Chapter 25

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The tention grew as Marshall just stood there. Everyone was staying silent because nobody knew what they were supposed to say; it was awkward. Marshall crossed his arms over his abdomen.

"Oh, hey babe," I said to him, looking down.

His eyes burned through me. They were filled with fury. I just hoped that he could keep it inside long enough until Sean left because if Marshall exploded. he was the one who would be in trouble.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interupt anything," Marshall fired crossly.

It was silent again. He stood staring at the doorway, frustrated, and it was written along his face. I wanted to stand up and defend Sean, but at the same time I wanted to run away and be alone.

Sean suddenly cleared his throat. He scratched the back of his neck and began speaking.

"Look, Marshall-"

"I don't wanna hear it from you," Marshall cut in. He took one step into the room.

I just stared at Marshall but he paid no mind to it. Suddenly, Sean got up off the couch, flattened out his shirt and was walking towards him. At least that was what I thought until he veered away from Marshall and went to the front door. I heard it swing open and slam shut. I was able to breathe finally, but I knew just because he left that it did not mean Marshall would not chew me out.

Marshall walked over to where I was sitting. His footsteps were more of marches, very heavy. He stared down at me like an angry parent scolding their young child who did wrong.

"Care to explain why the fuck he was here!?" he raised his voice louder than it was a minute ago.

I flinched a little, the loud yelling surpising me. There was not a word to describe my feeling right now. I was frightened; I was angered; I was annoyed.

"I...uh-" I stuttered not that loud. I was looking at my lap. Everything I wanted to say I shouldn't, everything I should say I couldn't. All I was able to do was sit there like I didn't know how to speak.

He scoffed loudly. He uncrossed his arms and began storming up the stairs.

"When you're ready to talk, I'll be upstairs!" he called out, half way up the steps already.

Last thing I heard was our bedroom door slam shut loud. It felt like the whole mansion shook from it. He was really angry

I felt like bursting into tears, yet I felt like hiding. Then I also felt like breaking shit to ease my anger. I understood why he was getting a little mad but did he really have to react like that? Just run away and leave me here thinking I was the one who did him wrong; suddenly the outrage took over.

Before I even knew what I was doing I was marching up the stairs loudly, letting him know I was heading up. I stormed into the room. He was standing up by his closet, no shirt on and was about to throw on a different one. He stopped in his track and just looked up at me.

"Are you ready to talk?" he almost mumbled but in a harsh way.

I took one large breath, and I slowly exhaled but it shuttered with anger.

"Don't you dare start, Marshall! You're all mad and you don't even know why he was here!"

He just looked blankly at me. Again, his arms crossed across his bare stomach. "Alright then start explaining."

Now there was no emotion being read on his face. It was just as blank as a piece of paper; he was all ears.

"Look, I invited him over to talk about his visitations with Jane," I began.

The moment I said that, I was able to read his face again. It was back to anger and frustration. He slammed shut the closet door and angrily walked over to the edge of the bed. Now I was just blankly staring.

"You're actully going to let him visit your daughter after what he's done?" he said in question. He was  pacing around. Now I was getting angry because he was getting  pissy without a reason and the anger exploded from me.

"He's changed! You would know if you just listened to me and stopped being a little bitch about it!" I screamed to him.

I didn't mean what I said, but the anger spilled over and I couldn't help it, but I wasn't going to step down. As much as I, myself, didn't like what was said, I stood my ground.

The second the words "little bitch" rolled off my tongue, Marshall's face immediately dropped and he stared at me. The sunlight suddenly seeped into the room, making it lighter, light enough to read his face more, and it definitely read surpise.

Marshall looked as if he was biting his tongue as he began walking over towards me. There he stood, right infront of me. "What did you call me?"

He had a mellow voice. I was looking up at his dark blue eyes, dialated and staring back down at me. I knew what he was doing. He was analyzing me because he can tell; just by looking at me he knew what I was feeling and what I wanted to say.

"Forget it," I mumbled under my breath.

I went to turn and walk out and give him some space, but when I turned to walk he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. This time, we were closer than we were. Our chests were touching, and I felt his rapid breathing.

"I never knew you had it in you to call me a little bitch," he began saying to me. He let go of my wrist, and they dropped to my sides along with his hands. "I kinda like this fiesty side, turns me on," he finished in a whisper.

At that point I felt like pushing him away, but I was so drawn in I couldn't. "Don't Marshall I'm fucking pissed at you."

He just laughed slightly to himself. "I'm pissed at you too but also horny. Bad mix am I right?" He growled near my ear.

He had these weird mood changes. The slightest action could change everything about his feelings. Right now, he had a terrible mix of emotions that could lead to nothing good.

I squirmed around in his arms, trying to get out. He pulled me much closer to him, yet it wasn't as forceful as usual. Marshall kissed my neck softly and delicately like I was fragile enough to break.

"Marshall we need to talk about this first!" My voice was raising. I didn't like the idea he was mustering up, not one bit

"Alright then let's talk-" he mumbled loud under his breath so I could hear him.

He picked me up and held my legs around his waist. He walked towards the bed, still leaving  feathery kisses on my neck. Once we reached the bed he layed me down and pinned my arms above my head.

"Why do you want him to see Jane?" he asked, as he lowered his head and began running his hand up my shirt.

I bit my lip to stop a moan from escaping my mouth.

"Because he really has changed, he went through all this stuff to be able to see her."

Marshall unbottoned my shirt and tugged it off hard, tossing it to the side. His hands ran around my stomach, breasts, and back as he connected our lips very passionately.

"I don't believe it-" he said in between kisses. He stopped kissing me, and looked up at me. His eyes were no longer dark and intense, but back to their bright color. "-but I don't wanna keep a father from his daughter."

He was hovering over me, only an inch of space between our bodies and slightly thrusting his hips in between my legs with his jeans still on. I rolled my head a little and basically moaned,"Thank you,"

Marshall went in for another kiss, biting very lightly on my bottom lip and slowly began leaving a trail of kisses down my body till he got to the waist band of my sweats. He teased me with his fingers through my pants, probably just because he was still mad. The shit he does to me, I swear I hate it. Then again, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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