Chapter 21 - Match Maker Time!

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My eyes exploring the corners of my room, as i glanced at the empty space beside me, Nicole must have left for her shift on this CD shop.

Getting up lazily, as i did my morning usual's, like brushing my teeth, wash my hair and stuff.

My eyes landing on my phone while i was drying my hair with my orange towel, the light flashed open, as my step sister's number flashed through the screen.

"Stephanie" Oh My God! Okay yes im an only child on my mom's side and step dad's side.

My real dad that would get drunk hooked up with this woman, that was drunk too, and there my step sister Stephanie came.

Yes she was a mistress, my mom knew about this, but kept it to herself, she was so hurt, because she loved my dad, she just letted it slip away, but when she found out about the beating, that was the day she decided to leave him.

Me and Stephanie we're super close when we we're kids, but her mom took her away to move to California.

From: Steph 

Hey Sistaaahhh! Guess what? Im in the country now, meet up?

I excitedly replied a caps locked "YES" to her as she replied the place which was at McDonalds.

I got ready, as i slipped on a black sweater with an American flag printed on the front, pair of jeans, and some black converse.

Grabbing my phone with me, as i raised my way down the stairs, to the front door, grabbing my skateboard, as i skated my way out the sidewalk.

>>Harry's P.O.V<<

To be honest, i feel rather happy, even if i did'nt get the girl. Friends? Well its better than nothing.

Me and Liam are finally back to normal, everything is forgotten, im even helping him out with Violet, i have'nt fully moved on, but im willing to try though.

Well me and Niall are on our way to McDonalds, Niall again was hungry, of course he was.

My eyes glancing out the window, as it landed on a girl on a skateboard, Violet.

Making Niall stop the car, as he saw Violet as well.

Stopping the car beside her, as she stopped with furrowed eyes, Niall pulled down the window, her smile showing, as they had a chat.

"Where you going?" Niall asked.

"McDonalds, gonna meet up with someone!" She replied, waving and smiling at me, my heart raced.

Well i did told you that i have'nt moved on yet, still trying.

>>Violet's P.O.V<<

"We're on our way to McDonalds too! I'm Hungry!" He exclaimed, as i giggled.

"You always are.." I teased, as he chuckled.

"Well lets get going!" He yelled.

I giggled at his childness as i hopped in the car with them.

>>Niall's P.O.V<<

It's amazing to see her smile again, nothing fake behind the smile, making me know that she's happy.

As i kept my eyes on the road, would glance several times at her through the rearveiw mirror.

>>Violet's P.O.V<<

Got off the car, as we all walked our way in the two clear doors, some pictures was stolen since i was with Harry Styles and Niall Horan.

My eyes searched to place as it landed on a curly brunette, in a white sweater with a mustache on it, jean shorts, black chucks, and an eifel tower necklace.

My eyes widened, as i ran towards her with a huge tight hug.

As i pulled away, she had a grin on her face.

"Yeah, Nice to see you too Violet!" She sarcastically stated.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Fine!! I MISSED YOU!!!" She yelled, as the people in the resto glanced at us, we just giggled.

"Dude, tell me you jut did'nt walk in this resto with Harry Styles and Niall Horan?" She teased, as i giggled.

Pulling her towards the table where Niall and Hazz we're as i dragged her on the seat next to me.

"Harry, Stephanie. Stephanie, Harry. Niall, Stephanie. Stephanie, Niall." I exclaimed, as they all laughed at me.

Wow Stephanie was pretty! Another person to be unsecured with!

My eyes landed on a happy eating Niall, and a flirty smirking Harry.

Oh. My. God.

I totally know when boys are inlove, this is perfect!!!

Harry and Stephanie! Okay!

Match Maker Violet is now in the building.

A smirk on my face, as they started laughing at me again.

"What?" I asked confused, as i pouted.

"Nothing's wrong Violet!" Niall exclaimed, as he patted my head.

A small giggle escaping my lips.


"The Famous Stephanie!!" Nicole exclaimed, as she gave Steph a hug.

At home, i was laid lazily on the couch, my fingers fiddling with my cellphone, while Nicole and Steph we're talking in the kitchen.

Seriously, i feel so bored.

Then my match maker senses came to me, when my phone vibrated, and Harry's name flashed through the screen.

A grin across my face, as i texted him.

To: Harry

Bar? Really Harry? Remember what happened last time? What about.. Starbucks?

I texted, as he replied "Sure! :)"

Yes if you are thinking that i will bring Stephanie there, then you are absolutely correct!!



Oh em gee! Sorry if i could'bt update for days! Oh my gosh! Sorry!


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