Chapter 23

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It was midday. The sun was high in the sky on that goregous Sunday. The temperature was perfect, 65 degrees and warm. The windows were open throughout the house which allowed cool, Hawaiian-like breezes to fill the house.

Since it was already almost 1 p.m. I decided it was best to start preparing lunch for the whole gang. However I was not looking forward to having to come in contact yet again with his beloved youngest daughters. I had not spoken to them all weekend or since the last time I saw them, as a matter of fact. I did my best to stay out of there ways.

But my luck changed fast.

I walked into the kitchen and was faced with the three girls, sitting upright on the stools aligned in a perfect line. I casually walked around them and to the fridge, avoiding any conflict that would be thrown my way, but they had other plans it seemed.

"Hey, Daya?" Alaina called to me.

I turned my head slightly towards them. Hailie and Whitney were looking down in shame at their laps. It was a very odd sight to see, for I had never seen them, or any of this family, look so defeated.

"Yes?" I said.

Alaina cleared her throat and glared down at her younger sisters. Hailie was the first to look up and whisper loud enough for me to hear, "Sorry-"

I crossed my arms over my chest and watched blankly.

"For?" Alaina urged her on.

"For being so rude to you these past few weeks. I know it's not my place to say anything, and it was wrong of me to do so."

I nodded my head, meaning I, for the most part, accepted her apology. It was not a lot, but I was not one to hold a grude so I decided to be easy. Alaina looked at the youngest sternly, awaiting for her to speak. I tapped my foot impatiently. I did want an apology from Whitney, especially since she did a lot of talking for a girl as young as she.

"Yah, me too...I'm sorry."

Instead of giving her a hard time about it, I let it slide as well and gave her an approving nod.

"Look, guys. I know you're angry after what happened, but that was a few years ago. Your father and I are way past it now-"

They all looked at me and listened to my little speech.

"I'm not asking for you to love me or call me your mom or anything, but I do ask for some respect."

"We'll respect you, Daya, don't worry," Alaina said.

Hailie and Whitney nodded in unison.

"I guess I can't be all that mad. I haven't seen Dad this happy in a while," Hailie added.

I smiled under my breath at the sound of that. The reason for my smile was not because of the fact that he was miserable for a while, but it was because of the idea that I was the reason he was not unhappy anymore.

The doorbell suddenly rang, and I was about to run and open it when I heard Marshall's voice yell from the top of the steps "I got it!"

I paused in my footsteps and wondered why he was so eager and willing to open the door? Usually, he would tell me to open the door for him because he was paranoid of what could be waiting on the other side. It was not like anything unwanted could get passed the security gates and guards near the entrance, but he could never be too cautious.

I watched as he opened the door and greeted someone with blond hair. I grew suspicious when I heard a female's voice speak to him. That was when I decided to walk over and see who it was; when I got there, I faced a woman I never thought I would see again.

"Oh! Hey, Daya!" she gleamed.

I made a disgusting grin but was quick to wipe it off and replace it with a kinder smile. I was not very fond of Kim either. The only time I had ever met her she almost knocked the daylight out of me. Another thing Marshall and I had in common: we both have a hatred for each others exes.

Marshall gave an awkward laugh as their daughters suddenly appeared with their valises and purses, ready to go home. When Marshall went to give them their routine goodbye hugs and kisses, I noticed Kim watch him in an odd way. Her eyes followed every move he made and she was enjoying it. It was very obvious, at least to me, and I began to get possessive.

Once Marshall stepped away from his daughters, I wrapped my arms around his waist and chest tightly and rested my head on his torso. I felt him shoot out some air from his nose and wrap on arm over my shoulders just as tight. I also noticed Kim's expression drop faster than the speed of light.

" we best be on our way. Don't wanna get stuck in traffic," she said bittersweetly.

I then felt Marshall's shoulders tense up as Kim and the girls began to exit the vicinity of the house. The girls gave me a wholehearted wave and dragged on behind their Mother. Marshall closed the door and looked at me curiously.

"What was that about?" he asked in concern.

"What was what about?"

"You and Kim?"

I shifted my feet nervously and stared at his textured face.

"She was staring at you in a weird way and I didn't like it."

He chuckled and walked over to me, pulling me into an embrace. He ruffled my messed up hair and said, "It's cute how jealous you can get." He then placed a kiss on my forehead as I rolled my eyes at his comment. Since I could not be mad, I might as well have just laughed with him.

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