Chapter 13 - Chicken Fight

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Glancing at the empty clear pool in the middle, a jacuzzi by the garden, reaching the private pool house, and it was huge and awesome.

I glanced over at Nicole who have decided to come with me, she pulled me right away to the shower room, locking the door, before i hopped on the counter sink dangling my legs and just looking down at my feet.

"Why the glum face?" Nicole asked.

I shook my head, as she raised my head to face her.

"Don't tell me you're not going in that pool." She frowned.

"I- i just... Im not feeling well..." I replied, making an excuse.

She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell me the truth." She demanded.

Letting out a deep sigh, as i slipped off the bag from my shoulder, tossing it behind me, i lift up my shirt from below my breast.

Nicole's eyes widened at the sight.

"W..wh...where did that c..come from?" She asked.

"My dad..." I replied.

Okay not my dad now, but my first dad, i have'nt told you my whole story yet, my dad now is just my Step Dad.

My real dad was abusive, he'd beat me up everynight he came home, my mom was in London working then, my Dad threatened me not to tell her, or he will kill her.

My mom found out eventually from the neighbors, secretly telling the police before arresting him, but before he left, he gave me a huge remembrance of him, a scar just across my stomach.

A scar that came from a knife. A knife that he roughly ran across my skin.

"Your real dad?" She asked, as she sat next to me.

I simply nodded my head, as i pulled down my shirt again.

"It's ugly!" I whispered.

"You're beautiful, and i don't want you to feel ugly with just that scar, its powerless! Okay?" She comforted, as i rested my head ontop her shoulder.

Hearing a knock on the door, as Nicole jumped off the counter, unlocking the door, as i glanced at two pretty girls that just killed Nicole with a bear crushing hug.

"You must be Nicole! And you're Violet!" They exclaimed in unison hugging me as well.

"Im Perrie. But you can call me Pezz.." The pretty purple dyed hair exclaimed.

"Im Eleanor... Call me El if you like.." The curly dark brown hair added.

I smiled at them, as they giggled.

"So? Why are'nt you girls dressed yet?" El asked.

"Er. Im not going to swim.." I stated.

"Oh yes you are!" Nicole demanded, raising an eyebrow.

The two girls infront of me just looked at us confused.

"Fine.." I whined.

They all took a cubicle, as i just stood there, glancing at my reflection, I brought out a deep sigh, as i tied my hair in a messy bun.

Pulling my bag with me as i got in a cubicle, as i heard someone leave already, it was Pezz, then came El.

"Hey girls! Me and Pezz are gonna go now okay?" El stated.

"Yeah sure!" Nicole replied, as i heard the door close.

Striping off all my clothing, replacing it with the dark brown bikini i brought.

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