Chapter 14

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A child's birthday is the highlight of their entire year next to Christmas. The day they can say they are another year older, another year wiser, and one year closer to the age all eight year olds wish to be. Luckily, today is Jane's special day.

Today, I put aside all events so my attention was strictly on Jane's birthday party, including visiting my dad in the hospital. They said he was getting better, but for some reason I didn't believe them. It was like they were just saying it as protocol. I have been going every day this week while Marshall was at the studio.

Jane's birthday party was at this dance studio that I rented for that day. It was an almost empty room, where the kids can dance around and have space to run and play, and then one end has all the tables of food and dining. She chose this place and surprisingly, but thankfully, it wasn't that expensive.

I was downstairs in the kitchen, cooking up a special breakfast for Jane, but I expected everyone else to ask for some. It was strawberry pancakes with side of blueberries and bacon. I was drooling pools just thinking of it.

Finishing up some of the last pancakes, Marshall began strutting into the kitchen. He had a content smile on his face, taking a large whiff of the sweet smelling air.

"Babe, where did you learn to cook like this?" he leaned against the counter next to me.

I playful slapped his biceps. Even just a light, playful slap was all I needed to feel how much bigger they were.

Marshall snickered to himself, eyeing me. It made me self concious, being I had no idea how much batter, cream, or flour was smeared around my face. That's when Marshall lifted his hand to my cheek and rubbed away some stuff that was on my face.

"Jeez, you make more of a mess on your face than I remember."

Did he just slip a sexual joke into our conversation? He did a small wink and slightly bit his lip. I had then started craving something, and it was no longer that breakfast.

I had to turn away before I got too deep into his eyes and into that conversation. Still, I didn't find myself ready for sex. No matter how much I tried. Literally, I have attempted at pushing myself to get into it, but I always ended up stopping. Never start something you'll never finish, they say.

Suddenly, I heared a pair of footsteps dance into the kitchen.

"I smell pancakes, where are the pancakes?" jumped Jane, looking around frantically for her birthday breakfast.

"It's almost ready, birthday girl!" I smiled.

She danced around the kitchen, kicking her feet around and flailing her arms in different directions as if she were outside and free. But she wad just in Marshall's kitchen, which was reletively the same thing, for they're both very large spaces.

As she jumped one last time, Marshall snuck over and caught her there.

"Marshall!" she giggled, squirming around in mid air.

I couldn't help but just watch the scene.

"Jane!" he jeered back kiddishly. One thing that has never changed about him.

She kept giggling around. "Spin me!!"

"Fine, but don't get hurt," he breathed back.

He lifted her a few inches higher to where her feet wouldn't bang against the black marble counters. They then both span in a few circles, round and round making themselves dizzy as if that was the most intelligent thing to do before eating a big breakfast. All I could hear was the sound of Jane laughing hysterically.

"Not to be a buzzkill, but I don't need to go to the emergency room on her birthday," I called out loud enough for both of them.

As soon as I said that, Marshall slowed to a stop and looked at me. He put her down gently.

"You're no fun," Marshall mocked in a fake kid voice.

It made me giggle to myself. "Come get breakfast children," I told them.

As Marshall thought I was talking about his kids, I then said,"Oh and make sure your kids know too."

I winked at him this time, to which he just rolled his eyes with a tiny smile on his face.

"Hailie! Whitney! Alaina! Breakfast!!" he called up to the girls.

He turned back over to us. I served a few plates of the food. I heard the girls run downstairs anxiously, their stomachs growling from lack of food.

"Oh my god, I'm hungry. Gimme food!" Alaina yelped, rushing in.

"Did you guys wish Jane a happy birthday?" Marshall asked, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Yes, we all did this morning," answered Alaina again, taking a plate from my hand and saying "Thank you."

The other two, however, snatched the plates in very ungrateful manners and glared at me. I glared down at them. If I spent as long as I did to feed them a good breakfast, I didn't care how much they hated me. I wanted a thank you, or at least not getting plates snatched from me. Marshall noticed, and he opened his mouth to say something before Jane spoke up instead.

"Marshall?" Jane asked, swallowing a mouthful of pancakes.

"Hm?" he absentmindedly replied. He was much too endorsed in the breakfast to fully pay attention.

"You're going to he at my birthday party, right?"

Her eyes gleamed with hope as we all ended up looking over at her. I didn't think she understood his fame yet, that he couldn't exactly go everywhere whenever he wanted. Especially since there was going to be many people whom I am not really aquatinted with at the party; the chances of Marshall going seemed very slim.

"Jane," he started, but she cut him off again.

"You're not missing my birthday, right?" she repeated, more forceful than last time.

He looked up at me, looking defeated. "Look, Jane,"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he responded to her, looking up at her greenish, bright eyes that were beaming at the sound of his response.

The girls and I were very surprised at his response. We all expected for him to give her a good explanation on why he couldn't make it, but instead he said he would be there, and her smile was probably all he wanted to see.

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