Chapter 28

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I would be lying if I were to say that the restaurant was tacky, cliche, and not worth anyone's time

Everything about the restaurant from the food, to the decor, to the live music made it one of the best establishments I had ever visited. But it wasn't like I would ever be able to afford that on my own, unless I didn't recklessly spend for a few months.

We sat in a booth that was fairly remote from the rest of the tables. We had to climb a small set of stairs to get to the table that sat in the center of a small rising, covered by a wall and plants and placed near a window.

"Tell me again how you got these seats?" I asked, trying to resist another piece of bread. I hadn't even gotten the main dish yet.

Marshall laughed and said, "Well, when you're me, you've got connections."

I dragged my finger around the edge of my tall glass of champagne and giggled at his silly remark. Then, as I was hoping I wouldn't, I grabbed a piece of bread for the fourth time, put on a thin spread of butter, and quickly consumed it.

"Calm down, baby, you're gonna ruin your appetite."

He looked at me while concealing a snicker. I rolled my eyes at him and we shared a quick laugh. I listened to the elegant music playing in the background. It was not my style but it was ideal for the occasion.

"You know, I'm so glad we were able to do this," he spoke. He looked at me in an admiring way. I was blushing uncontrollably.

Marshall always gave this look that could make you feel like you were the only thing he could see, or that you're the most goregous thing he laid his eyes on. Regardless, he made you feel gold.

"So am I, Marshall. We never do this."

The kind waiter brought us our food. We both ordered the same thing: a londen broil with baked potatoes and steamed vegetables. Everything was cooked to perfection; it was, hands down, the best meal I had had in a long time. Sadly it was too much for me to eat in one sitting, so I took whatever was left to go. Marshall, however, being the garbage disposal he was, finished almost all of it.

I rubbed my bloated stomach and leaned back against the chair. I felt like a time bomb of a digested masterpiece prepared to explode.

"That was so good," I groaned, "but my stomach is about double in size now.

To that Marshall laughed. "So no dessert?"

I shook my head no and chuckled as he pretended to be mad about it.

"You're so weak!" he exclaimed. "I wanted to split something with you, but you just had to ruin my dream of eating that cheesecake."

I kept laughing. He stirred up a small scene, but very few heads turned towards him. He laughed at his own foolish self, for once. Sometimes, he was so stubborn that he could not just laugh at himself. He must had really enjoyed himself that night to be able to do so.

"So, are we ready?" he said after we laughed for what felt like days.

I nodded my head yes. We stood up from the comfortable chairs; as I threw on my very light sweater, Marshall left a generous tip beneath the menu that told about the special drinks so no one would steal it. I slightly stumbled as I took a step forword. He was quick to catch me but could not resist at poking fun at me in the process.

"Dear God, this is the last time I ever let you drink in public."

I playfully punched him in the arm as we shared yet again another laugh. I could not remember the last time we had laughed that much within a time span of two hours. I guess on a night like that we were able to enjoy ourselves more.

Whilst covering our faces as best we could, we hurried out of the beautiful restaurant and outside into the even more beautiful weather. The air was not too hot nor cold, there was a cooling breeze, and the everglowing moonlight lit up the almost barren streets.

Marshall and I jumped into his Escalade and sat there in silence for a few brief moments. He took a quick peak at his watch and then said, "It's only a quarter to nine."

I was surprised by that. It felt much later than that and by the way the moon was so high in the dark sky it seemed like it was midnight.

"So we're going home?" I asked him.

"Not unless you want to."

I shook my head no. That was the first time in ages we'd been out just the two of us, and I did not want to end the night so early.

"But where else could we go?" I asked again.

He looked out over the car and had on his thinking face. Knowing Marshall, I was sure he did not want to go home yet either. He knew how special this night was to the both of us, and why end such a perfect night so soon?

"I know where we could go," he said with a smirk.

He turned the car on and began pulling out of his parking spot, turning around, and driving out of the parking lot.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll find out."

Interestingly enough, Marshall was a very spontaneous person. He loved surprising others with trips, gifts, parties, and anything in between. I never knew if it was the gratitude on the person's face when they recieved it or the spike in his ego when he accomplished it.

For most of the ride we talked about random topics to fill the silence that usually consumed the ride whole. Mainly we talked about music, different genres, different artists we liked. I learned that he was actually a fan of R&B music, and I had no idea why that surprised me to an extent. He seemed like the type to only be into hip-hop by the way he talked about it.

After driving and talking for about fifteen minutes, Marshall drove down a narrow dirt road that looked like a wider bike trail surrounded by nature. Them we pulled up to an empty field that was surrounded by trees and wildlife. We got a perfect view of the moon and the stars and everything else that happened to wonder around. It was a magnificent sight indeed.

"Wow," was all I could manage to say. I studied the ways the stars were shining, but weren't bright enough to outshine the moon as it glowed with ease in the black night sky.

"I come up here a lot when I need to think. This is kind of my secret place," he admitted.

I looked over at him and saw he was staring at the stars with as much astonishment as I was. He studied the stars just as I did. He looked so philosophical. The way he was sitting up with his seat back and one leg resting on the other, laying his head against his hand. I wished I had a camera to be able to save that moment forever.

"How come you never brought me up here?"

He shifted in his seat, suddenly looking awkward.

"I thought this was kinda weird and...dorky."

I giggled under my breath. It was neither weird nor dorky. It was actually really amazing and beautiful how he found interest in that. I told him just that and his face lit up almost as bright as the stars were. Although the stars were luminating so much that you had to squint when you looked at their brightness and the moon's.

"It's such a pretty night," Marshall said. He looked over at me for the first time since we arrived at this location. "But not as pretty as you."

I once again blushed and gleamed at his sweet comment. He pulled my hand into his, linking our fingers together and squeezing tightly, and placing a quick kiss on the back of my hand. We both sat there quietly for a while, studying the stars with our hands joined together, and slowly my head ending up resting on his shoulders.

You know, they say that if a couple is capable of sitting together without speaking and simply enjoying each other's company that it's a sign for an amazing relationship. That's not a coincidence.

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