Chapter 27 Part 2/2 - You Like Me?

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Weird that i wrote a note for you, a bit corny, but i don't care. 

I just wanted to tell you something, something i wished i told you before.

That i like you. 

No wait! I don't! 

I love you.

I know im just adding up to the drama, and everything you're going through right now, that's why im not planning on giving you this, which makes no sense why i'm still writing this. 

I just wanted to express my feelings, so i wrote it.

You're just different, you're fun to be with, caring, loving, you're just amazing. 

I just wish i can have a chance with you, you know, to love you, not as a bestfriend but more. 

I know its hard, an i don't want to loose our friendship, or worse, to lose you. 

I love you, and i will do anything for you, i might be crazy, but im willing to risk our friendship for something special. 

Uh, and just to let you know, i donated the blood.. 

But.. Well this is dumb"

A smile crept to my face, Niall likes me, i mean Love.

And he almost saved my life, he was the anonymous donater.

He did everything for me, he was there when i needed him, not as a bestfriend but more.

I just kept smiling there like a total idiot.

I sat down on the bed, quiet, confused.

"Do i like him back?" I asked myself.

This is crazy! Maybe small feelings? I don't know!!

The letter in my hand, as the door swung open, i did'nt react to it, Niall walked in.

"I made you a cup of choco.." He smiled, as he placed the mug on the desk.

"I heard Nicole left.. You know im here for you! Right?" He asked.

"Are you okay Violet?" He asked, noticing me silent, not talking, not reacting, don't worry! Im still breathing.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

Why was she so quiet?

Till my eyes shifted on a peice of paper in her hand, the letter!

Oh fuck!

Great Niall! You just ruined your friendship!

Yes i love her, she was everything to me.

I wrote the letter, because i wanted to express how i feel, how crazy i was for her, but with the Harry and Liam thing going on, i never had a chance to tell her.

"You like me?" She asked in a whisper.

"Er. WellImjustno!wellidoireallydobuttheliamandharrythinggoingonesoidid'ntwanttoaddupthisiscrazyimsorryifiruinedeverythingijustimcrazyaboutyoubut-"

Her lips on my lips, butterflies, fireworks.

Oh shit.

She pulled away, a small smile on her lips, i was speechless.

"You won't shut up.." She giggled.

"Would you stop it!" I demanded.

"Stop what?" She asked.

"Stop being so damn cute!" I smiled.

She blushed, as she hugged me.

"Niall, i wished i met you before!" She whispered.

"Me too Violet... Me too.." I whispered back.



Oh shit!!! I was like "WTF?! Am i doing?!" Haha! Thanks to ItsJustMeSofeea for ideas to this chapter! She's amazing! But she is still not updating! Update now if you're reading this!!

Oh Ehm Gee! This is amazing! Haha guise! You are amazayn!! Haha

Lots of love to all you humans.


-Byeeee :">

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