Chapter 29 - Niall's Princess

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>>Violet's P.O.V<<

The sunlight streaming in from the curtains hitting my eyes.

I woke up, with a muscular arm wrapped around me securely, a snoring Niall sleeping just infront of me, no spaces between us.

Blonde strands covering his eyes, shifting it lightly, his heartbeat i could hear because of the silence, beating faster from my every touch, a soft giggle leaving my lips.

My phone ringing from the bedside table, as i turned around from Niall, my back against his chest, his arms securely around my waist.

Fiddling the device with my fingers ineed of my attention the name "Mom" flashing through the screen.

Tapping on the green answer button, lifting it up behind my ear.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Good Morning Sweety!" My Mom greeted.

"Oh! Good Morning Mom!" I smiled.

"How's the drumming career?" She asked.

"It's going great! There's actually a concert tomorrow evening!" I exclaimed.

Niall stretched as he pecked me on the cheek, getting up from the bed to the bathroom.

I laid down lazily, hugging a pillow that smelled just like the Irish guy.

"That sounds great hun! We can't wait to see your live performance! Well i have to get going sweetheart! Bye." She exclaimed

The call dropped, laying the phone back on the table.

Letting out a satisfied sigh, it was gret to know that my parents finally support my drumming career!

Then i jut froze remembering what my mom had just said earlier.

"We can't wait to see your live performance!"

Wtf do they mean by we can't wait to see MY LIVE PERFORMANCE! As in LIVE.

Oh my gosh! Their coming home! Oh my freaken god! I will see my parents!

I squeeled, as i jumped excitingly on the bed, a confused Niall walking out of the bathroom.

"What are you all happy about?" He asked, with a smirk.

"My mom called, and there is a 75% possibility that they might come home!" I squeeled.

He hugged me, as i giggled.

"I want to bring you out Ms. Heart.." He whispered.

"Where to?" I asked.

"The mall.." He chuckled.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

The mall, yes, it's simple and ordinary.

Maybe i just don't want anything formal, I've got plans though, don't worry.

"So?" I repeated.

"You had me at the mall.." She smiled.

She is so adorable, making me fall inlove with her more.


>>Violet's P.O.V<<

"What?! Niall?! Oh My God! I totally support you two!! More than Viam!" Nicole yelled, me almost falling from my bed.

We both were talking on skype, and finding out that Mark like have her a promise ring that they will marry eachother in the future.

I just completely screamed, her jumping up from her position.

"That was completely worst than what i did!" She pouted, then giggled.

"So... How's the city of love?" I asked.

"It's fantastic!! It's completely amazing!" She squeeled.

"When you coming back?" I asked, with a sad face.

"Maybe next week, i think." She stated.

"I miss you.." She added.

I just giggled.

"Hey! You are not allowed in this country! Unless you brought something for me!" I demanded, slight giggling.

"Of course! Want me to spoil?" She asked, pulling out a light pink paper bag.

"Yes please!" I giggled.

"I don't think so young lady! I want it to be a surprise!" She yelled, as she stuck out her tongue.

I just sighed, as we both giggled.

"So where's Niall?" She asked.

"At his flat, oh by the way! He's taking me out tonight!" I yelled.

"Oooohhh! First date!" She teased.

"After that, when you get home, i want you to call me and tell me everything that happened!" She demanded.

"Yeah yeah!" I yawned, laying down on the bed, the laptop on my lap.

"You should go take a nap dude!" She stated, slightly yawning as well.

"Yea! Did'nt get that much sleep last night.." I stated.

"Well goodnight Niall's princess!" She teased.

"Uh! Correction!" I yelled, her getting the idea of what she thinks im gonna say.

"It's Good Afternoon.." I giggled.

"So you admit that you are Niall's princess!" She yelled, giggling.

"Oh shut up and get to bed! I bet its late there!" I demanded.

"Fine! Bye!" She yelled, as i waved.

Closing the tab of the laptop, as i placed it on the desk next to my bed, stretching my arms as i grabbed my phone, setting it on an alarm and drifted off to sleep.



Booyah! Ah Bestie moment with Nicole, and some sweet ones with Niall! Yayee! Haha xD

-Mimix Byeee! :">

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