Chapter 28 - I Promise

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>>Violet's P.O.V<<

"Thank you.." I giggled.

"For what?" He asked.

"For almost saving my life.." I whispered.

"You're welcome..." He smiled.

"For the thousandth time.." He stated, as i giggled.

We've been flipping through scrapbooks made by some fans, and they're really supportive and sweet.

Its like 11:40 already, and we've gone through already 3 scrapbooks, and I've been annoying Niall by saying thank you, again, and again, and again.

I owe him so much, he saved my life, so yes im annoying him.. Haha.

I grew quiet, glancing at some pictures of anonymous girls in 1D t-shirts, next to 1D cardboard cut-outs.

A smile on my lips, as i flipped through the next page, a picture of Niall in an animal hat.

I felt his Blue orbs stared directly at me, covering my face as he chuckled, kissing the back of my hand.

"I'll go get more scrapbooks downstairs.." He smiled, as he got up from the carpetted floor.

Yes, we we're on the floor.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

Before leaving the room, my phone vibrated, pulling it out my pocket, the name of Liam flashed through the screen.

Answering the phone, as i quickly glanced at Violet, before leaving the room.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Uh, hey Niall!" He spoke.

"Oh hey Mate! Whats up?" I asked.

"Just asked if Violet's with you? Cause no ones at her house.." He stated.

Swallowing a gulp, before replying.

"Yeah, she's here." I stated.

"Can i talk to her?" He asked.

"Liam, you hurted her again, do you actually think she will talk to you?!" I snapped.

"That was too much! And she does not deserve this! Mate if i we're you, talk to her when she forgot about everything, but not tonight..." I stated, as i dropped the call, running grumpily down the stairs.

>>Violet's P.O.V<<

Closing up the scrapbook i was flipping through, as i leaned on my right arm, waiting for Niall to come up, the warm carpeted floor, making me feel cozy, it was late.

My eyes slightly closing, i was so sleepy, i drifted off to a cozy warm sleep.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

Bringing up 3 new scrapbooks, as i quietly went up the stairs.

My eyes landed on a quietly sleeping Violet on the floor, a smile crept on my face, as i glanced down at her face.

Placing the Scrapbooks on my desk, walking towards her, lifting her up bridal style, as i placed her softly on the bed, she shifted a bit, but went back to sleep.

Removing the strands of hair covering her face, as i covered her with the white duvet on the bed.

"I promise i won't hurt you, just like what they did.." I whispered, kissing the top of her head.

I was about to leave, going to go sleep on the sofa downstairs, but her fingers interlocked with mine.

"Don't leave me.." She whispered with her sleepy voice, her eyes still shut.

Sitting down on the bed, as i whispered to her.


A smile on her lips

>>Liam's P.O.V<<

I could'nt sleep, i was a bit droopy because i got drunk earlier, but i still need to talk to Violet.

I know she got hurt, and again its my fault.

Just got off the phone with Niall, and i could tell his mad at me, somehow i feel like he likes her, or more worst, loves her.

His acting more than like a bestfriend, i love Niall, his like my brother, but i love Violet, and i can't let him have her.

I still love her..



Oh shit! That was, well idk! Imasdghdjdjdn wtf? Did i just write?? -.-


-Byeee :">

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