Chapter 15

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The lights shone brightly around me and the adults, who were all gathered at the tables. The child invitees were all linked up together in the center of the ginormous ballroom floor. The room was covered with mirrors, and it was filled with beautiful chandeliers. There was a stero propped up on the opposite side, playing music off a playlist. Blue and purple ballons were hung all around and a white banner sat near the entrance that read in beautiful cursive "Happy Birthday, Jane."

I had hired some people to make this look like a nice, simple party room for a nine-year-old's birthday party. Needless to say, Jane adored the decorations and could not stop boasting about it to her friends.

I was sat at a table that mirrored the empty floor where Jane, her friends, and cousins were playing and dancing. They were chasing each other, hiding, and busting their own little moves to the music. At my table, it was my long time best friend and god-mother of Jane, Mary-Ann, her new lover, Elijah, Marshall, and me. We just watched the kids and caught up with each other.

As I went to take a sip of the water, I glanced over and noticed Marshall pulling down his cap. The entire time we'd been there, which hadn't been that long either, he'd been pulling down his cap and blocking his face. Staff members were continuously pointing at him and gasping. I was sure he regretted ever coming, and he would have left if this weren't for Jane.

"Marshall, you can go home if you want," I told him, resting my hand on his lap.

He nodded his head, "I can't disappoint Jane like that. Besides, they're just pointing. It could be worse."

I patted his lap. I loved how he was toughening it out for her. She didn't understand that he needed to be careful when going around in public. He only knew a fraction of the people at the party, but everyone knew him and kindly showed him respect. They all knew he was with me, and he was family nonetheless, so they treated him like it.

The party went on. The music was blaring so loud you could feel the vibration from under your feet. Almost everyone was dancing because the song was too catchy to not get up and dance to. Even Marshall was up dancing, but it took some convincing.

When the song started, Jane hurried over to our small table and grabbed Marshall's arm.

"Come on, Marshie! Come dance with me!" she urged.

There were already a few adults and kids on the dancefloor, and it was constantly piling up with more feet. Marshall started shaking his head no, and Jane gave him her little puppy dog eyes that she only used when she didn't get what she wanted.

"Please, Marshie? It's my birthday."

She kept frowning and squeezing his arm and cuddling up against him. He couldn't keep saying no, and he finally gave in.

"Fine, just a little," Marshall sighed.

He stood up and let Jane lead him not to far away from where we were. I wouldn't stop smiling at them. She danced around him, he guided her hand and span her around once or twice, all while moving around a little himself.

"He handles her so well," Mary-Ann leaned over and whispered.

"I know he does. He's a good father."

"He treats her like she's his own." She nudged me lightly and watched along with me. I caught Marshall smiling at Jane during the song, and it warmed my heart to the touch.

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