Chapter 11 - Away From Here

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We were all gathered on the bed watching iron man 3, the light breathing i felt on my neck as i glanced down on Niall who was half asleep, head rested on my shoulder, i can't say he was'nt adorable asleep cause if i did, i would be lying.

A smile formed my lips, as i glanced at the others who were completely focused on the flat screen, watching it as the failed attempt of the suit that should attach to Tony Stark, which did'nt because it came crashing on the floor, making a giggle leave my lips.

Feeling the vibrate of my phone, pulling out the device that needed my attention bringing up infront of my face, the name "Mom" flashed through the screen, the light woke Niall making him turn around and rest his head on Zayn.

I got up from the bed heading outside the room, as i slid the lock screen button, bringing the phone up my ears.

"Hello?" Asking through the line, as i heard silent sobbing and heavy breathing.

"Mom?" I added in a worried tone, crossing my arms, tapping my fingers on my shoulder impatiently.

"Er. Violet, how are you sweety?" My mom asked ignoring the fact that i heard her crying.

"Im fine. Mom are you okay?!" I asked impatient bringing up a topic.

Silence covered the line, my impatient tapping on my shoulder turned to me worriedly pacing back and forth.

"Mom?" I asked, as i again heard the sobbing which grew louder, i heard a familiar background noise which made me know that she was in a hospital.

"Mom... What are you doing in a hospital?!" I asked, the worried impatient tone bringing rough heart beats, my mind wandering to different possibilities.

"Sweety, your dad..." She replied as the sobbing became louder.

My heart raced, as it clenched, pain in my heart, making it impossible to breathe properly.

"Mom? Please? Tell me." I added, as i heard her clearing her throat.

"Your Dad is confined here, be-because he was in a- a c-ca-car accident..." She replied, the pain in her voice, the tears came rapidly rushing down my face, my heart raced, my hand started shaking uncontrollably, i fell on the floor, my eyes wide open.

"How is he?! M-mo-mom... T..te...tell Me p..please..." I stuttered, trying to keep up from everything happening.

"I don't know sweety... The doctor has'nt come out yet, I'll call you back, don't worry okay?" She stated trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"Wai-" the phone dropped before i could speak.

I broke down crying on the floor, my back against the wall, my knees curled up to my chest, my face burried in my two palms.

My tears were uncontrollable, my heart was racing, my breathing unbalance.

>>Liam's P.O.V<<

We were already almost to the en of the movie, as i started to wonder where Violet was, i glanced at the empty space on the bed where she used to sit.

I stood up from my position heading out the door, as my eyes landed on an angel girl rolled up in a ball, back against the wall.

My worried eyes glanced at her, as her face started to show, red shotted eyes, dried tears, her hair a mess.

I just sat beside her, pulling her in a hug, as she started crying on the hem of my shirt, her face burried under my chin.

She was broken.

I dont know exactly why she was like this, what was the exact reason she was like this, but all i know is she needs someone for her.

"Bring me somewhere away from here...." She whispered through sobs, i nodded my head, placing my lips ontop of her forehead.

Carrying her bridal style down the stairs, her eyes shut, tears streaming out of them, i glanced at the broken girl on my arms, she needs me right now, and all i will be, is here for her.

Bringing her in the passenger seat of the car, she showed a weak smile, as i kissed her forehead, closing the door, as i jogged my way to the driver's seat.

I glanced at the broken angel next to me, her head rested on the window, knees curled up to her chest.

Starting the engine of the car, leaving the drive way.



O shoot! Another Viam moment!!  

How is it going so far guys? I hope im doing well!

Lots of love to all my readers!

So i have 2 complete Fanfics already its called Little things and On air DJ, go and check it out.

So about the On Air DJ, im not saying its originally made by myself, i wrote it and took the idea from a known movie called Radio Rebel, just changing it a little bit and creating my own version of it as a fanfic, so yeah.


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