Chapter 23 - Violet!!!

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"I was so stupid for letting you go 

But I know you're still the one 

You might have moved on 

But girl you should know

That I know you're still the one 

I know it's sayin' too much 

But I will never give up 

I was so stupid for letting you go

But I know you're still the one

Hey you, you're still the one 

Hey you, you're still the one 

Hey you, you're still the one 

Hey you, you're still the one

I know it's sayin' too much 

But I will never give up 

I was so stupid for letting you go 

But I know you're still the one

I know you're still the one"

The fans were wild, screaming, cheering, a grin across my face.

It's been 2 days already, no drama, no tragic moments, just happy moments.

Finally taking its place.

The boys waved goodbye, as they all left the stage, as me and the guitarist followed as well.

Grabbing a bottle of water, as i tilted it up my lips, the cold refreshing liquid running down my throat.

The same pain i dealt from my stomach, as i moaned silently, trying to prevent them from seeing me in pain.

My scar was half open, it would sometimes bleed, i never thought of this as a bad thing, i would just ignore it.

Sometimes i would look pale for no reason, weak and tired even if i have'nt done anything tiring yet.

I feel so weak, i just want to scream, the pain lightened up, as i felt Liam's arms wrapping around my waist, swallowing a gulp, as the pain stinged again, a fake smile on my lips, as he pecked my cheek.

"Are you okay love?" He asked, noticing my change of emotions.

"Yeah! I just need to go to the bathroom.." I excused, kissing him on his cheek, before disappearing into the bathroom.

Lifting up my shirt, revealing a bleeding scar, grabbing a tissue, as i started patting it lightly, then hardly to prevent the blood from escaping.

A small moan leaving my lips, as the tissue paper started changing color to a light shade of red, as i grabbed another roll.

The bleeding stopped, as i washed my face, tied my hair in a ponytail, as i pulled down my shirt, leaving the bathroom.


I was laid down on my bed, my eyes on the ceiling, my stomach with a slight pain, but just ignoring it.

My phone vibrated, as i grabbed the device ineed of my attention.

From: Leeyum :") 

Take you out tonight? Meet you at the park! ;) x

My cheeks turning to a shade of red.

"Oh My God, i was'nt expecting Mrs. Tomato here!" My eyes glance at the door, where Nicole was standing with a smile.

"Where's Steph?" I asked.

"With Hazzaaaa!" She replied, making Hazza's name longer.

A giggle escaping my lips, as she walked over the IPod speaker, clicking on a song, as she turned up the music.

Sitting up from the bed, a grin on my face.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked.

"Well it's some news, i don't know if i should be happy about..." She stated, sitting next to me.

"Just tell me!" I demanded.

"Well my Dad called... And he is planning on taking My Mom, Me and Christie to Paris for a family vacation..." She stated, a frown across her face.

"Really?! Wait! You should be happy about that!! When?" I exclaimed.

"Next week, don't know the exact date though..." She said again with a frown.

"Why on earth are you freaken sad?!" I yelled.

"Cause it means I'll be 2 weeks away from you.." She pouted, as i hugged her.

"Mama will be fine right here! Yah know that right!" I exclaimed with a failed cowboy voice, as she giggled.

"Lets dance!" I yelled, pulling her up her feet, as we jumped, hopped, swayed around like we're crazy.

But then i felt pain again from my stomach, not like the pain i felt before, it was stronger, and deeper and it hurts so much.

I could'nt handle it anymore, my hand hardly pressed against my stomach, as i moaned in pain.

"Violet!! Are you okay?!"

Then everything just went black.



Oh my gosh wtf did i just write?! 

Guys follow me on twitter? @RazorButterfly_


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