Chapter 1 - No!

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I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock, it was sunday, meaning... Its job day.


Im Violet by the way, im the girl who does not know such thing as true love, its only make believe.

That belief started with one stupid past, that i will not tell you.

So since that, i never had a boyfriend, some would ask me out, and my answer was always a "No"

"What?! NO!"

Yup! Just like that.

"What do you mean no?!"

"Mom, Dad! I'm 17! Atleast let me make my own choice for once! I'm not going to spend my life in law school!"

I snapped back.

"Well, your gonna spend your life being a drummer with no future?! No! You will go to Law school wether you like it or not! We want you to have a better future than just a dumb drummer!"

My Dad snapped.

"UGGGHHH! This is'nt fair!!"

I groaned, as i slammed my door close.

I hate this! I seriously hate this!

Can this weekend get any worst?!

I got dressed into some pair of jeans a plain white tee and some white flats.

I shoved my uniform in my bag, as i creeped my way out the front door.

"Life is not fair..."

I muttered, as i took out my skateboard. Yes i can skate.

See why i creeped out? Well cause if i did'nt i would have probbably be in a stupid black car with a strange driver with me. So yeah.


"You're late!"

Carmen, well she's sorta is like my mom here, the better version though.

"I know... Its my parents as usual.."

I replied, as i headed towards the bathroom to get changed.

I got out as i wore my skates, and started.

"May i take your order...?"

I stated.

"Oh. Violet, i never knew you worked here. Wait! Are you broke?"

Great kelsey, of course.

"Your order..."

I again stated.

They all said their order.

As i left with a deep breath.

I handed their order, as i plasterred a fake smile.

"Here's a tip, im sorry your broke.."

Kelsey stated handing me a corter.

"No thanks kelsey, and for your information, we're still richer than you. Reason why im here? Is to annoy you... Enjoy..."

I snapped.

Okay, maybe i have gone too far, but seriously. In a bad mood like this, i think you would'nt handle it either.


After work, its time to get back to hell.

Yes, home.

I took off my uniform, and shoved it back in my bag.

"Bye guys!"

I exclaimed, as i took out my skateboard.

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