Chapter 24 Tower falls down

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My eyes slowly, weakly fluttering open, landing on the ceiling fan, i was laid down on my bed, my eyes glancing down on my stomach, my shirt lifted up to below my breast, long bandages covering my scar, as i uncrumpled the end of my shirt, slightly shifting on the stain of blood.

The door swung open, revealing a worried Nicole, as she weakly smiled at me.

"You're awake..." She stated, a worried tone, as she walked towards me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Uh. It's already 11:00, you slept almost for 2 hours.." She weakly stated.

Liam, i did'nt show up, slowly trying to get up, but Nicole stopped me.

"No!" She demanded.

"You need to rest! Your scar oppened up! We need to take you to a real doc-"

"No.. I'm fine, it'll heal eventually.." I cutted.

She letted in a deep breath, as she sat next to me.

"Liam was supposed to take me out tonight, but i never showed up.." I sighed.

"He'll understand, and if he was here, he would have wanted you to rest too.." She ressured.

>>Liam's P.O.V<<

(1 Hour ago)

I was pacing back and fourth infront of a bench, a rose in my hand, as i glanced impatiently at the surroundings.

She did'nt show up.

Just like before...

"Maybe 2 more minutes.." I whispered to myself, as i sat back down on the bench, placing the red rose next to me.

After 2 minutes, still nothing, letting out a sigh, as i just shoved my hands in my side pockets on my hood, as i walked away.

>>Violet's P.O.V<<

I was twisting and turning, i could'nt seem to find a good position, i just could'nt sleep.

Liam was on my mind.

Glancing beside me, a peaceful sleeping Nicole, getting up quietly, as i reached my closet, grabbing my oversized white hood ontop of my blue tanktop and black leggings, leaving the room silently, as i quickly ran down the stairs, out the door, and down the sidewalk.

My eyes exploring the neighborhood, as i scanned the park ahead, my gaze fixing on the dark area as i walked closer, tugging my hood tighter as the ice cold air brushed along my cheeks.

The empty park, a frown across my face, as i tried to search for Liam, or any sign of him, i feel guilty.

My gaze landed on a bench by the pond, a rose on it, picking it up, as i noticed a small note hanging from the stem, opening it up.

"I Love You" i read the note, a tear dropping fom the corner of my eyes, sitting down on the bench, as i played with the rose in my hand.

Letting out a sigh, a tear dropping, then another, then another, until i just started sobbing on my two hands.

I feel so stupid, i hate myself so much, bringing out my phone as i texted him.

To: Leeyum :") 

Lee, im sorry.. :"(

Yeah Lee was my nickname for him since when we were bestfriends, and Vy was his nickname for me.

From: Leeyum :") 

It's fine Violet...

Violet? No Vy? This is bad...

To: Leeyum :") 

Liam, please don't be like this? :(

No reply...

Walking home alone, drifting from everything, my eyes face the ground, as i reached my house.

Shutting the door behind me, my back sliding on the door, as i landed on the floor, knee's curled up my chest, as i continued crying.

Whenever everything just starts towering back up, something will always make it fall back down.

My life just seems like a whole big mess...



Awwww violet! This is so dramatic because someone setted up this drama bomb!


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