Chapter 17 - Birthday Tears

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>>Liam's P.O.V<<

A huge smile on my face, as some of the crew stared at me like if i was crazy.

"Why you so happy mate?" Louis asked, his hand on my shoulder.

"Me? Im just excited to see the fans!" I exclamed.

"We both know that's not the reason.." He stated, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"What do you mean mate?" I asked him confused.

"Maybe this will ring a bell.." Making me more confused.

"I want to start again.." Imitating a girl voice.

Hitting his head playfully, as he chuckled at me.

"Don't worry mate! My lips are sealed!" I shook my head as i chuckled at him.

"Oh! I meant me and El's Lips are sealed!" He corrected, my eyes widened as he walked away quickly.

"2 hours guys!" Paul yelled, his head peeking from the door.

Sat on one of the couch, tossing a half filled bottle in the air.

>>Violet's P.O.V<<

"Oh My God! A Peter Pan play really?!" Christine asked excitingly, hopping on the backseat.

"Yeah! Would you keep calm now?" Nicole pleaded.

"Never!" She yelled.

As she started screaming random words to a One Direction song.

Me and Nicole faced eachother, as we both giggled.

"Oh My God! Thank you so much Nicole!" She yelled.

"Don't thank me! Thank Violet!" She corrected.

"Thank both of us!" I corrected.

Christine stared at us confused, as she giggled.

"Thank you both!" She screamed.

"But Christie! Don't thank us just yet.." I stated in a serious tone.

She glanced at me confused and a bit lost as me and Nicole giggled.

"You guys are weird!" She teased.

"Turn here!" I told Nicole, as she did what i said.

Stopping up behind a gate, a bodyguard that instructed to open the window for permit.

Showing him my I.D showing him that i work with the band, as he nodded, pointing back at the two.

Grabbing two I.D passes that the boys gave me, hiding it from Christie to prevent her from seeing the 1D logo.

The guard nodded, as he instructed his partner to open the gate, which he did.

"Why backstage?" Christie asked.

"For you to meet the casts!" I exclaimed as she grew more excited.

Parking on a private spot, as we all got out the car.

"You removed all the flyers?" I whispered to Nicole.

She nodded in reply, as i handed her, her I.D pass.

Hanging it around her neck, as we walked towards Christine who was beyond excited.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Give me time to breathe.." She replied, taking in deep breathing.

Making me and Nicole giggle.

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