Chapter 10

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It was very awkward to get back into the swing of things. The way things were when Marshall and I were together. I couldn't make my mind up as to whether or not I'd just go upstairs and sleep in his bed or stay in the guest room. It wasn't that I didn't want to lay next to him again, watch tv with his large and protective arms around my shoulders. I just got overly nervous and backed out.

He gestured it multiple times, hinting for me to come to bed with him, but I would respond "No thanks, I'm comfortable here" or just simply "I'm not ready"

Now I was not talking about sex. I was talking about the idea sharing a bed in itself. As much as I wanted to be next to him, I still didn't want to rush it because I was being my indenial self. I still believed that by the next day, Marshall would think he'd made a huge mistake and tell me we wouldn't be together. I walked around with the idea of him regretting everything snd being unhappy; no matter how many times he told me he didn't regret anything.

However, that bed thing changed the night before. It, however, wasn't exactly for the best reason. For a few nights, I had been having night terrors. Not just any, dreams of Darron. My paranoia was eating my alive; my conscience was creating scenarios in my mind of the lengths he may go to find me.

But I'd never had one so vivid, so realistic that it made me scream and wake up panicked.

I was walking down some hallway, it seemed familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on where it was from. All I heard was bitter-sweet whispers, all in the sound of Darron's raspy voice. Everything being said, every word and every phrase was being narrated in his voice, and the only thing I was seeing was that long corridor.

I had gotten some shivers and hairs stood on the back of my neck. Shadows had begun to appear drastically around me. Still whispers, and more shadows.

After what seemed like an eternity of shadows and eerie whispers, all that flashed through my mind was the memories, upon memories of all he did to me. Every beating, every word, and everything he's done to me. Just passing by like the gusts of wind.

The part that made me scream, almost loud enough to wake the whole Michigan state, was when my creepy mind began forming a new scene; it was of what Darron was going to do if he had ever found me. I will not go into detail, for the sake of myself. But let's just say if whatever happened in my dream became a reality, I wouldn't be alive.

Anyway, when I shot up screaming, I had looked around the room, very confused. I forgot where I was, what I was doing, the day, I even forgot who I was. I was just grasping the blanket tightly around myself, almost on the brink of tears. Everything was quite and I was shaking.

Soon enough, the guest room door flew open. In came Marshall rushing in, seeming extremely worried as to why I screamed.

"Daya, what happened?" he urged, sitting down besides me on the bed.

My eyes shifted down to the floor besides me. My shoulders were shuttering and my fingers were trembling.

"It-it's just another nightmare, I guess," I had stuttered, cracking my finger. I seemed to do that whenever I got scared, like how I bit the inside of my cheek when I was anxious.

Marshall just caressed my cheek softly, making my seemingly petrified face relax. I was exhausted once more, and you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know Marshall was too.

"Are you going to be okay?" he whispered, eyeing be slightly.

Slowly, I just nodded my head yes. I was sort of okay. It was just that I had felt like it was actually going to happen, that all of the events weren't just figures of my imagination, but the drastically dangerous future that was to come.

"As long as you're okay. I'm going back to bed okay?" he moved in and kissed my forehead.

We had our hands linked the entire time. As he stood up, his hand slowly was brushing away. I had no idea what had come over me, but it caused me to grasp his hand tightly just before it slipped away.

He stared down at our hands, and had a small, confused look on his face. I made the bold move of asking, but I still had no idea where the sudden urge came from.

"Wait-" I had paused, looking exactly where he was looking, which was at our conjoined hands that were only seconds from coming apart.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking back at me.

I took a long, deep breath and looked up at his eyes, that in that lighting looked like the color of grey storm clouds.

"Could you stay here, but only until I fall asleep?" I had asked.

I heard him laugh to himself, and even in the dakrness of the room at 2:30, with only the gibbus moon's light, I could see his smile.

"Of course," he answered.

He got back down on the bed and had crawled under the covers with me. The next thing I remember was just me laying down next to him, with his arm around my body. I closer my eyes and slowly fell asleep, then all together

Of course, knowing Marshall, he didn't actually leave when I fell asleep. To be honest, he might of fell asleep before I did, but what are you going to do? I knew he would have stayed the rest of the night there anyway.

I was sitting down in the living room, bored out of my mind. Jane was at her friends house as usual. They're like sisters. Connected at the hip. Marshall was somewhere in the house. Suddenly, I heard my cell phone ringing next to me. For a minute, I stood debating whether or not I should answer or not, until I saw it was Lelieda.

Ever since that day, the day where all hell broke loose, I have had nothing to say to her. And she's obviously had nothing to say to me. This call had to be of importance if she was calling, because I was positive she wouldn't call me for any other reason.

I grabbed the phone and picked it up cautioulsy.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Daya, you need to get over to the hospital NOW," commanded my brother in law, John.

My heart jumped for a moment. "Wait, why? Did Lelieda get hurt?!" I asked, starting to worry.

I'll admt, I hate her, and I will constantly wish she'd get hit by a bus, but I never actually will mean it. She's my sister, I have to love her.

"No Daya Lelieda is fine. It's.." he was reluctant to continue.

"It's what! John what's going on!" I basically screamed into the reciever.

I was becoming anxious again, and you know what that means. I couldn't understand why people stop themselves from talking when they're about to tell someone something important. I do it, but I was asking in general.

I heard Marshall turn into the room. He probably heard me scream a man's name and became curious. His eyes showed it, as he walked over to my tense self with clenched fists.

"Daya, it's your dad," he continued finally.

I probably would have dropped my phone, but luckily I had a good enough grip to make sure I didn't. "Wh-what?" I stuttered.

I haven't seen my dad since I was seven. He disappeared on me and my sister and mom to get some "alone time". Now here I am, years later, hearing that he's in the hospital, and never once had I heard from him.

"He..he isn't doing well at all. He's very sick and has requested to see you," John continued.

I was shaking my head furiously. My eyes burned like fire, and I felt outraged. How is it that a guy who disappeared on me would want to see me as his last wish? It made no sense. As angry as I was, I was still going to accept the invite

Marshall stepped over closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and patiently waiting for me to tell him what's going on. "I-I'll be there soon."

I hung up the phone and just stared off into space. His story is just like Sean's. He left, and never returned, until the randomest time. The question echoed in my mind; Why does he wanna see me?

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