covers off and walked along the cold floor and out bedroom door. Down the glossy wooded stairs, and turned the corner.

I began walking into the kitchen. I was surprised to see Darron sitting in a chair at the small kitchen table, reading the newspaper.

"Goodmorning, babe," he said, flipping to the next page.

"Morning," I said, looking down.

I opened the fridge and began looking for the eggs or something to make breakfast with.

"You didn't go to the store last night did you?" I asked him, staring into the, for the most part, empty fridge. He had said he was going to go to the store for me and get food since I worked late and couldn't do it myself.

"I was busy," he blatantly replied, still staring at the newspaper.

"Finding a job, I hope," I rolled my eyes, and closed the fridge.

Darron is unemployed, and when we met he was in a tough spot. I took him in after we started dating, but I made him promise to actually get a job and start pitching in. Now here we are two years later, and he's still unemployed.

"Listen Daya I'm working on it alright! Just stop pushing me 'cause I can push back," he fired, not looking up from the paper.

I was about to say something, when Jane walked into the kitchen. She was still in her pajamas and had her straight hair in a messy bun. Her greenish eyes that she got from her father glistened in the morning sun. Jane looked hesitant to take another step, and she glared up at Darron. His eyes shifted towards her, then right back to the newspaper.

"What do you need?" I asked her, leaning against the counter.

"Mom, I'm hungry," she said, crossing her arms over her stomach.

I nodded my head,"Me too. I'm gonna go to the store and get some stuff."

Slowly, I strutted out of the kitchen and off to my bedroom. Sometimes, I wonder about Darron. Some people just dont know the real him, unlike me. There's more to him than his scruffy hair and midnight shadow. He has good intentions, most of the time.

I instead detoured away from my bedroom and to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I walked in and closed the door, I took a good look in the mirror. I had the same long curly hair I've always had. I'm starting to let it loose more often, mainly because I've learned to tame the beast. My eyes suddenly focused on a scar I had on the corner of my lip. That thing still hasn't disappeared yet?

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