Chapter 16

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Marshall and I laid there staring at the tv screen, pondering about the movie.

"That was the worst ending ever!" Marshall complained.

I chuckled at his disappointment. The movie did end terribly; the movie itself was a train wreck. The plot was unexplainably confusing, the characters were all cliches, and it was so horrible that it was kind of comedic.

"I give it two stars," I laughed.

"I'd give it zero."

I nodded my head in agreement, and we both laid there quietly. It was early in the night, about 8:00. We were alone in the mansion and decided to just spend some time together since we rarely did.

We continued there in silence until Marshall rolled over to face me instead. He sat his goregous ocean blue eyes on me.

"So, what now?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to watch another movie. One was enough, and I wasn't much of a movie junkie any how. I was more of reader; I enjoyed reading books more because they are always very descriptive and captivating when you get to imagine it on your own.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him.

I looked into his eyes and saw something different. I saw want, hunger for something. I learned then what it was as he slowly leaned in and placed his lips on mine. Our lips danced together as his hands roamed freely onto my hips and thighs. When he gripped onto me, I hesitantly pulled away from him.

He parted his face farther from mine, and sighed rather loudly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him.

He nodded his head and kept looking at me. The way he looked at me made me feel bad and regret for saying no. I craved more, and I was wishing that I could just have him finally, let him have his way with me, but instead my mind had decided to strike against it.

"Babe," Marshall mumbled. He said it in a smooth voice that sounded like it was dipped in honey. He kept his hands gripped onto my waist and stayed staring at my dark brown eyes. "I promised you I would never hurt you, I'm here to protect you. You don't have to be afraid of me."

I stayed looking up at him and stayed quiet. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He's like the knight and I'm the princess that he must always protect. He will throw his life on the line, like he had once before, to make sure I was safe. That's the kind of man he was. He showed the love and affection and protection he longed to recieve.

As he was still staring down at me, my finger tips trailed up his large biceps and stopped at the back of his neck. I gave him a nod, that signaled that it was okay to go on.

"Are you sure, baby?"

I nodded my head again. Mentally, I was still nervous and not ready for this part of a relationship. However physically, I needed him more than I needed water to drink, or air to breathe. I didn't realize how much I craved him until he rested his lips on mine and kissed me with a passion that I hadn't felt in a while.

He leaned in deeply and rolled over so his overly-dominating body was hovered over mine. As he continued to kiss my lips, his hands gently traveled around my upper and lower body like it was his prized possession.

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