Chapter 18 - Party Gone Wrong

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>>Violet's P.O.V<<

"That was amazing!" I yelled, with bits of giggles.

Niall's arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"I knew you would love it Ginger!" He teased, as i nudged his side.

"Do not! And i mean do not bring my hair color into this!" I stated, trying to be serious.

"Yes ma'am!" He stated, with a chuckle.

Harry tossing me a bottle of ice water.

Opening up the cap, bringing the bottle up to my lips.

Letting out a satisfied giggle, you know how tiring it is, to just sit there in a hot corner, and well do nothing, unless you have to play a song? It is!

Niall, well his like my big brother i never had, and Harry, well his like my bestfriend.

"Since its your first time love! Why not lets bring this to a parteey!" Louis yelled, almost giggling at the last word.

They all exchanged looks, as Louis and Zayn dialed their girlfriend's number.

"Lets go clubbing!" Harry yelled, tossing his arms in the air.


Well this is not how i expected it to be.

The club was not that crowded, but its still had a huge amount of people in there, i just sat on a counter chair, my eyes exploring the area, glancing at the lads who were having the time of their lives.

Well if they brought me here to babysit them... Not happening!

Hopping off the tall counter chair, as i tried pushing my way out of the crowd.

Ending up in a different path, as i pushed the person infront of me, my eyes landed on a bloody, bruised Harry, my eyes widened.

As a hard punch was placed down his stomach, a kick on his back, and a punch on his face, a pained moan escaping his lips, as he crashed on the floor.

Where the hell are their bodyguards when you fucking need them?!

I pushed my way further as i reached Harry's bruised body, preventing the cold blooded 3 guys infront of him to land another fist.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at the drunk anonymous person infront of us.

An evil smirk on their faces, as they walked closer.

Glaring down at me, head to toe, as i glared at them with disgust.

"What do you say, we take you to somewhere private?" The blonde guy grinned.

Shit! Slapping his hands away from me.

"We've got a fighter.." The other teased.

Their strong grips, lifting me from the ground, kicking hardly, as i hitted him.

Anger filled his eyes, as his nails burried down my sensitive pale skin, the stinging pain shocked me, tear filling my eyes.

But tried to ignore it, as i kicked someone, in the area where the sun does not shine.

He moaned in pain, as his grip loosened from my arms, trying my best to get away from them, but not to late to get dragged back, kicking my stomach, as the strong pain controlled me, the silent moan leaving my lips, and to make me collapse instantly, a marked fist on my jaw, as my breathing got heavier.

"Let me go!" I demanded, as one chuckled.

"Please?" I pleaded, my voice shaking.

The guys grip around my arm, the blood dropping from my sensitive skin, as they tried pushing away the crowd, glancing back at a weak bruised Harry on the floor, anger boiling in his gaze, as he got up, trying to catch up from us.

Shutting my eyes tightly, as tears started dripping.

I bet Zayn saw me, and so did the others, my eyes landing on Liam, anger filling his face, his fist tightened, as they stompped their way infront of the 3 guys inhold of me.

Shutting my eyes tightly, as i was letted go, dropping on the floor, my weak body trying to get up

But there was no use, i could'nt get up, the stinging pain from my arm, as i glanced at the blood on it, the red marks on it, i glanced back at the three guys, which were now on the floor, beaten up all bruised and bleeding, my sight fixing up on the 5 boys that just beaten them all up, including a bruised Harry.

The pain stinged, as my vision started blurring, my eye lid heavily dropping, as my sight went black.


My vision cleared up, as i explored the surroundings, i was laid on the bed, i tried to get up but a stinging pain stopped me, my eyes landed on the marks on my arm, which was now covered in bandages, heavy breathing leaving my lips, as i heard familiar voices from outside the room.

Trying my best to leave the bed, several moans leaving my lips, as i reached the door, opening it a little, allowing the voice to get louder.

They were yelling, no. They were fighting.

Liam and Harry.



Well you see, im not in a mood for something sweet, so i ended up with that. 

In the middle of writing several of "Wtf?!" Left my mouth, yeah! So please excuse this bad part. Sorry.

Lots of love to all of you! 


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