Chapter 9

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That kiss may had been one of the best things to have happened in a while. I couldn't say I've had anyone better than him. He had his hand on my cheek, and I had mine wrapped around his neck. He pulled away from the kiss hesitantly. After pulling away, he stared into my eyes with his soft, alurring eyes.

"So, what now?" he questioned, tilting his head sideways slightly.

I just shrugged, not knowing what to say or do. Marshall suddenly leaned back in, but instead of kissing my lips, kissed my neck. I felt weird about it, mainly because I didn't think we were even together yet. A small moan slipped out, before I tried to put a stop to it I fell into a quick euphoric state of pleasure and need.

"Marshall," I tried to say, but it came out as more of a moan once again.

He continued on, moving his lips to every part of my neck he could reach. His soft lips left a feathery sensation at every point and sensitive area he found. As amazing as it had felt, and as far as I wanted to take it, I wasn't going to continue.

"Please, stop-" I tried again, that time it came out in a normal voice.

As soon as I said it, Marshall pulled away. He stayed pretty close, but not as much as he was.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, looking down at my lap.

He took my hands in his. "No, I'm sorry. mixed signals," he joked.

I rolled my eyes, but I had my small natural smile on my face. We kept there for a minute, not exactly looking at each other. Marshall squeezed my hand in his a little tighter. The air around us became still and it felt like we were both lost in our own thoughts, find a way out of the silence that fell upon us and trying to think of the right words.

"So, what are we, now?" he finally spoke, massaging the palm of my hand with his thumb.

Again, I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm just scared I'm going to fuck up again," I told him, still not making direct eye contact.

It hurt to keep pushing him away, but the more I pushed to more he wanted me. It was as if he was drawn to me saying "No" and it made him want me more. Marshall lifted my chin up.

"You won't fuck it up," he reassured.

He then pecked my nose with his lips. I smiled, still looking down. "I guess, we're back together," I said, looking up half way.

A smile grew on Marshall's face. It lit up the dim room, and I enjoyed it. One of the many things I missed about Marshall was his smile. The smile that was as rare as finding a gem in the darkest caves; his smile seemed to always be found in his best times at the darkest hours.

"What's going on here?" Jane poked her head through the door and eyed us curiously.

Marshall and I both looked up at her. He still had this hand in mine, but I doubted she noticed.

"Why are you barging in on an adults private conversation?" Marshall asked, putting on his adult voice to seem in charge.

"Well, I heard voices so I listened in on the conversation," she explained. "So, you guys are back together?"

I began chuckling to myself. It was a serious question, but for some reason I couldn't seriously answer.

"Are we?" Marshall looked down at me, his eyes questioning. I already told him my answer. Maybe he just wanted to hear me say it again.

I took a deep breath and said "Yea, Jane. We are."

Her eyes lit up and she started jumping up and down with joy like a young child who got exactly what they wanted for Christmas. She then clapped her hands together in glee and ran over to us.

"Oh my god!! Yay!" she beamed.

Jane hopped on the bed in between us and began doing a little happy dance to herself. It was cute, and it made both me and Marshall laugh. No matter how old she got, she always was a little kid at heart.

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