Chapter 27 Part 1/2 - Besties!

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My back sliding down the door, landing on the floor, my knees rolling up to my chest, my face burried in my palms, as the tears just kept falling.

I was broken, crushed, falling, and no one there to catch me.

No one to hug me.

I felt alone.

The only person who has been there except for Nicole was obviously Niall,.

I got hurt, he was there.

I was in the hospital, he was there.

Im falling, he was there.

And now i need him here.

Getting up, as i wiped away my tears, grabbing my black hood, as i landed a quick glance at myself in the mirror, red bloodshot eyes, red cheeks, i was a total mess, putting up my hair in a messy bun, as i tugged on my hood.

Running out the house to the sidewalk, dark clouds covering up the sky, running faster, as i crossed the street.

Small droplets of rain dropping on the back of my hand, tugging on my hood, as the rain hardened, i was half way almost to Niall's flat.


The rain hardly hitting me, i was dripping wet.

Walking towards the front door, as i knocked on it.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

I just got home, dropping my keys on the desk, as i took out a cup of juice, worrying a bit about Violet.

My phone vibrating.

From: Nicole 

Hey Nialler, i left for Paris never got to tell Violet, i will miss her, i need you to take care of her, beat up who ever hurts her! Nah im just kidding! But srsly, i don't want her getting hurt. 

I know you love her, i know you will do anything for her, text me if needed.

Nicole is in Paris, means Violet is alone. I need to go to her, just before i was about to grab my keys, there was a knock on the door.

Walking towards it, a i swung it open, a broken girl infront of me, soaking wet, her head faced down, my worried eyes scanned Violet, as her head rises up, my blue orbs meeting with her green ones, tears in her eyes, i just pulled her in a hug, as she hugged back.


"Here, wear these.." I stated, as i handed her a white tee, and a pair of my boxers.

She took it, a weak smile on her face, as she headed toward the bathroom door, we were in my room.

"Violet, I'll just head downstairs to get you a cup of choco! Okay?" I yelled, as i heard an okay as a response.

>>Violets P.O.V<<

Getting out of the bathroom, almost drowning in Nialls tee shirt, drying my hair with a towel he gave me, as i explored his room, a guitar on the corner, some papers and notebooks on his desk, and laptop on his bed.

Walking around his room, as my fingers ran through the strings of his guitar, my eyes landing on his desk with song lyrics and stuff, when my eyes shifted on a peeking paper...

With my name on it.

Pulling it out from the notebook, it was a letter.



What do you gu think the letter is for? What does it say?

Eyiiieeeeee! Can't wait!

-Mimix Byeee :">

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