Chapter 8

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Life works in the strangest ways. One minute, you could drive the love of your life miles away from you. So far, you believe you'll never see them again. Then the next minute, there they are, offering you shelter from the arms of a man who harms you.

I found myself lurking through the quiet halls of the mansion. A curious soul, and a curious mind. I had no idea why I was wondering. I got bored of just laying down in the room, so I decided to revisit some parts of the house.

Silently, I creeped around the large rooms that were on the first floor. There were many rooms, one or two of which were dedicated to photos and beautiful sculptures and furniture. They seemed to be more of viewing rooms than of comfort. And thus, I found my self viewing.

The pictures ranged. From big to small, old to new. From photos taken off guard, to full on photoshoots. Some of nature, others of people.
My eyes glanced around, and found a photo in particular. It seemed to be an older photo. For some reason, looking at it made my stomach churn and twist in knots. The photo was of Marshall, and his first love Kim. I mean, the photo was cute, but it just wasn't cute to me. He had both his arms slung around her shoulders, and they both had a smile on their faces.

The frame bordered around it was a gold, aztec design. But along the bottom, it read True Love. I cringed to myself. How did Marshall keep that photo displayed in his house knowing they weren't together?

"I remember the first time I found you snooping," announced Marshall.

I jetted around to find Marshall leaning against the entrance of the room, which was a doorway without a door. My face flushed to a pale color and I just looked at him.

Marshall shot some air out of his nose, realizing I was flushed from embarrassment. He began walking over to me, arms crossed and a playful smile spread across his face. He had a smile, until he noticed what photo I was staring at.

"Why are you looking at this photo?" He sighed and turned the portrait face down so you couldn't see it anymore.

I closed my eyes as sunshine shone threw the window and hit my face. My shoulders shrugged.

" you miss her?" I asked him, tilting my head away and my eyes still closed.

"Sort of-" he paused mid sentence.

Suddenly, my body felt numb. Even though he only said "sort of" it still ment some part of him wanted Kim back. Why did I feel like that?

"-but not enough to want her back," he continued, his feet shuffling in place.

I nodded my head. Then, he suddenly took a deep breath.

"Daya, I don't think you've realized what I've been trying to tell you, since we first reconciled our friendship," he blurted out, eyeing me.

"Huh?" I mumbled, meeting him halfway on the stare.

I already had been staying there for a week. Throughout the week, it had been sort of awkward between Marshall and me. We would always we staring at eachother and talking about relationships when we were alone. It got the wheels in my brain turning, turning and it made me think that we were flirting in a different way.

His feet brought him a few steps closer to me, to where we were only inches apart.

"I mean, Daya," he took one of my hands into his, and just looked at it planely. "I miss you,"

That upcoming beat my heart was suppose to catch was missed by a mile.

"And I know what you did was terrible, but I can't help but look past it. You know-" he paused again.

My opposite hand, the one he wasn't holding, was trembling at me side, and he stepped another inch closer. His blue eyes were on mine for a few seconds, which only made my spine tingle more.

"I hate to say it, but I still love you," he admitted softly.

I took a long breath, it shaking as it escaped. He can't still love me. If he does, all I'll do is put him in danger.

"Marshall, I'm sorry. You can't love me," I informed him.

He stared up at me, hurt by my expression. "But why can't I?"

I shook my head, releasing his hand.

"You just can't, ok!? I'll just hurt you again," I spat, crossing my arms.

Deep down, I knew he wanted to say something back to me, but was maybe trying to find the right words. But I couldn't stay there. I just fled the small room. Where I was going? I had no idea. There was no where to go but to the guest bedroom.

So I darted back up to that room, hoping Marshall wasn't following me back up. I hated having to say all that. I must have had an attachment growing for him, because it hurt me to say it like it hurt him to hear it.

I made it to the room, and the moment I got in there I plopped on my back on the cloud for a bed. From all the worry or whatever feeling I had telling Marshall he couldn't love me, I didnt realize my eyes had been crying this entire time.

There was a knock on the door. I already knew it was Marshall, so I just said "Come in," with my voice making it obvious I was crying.

The door opened, and his figure appeared in front of it. I covered my eyes with my hands, making an effort to cover my most likely red eyes.

"Daya, can we talk?" he asked. 

"I guess," I mumbled, sitting up and removing my hands from my face.

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed, not sitting too close. I folded my hands on my lap. Neither of us were saying anything, even though we had so much to say.

Rather than sit in silence, I opened my mouth and repeated,"Marshall, you can't love me."

He still had a sad face on, maybe or maybe not half confused. We weren't even dating anymore and I was still hurting him.

"It's too late for that Daya," he said.

I sighed quietly, biting the inside of my cheek. Biting my cheek had become my new habit when I was anxious or scared.

My head shaking, I responded,"I'm gonna hurt you! It's like everything I touch I destroy!"

My eyes got hot and glassy again. He kept looking down at his lap.

"Daya, believe me. You don't destroy everything-" he scooted over closer to me.

"You change them."

I looked back up at him, his blue eyes glistening back at me.

"And maybe you made a mistake, but nobody is perfect. I'm still gonna miss you," he continued on.

It made me smile. Everything he said. Even though I knew I was going to fuck this all up.

"I miss you too," I cracked, my dumb smile creeping on me.

Marshall smiled back, and that smile was worth a thousand words that I can't describe. His eyes kept staring at my face, at all the bruises and scars that I'd forgotten were even there. My eyes to my lips. Just everything.

"Do I have permission to kiss you?" he whispered.

I laughed on the inside, and out. "Yes."

I pulled him in close, and placed my lips on his. The energy rushed through my body, the same one that existed when we were dating. Only now it felt stronger, and more alive. And that's not good. His soft lips pressed a bit harder against mine, but it just made the experience more vivid.

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