Chapter 29

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Together we drove home, worn out from the eventful day. We stayed in his secret spot for over an hour, talking about many things, including the way life worked out for us.

We were laying there quietly when he had spoken up suddenly.

"Do you believe in the idea of a soulmate?" he asked. He turned his head over to me.

I looked at him curiously and thought for a few moments. "Yeah, I do. There's always that perfect someone for you in this world."

"I agree."

He began gazing at me adoringly for a short time with kindness in his eyes. I looked back at him, concealing a small blush.

"Do you think you found that perfect someone?" I had said.

"Yeah, I think so."

He grinned at me and slid his hand into mine again. I smiled sweetly at him and cuddled up closer to his arm.

"Me too."

We drove on in silence. I was doing my best to keep my eyes open, but I was constantly dozing off and waking up again every few minutes. I could never sleep on car rides. All the bumps and sounds kept me up. Also, it was almost impossible for me to get comfortable enough without straining my neck. I was slowly drifting back off into a small nap, until suddenly Marshall slammed the break hard; the Escalade holted to a hard stop. My head and body flung foward, but luckily I had my seat belt on and it caught me from flying through the windshield.

In front of Marshall's black car was a small, white Malibu with what appeared to be ten people seated in an unorganized way. He lifted his hand up and waved us off as he sped away quickly. We both sat their in shock. We should've gotten a picture of the license plate, I thought.

My neck began to ache badly. I must had gotten a whip lash from the sudden jerk.

"Are you okay?" Marshall asked panicked.

His breathing was stiff and he looked at me worriedly. I patted his hand lightly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just a little whiplash," I told him calmly. If I was calm, it would show him that he should be calm too.

"I'm sorry, that douchebag sped right in front of the car. I almost hit him! I should of-"

I laughed at his short but adorable rant. He shook his head in displeasure. When I looked at him again I noticed how his eyes were squinting in an uncomfortable way.

"Are you okay?" I asked back, slightly worried.

He looked over at me quickly and said, "I just have a headache from the impact. It'll go away in a few minutes I'm sure."

I nodded my head but I continued to worry. He hides his pain a lot, emotionally and physically. I never knew if it was just a guy thing to be timid about their pain or if it was because they had to much pride. Either way, it worried me. Marshall was the type to lie about pain until he was either laying in a hospital or seconds from falling apart, depending on if it was a physical or mental pain.

We drove the remainder of the ride with caution, keeping our eyes wide open for any reckless driving or rampaging vehicles. After what felt like forever we finally made it back to the mansion. He pulled into the long driveway and parked the car beneath the moonlight. It was around midnight by the time we arrived home, and I was exhausted.

We walked to the door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. I dragged my feet to the coat hanger and hung up my small jacket.

"Why don't you go upstairs? I'll meet you up there in a few minutes," Marshall said.

He slid his hand across my hip and walked over to the kitchen. I tip toed upstairs, being careful not to wake the girls from their sleeps. I slipped into the bedroom and tried closing it quietly but it sounded like a mouse instead.

Today was one of the best days I've had in a while, I thought to myself. I could not remember the last time I had gone out and had a nice night with one person, alone. If Marshall was more of an outing-type person, I'd do this every weekend.

I took the flats off my feet and sat down on the bed. My neck was causing a brutal discomfort and it was almost unbearable. When I would bend my head back as if to look up it would send a wrenching pain throughout my neck. I kept my neck as still as I possibly could while I slid out of the dress and into my soft yoga pants and one of Marshall's t-shirts. I tried to lay down but the movement still caused some pain. I hate whiplash, I thought again.

Marshall shuffled into the room quietly and looked over at me.

"I thought you'd be half asleep by the time I got back up here," he half chuckled.

He kicked of his shoes and sat down beside my unmoving body.

"My neck hurts," I groaned.

He looked at me with a half frown on his face. He them motioned for me to turn my back towards him, to which I did but very stiffly. Placing both thumbs near the center of my neck and his second and third fingers lightly on the sides he gently began to massage the back of my neck where it hurt. I kept still; he applied most pressure where his thumbs were while his other fingers gave half of that pressure on the sides.

"Feeling any better?" he whispered to me.

I could not tell if he was trying to be enticing or helpful; which ever it was I was loving it. He applied more pressure to the massage on my neck for a few minutes longer before I turned towards him.

"I feel a lot better, thank you."

He smirked at me weirdly and I planted a quick kiss on his lips. I then laid down and dove beneath the warm covers. Marshall had gone to the bathroom, changed, and came back in his boxers and another tshirt since I stole the one he used. Quietly he slipped beneath the covers with me. I curled up to his large chest and he laid his arm protectively around my back. Like that we fell right to sleep.

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