Chapter 19

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The cringe worthy hospital room made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. We were visiting my dad again. It's been the same people every time; Marshall, Lelieda, her husband, John, and me, all just waiting and talking to him.

I was sitting in a cushioned wooden chair, looking at my dad as he spoke to my brother in law. They were talking about how he never had given John his blessing to marry Lelieda. Of course, they wouldn't have wanted it but to humor him they played along.

Marshall was leaning against the back of my chair, his arms wrapped around me giving me a backwards hug.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was just so madly in love with your daughter, I didn't think to ask for your blessing. I just wanted to get right into it," John explained to my dad.

I saw Lelieda blush to herself next to them, a tiny smile appearing. Her and John had been together for an ongoing of fifteen years. Through thick and thin. I hoped my marriage was as strong theirs.

"It's okay John, you're a good man. You have my blessing from now on," my dad whispered because he was not able to talk any louder.

They laughed a little. I didn't think it really mattered whether or not my dad gave them the blessing or not. Regardless of what he would think, they would still be together like they had been. My dad looked back over at Marshall and me. He had curiosity in his dull, brown eyes as he examined Marshall.

"And you, Marshall, what are your intentions for my little girl?" he asked.

I felt my throat burn for a few seconds out of nervousness. It almost freaked me out to have heard him word the question in such a way. We weren't teenagers; we were adults. Marshall straightened himself up and looked back at him.

"Well what do you mean?" he was fumbling over some of his words. He was nervous too. Marshall was so honorable and old fashioned that he really would want the acceptance of my father, unlike other men.

My dad chuckled to himself, and then replied,"Well, what are you're thoughts on marriage and such? How do you feel?"

I shifted awkwardly in my seat, wishing I was anywhere else but in that silent hospital room.

"I mean, I don't know about marriage yet," he began. Before continuing, he linked his hand with mine. "but I definitely do love her."

Ilooked down at our intertwined fingers and couldn't help but glow with appreciation. My father, however, wasn't glowing with appreciation. He was dull and didn't look very amused by what he was saying.

"A few weeks into a relationship and you're already in love? I never knew Eminem would be one of those boys," he stated.

Marshall looked very displeased by that statement. I myself was very taken back by such a phrase, especially about Marshall, whom he barley knew.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marshall sounded offended, but also curious as to what he meant.

"Oh, well you seemed like the type to just bail on a woman the second the word 'love' is mentioned. Hell, I never could've pictured you in a relationship, the way you spoke about women."

"Dad-" Lelieda started.

Marshall looked around the room, trying to find something to say.

"Well, sir, this isn't the first time we've ever been together. We had a long term relationship about two years ago, but things didn't quite work out," he explained.

"Ha! You cheated?" my father joked in a harsh manor.

Actually it was I who technically cheated, but I knew Marshall wouldn't throw me under the bus like that, not right now.

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