Chapter 33 - To Forgive is to Forget Right?

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My eyes sleepily gazed on Nicole's large apartment her parents got for her, i saw the comfy bed awaiting for me, as i ran for it, jumping on it and letting out a satisfied groan.

I planned on traveling to my parents gotten flat tomorrow since it was late and i was lazy.

My parents already found out that i got here just this morning, and they already got me my first class in law school tomorrow, which made me gain my bad mood, but it was my choice to come here right? Aghhhh i hate myself.


My eyes fluttered open, my annoying but precious phone waking me up from my precious loved sleep, Nicole wasn't beside me, but a note was.

"Good morning gurliee! Well my shift at the bowling alley is up, sorry i had to leave early, never woke you up since i know how you love your sleep, help yourself to anything in the kitchen! -Nicole"

Oh i do love my precious sleep!

I lazily got up, walking towards the bathroom, cold icy water i splashed on my face.

"Aghhh/$.$!/$/!" I groaned, with a quite weird word coming out of my mouth.

My eyes landed on the wall clock next to the mirror, it was 6 in the morning, I'm not used in waking up this early, i brushed my teeth, and washed my hair.

Pulling on a pair of my skinny jeans, a white long sleeved that reached exactly my elbows, it had a logo of batman printed on it, a pair of black chucks as i tied my hair in a pony tail.

I'm planning on staying with Nicole for a while, since it was just a 50 minute drive to law school, and an hour to my parents.

I grabbed some needed stuff, shoving it in my black back pack, i took the key Nicole left for me and locked up her flat, leading towards the sidewalk.


"Aw, sweety! I knew you'd change your mind about law school!" My mom squeeled.

I plastered a fake smile, dropping it as soon as she wasn't looking, my life is back in hell.

And this is my fault right? Yep.

We we're in my dad's black SUV, my eyes glancing out the window, with my moms on and on chattering about last night's business gathering, trying to keep up with what she was saying, and like i always do? Nod and pretend I'm finding this conversation interesting, but no its not, I'd rather jump off a building and burn myself alive than listen to what my mom was saying.

"We're here.." My dad grinned, my eyes landed on an old fashioned castle like school, what is this Hogwarts?

"Well?" My mom questioned.

"Uh-tdhhvsgv." I stuttered.

"Aw! Look, she's stuttering in excitement!" My mom squeeled.

Literally. If she wasn't my mom, i would have slapped her harder than Miley Cyrus' wrecking ball video.

I got off the car, where my mom yelled telling me to just have fun, this place was another level for hell, and I'm still in level 3.

I took in a deep breath, walking towards this counter where a brunette sat there, her eyes rolling at everyone she saw, it looks as if her eye balls is gonna fall out any second.

"Uh.. Hi.. I'm-"

"Yeah yeah, you're the new girl, go straight ahead, first class, dorm 301.." She said while chewing her bubble gum.

"Well can i-"

"Your sched and pretty much every thing you need is all upstairs, and if my service isn't okay with you, then stop asking me annoying questions!" She said through gritted teeth. I raised an eyebrow annoyed at her attitude.

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