Chapter 34 - The Show must Go on

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"Did you get the let- what's wrong?" Nicole stepped in, as she saw the speechless expression on my face.

"See for yourself.." I stated, handing her the note, i glanced up at her, as she read it.

"Ohh.." She sighed.

"Well forgive is to forget right?" I smiled, her eyes lit up hearing my complete sentence.

"So? Uh- you- uh- Liam-? OMYGOOOD!!" She screamed, hugging me tight, and i was to believe that i was the crazy one.

"C'mon!!!" She yelled, literally dragging me out the house.

"Where are we going?!" I asked, nearly shrieking.

"Shopping for some clothes!!!" She replied, pushing me in her car, yeah, I'm the crazy one alright.

After a 15 minute ride to the mall, again, the dragging did not stop, so i began to flow with it.

"This one?" I asked, staring at the piece of clothing confused.

"No, its too.. Yeah." She shook her head, as we stopped at our favorite shop.

Trying on.. I don't know? Millions?

"Perfect!" Nicole grinned, staring at the orangey pinky sleeveless sun dress i tried on, it went just above my knee, it had a flowy scrunched up skirt, and it wasn't like the itchy ones.

"Wait, one more thing!" She smiled, as she grabbed something from a pair of hangers, and handed it to me, it was a jean vest that went just above my waist, it was a light color, it went perfect with the dress, Nicole walked me towards a mirror the was my size, a i stared at my reflection.

A smile shaped my lips, as we both giggled crazily, making me think both of us are obviously crazy, we paid up all we bought, and headed to the food court.

My eyes stared deep into the ceiling, as i shifted through my position trying to get a better one, I'm having so much trouble sleeping, my eyes gazed beside me on a sleeping Nicole, strands of hair covering her attractive face, she was really beautiful, all the boys would do anything to catch her attention.

I grabbed my phone from the side table, opening the twitter app, i opened up my notifications, where i scrolled down through tweets of fans, asking for follows, new followers, till i yawned.

Ok, that's it, good night.


Water splashing down my face, as i inhaled, relaxing. I stepped out the shower, my light colored towel tightly wrapped around me as i pulled on the clothes we bought yesterday.

Pairing it up with my ankle boots, placing some light make up, eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss, i straightened my hair, adding some loose curls on the end that flowed perfectly, i finished up my look with a dark colored beanie.

"You ready?" Nicole asked, popping her head in, surprising me a little, before i smiled and nodded, she grinned happily.

"Lego!!" She giggled, motioning me to follow her, which i did after grabbing my phone, and something i thought would be a good idea to raise up at the concert.

The ride wasn't long, but traffic was though.

>>Liam's P.O.V<<

"Lad, don't worry! I'm sure she'll be here!" Louis tried, as i shook my hands nervously, i peeked out the crowd slightly, tricking myself into not looking carefully, i tried to find her, but no. She wasn't there.

And after what i did, ALL i did, i think she'll never come.

"She's not coming." I sighed, as Niall rubbed my back, the lads smiled at me, worried looks mixing up.

"Well. The show must go on.." I faked a smile, as they slightly nod, we all ran out the stage, where we we're welcomed with loud screams of our fans.

I smiled, trying to keep myself positive.

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