Chapter 10 - Over a Kit Kat Bar

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"Well you must be Violet Heart!"

Shaking hands with the famous Simon Cowell, Oh my God!

"Yes! Its an honor to meet you sir!" I exclaimed, as i pulled away from his hand.

"Well don't call me sir, perhaps just call me Uncle Si as well.." He replied

I nodded, as we headed in the aiditorium where the concert will be held.

My mouth agape, Wow! This is huge!

My eyes landed on the drumset on the other side of the stage.


"There's gotta be some way to get you to want me like before...

Cause no one ever looked so good in a dress and it hurts cause i know you won't be mine tonight!

No one ever makes me feel like you do when you smile, baby tell me how to make it right..

Now all of my friends say its not really worth it but even if thats true....

No one in the world could stop me from not moving on, baby even if i wanted to.

Nobody Compares to you.."

The last chorus, as i ended the song with the last beat.

"Okay! Thats for today!" Paul yelled.

The lads were all exhausted, Harry was topless walking around the stage, Liam was sitting on the edge of the stage drinking up a bottle of water, Zayn and Niall Laid on the middle of the stage having a nap, while Louis was well, i have no idea where that boy went.

I stood up towards my bag, bringing out my bottled water, as i brought it up to my lips, my hair was tied in a pony-tail, i was wearing this black and white striped tank top, my jean shorts, and a pair of vans.

Biting my lower lip, as i placed the cap back on the empty bottle, shoving it back in my bag.

Hanging the body bag on my shoulder, before slowly walking away.

"Vy!" The voice that brought sudden butterflies in my stomach, making me stop.

I turned around to see a topless Liam.

"Er. Yeah?" I asked trying to keep eye contact, and not to look down on his perfectly sculpted abs.

"The lads and i are having movie night later, and i was wondering if you want to come?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I replied, knowing i have nothing to do at hime with...

Oh geez! Nicole is there.

I pulled out my phone dialling her number.

"Hello? Nicole?"

"Violet?" The voice from the other line.

"Er. Are you doing something tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, Im out for the movies tonight with Mark. Why?" She asked.

"Nothing... Just checking..." I replied.

"Well i'll call you later! Bye!" I exclaimed dropping the call.

I just got pulled by five boys, their grips on my wrist, dragging me out to a waiting tour bus.

Glancing at a couple of girls behind the back gate screaming each te lads name.

Once they saw me, i heard the silent whispers coming from them, they just glared at me, taking a deep breath before stepping in the bus.


"Drive-thru!" Niall yelled pointing at a McDonalds drive-thru.

They all stared at Niall with tired looks, like they are'nt in a mood for McDonalds.

I stood up next to a sad Niall not getting his food.

"Come on guys! For Niall?" I begged, slinging an arm around Niall's shoulder, as he snaked an arm around my waist.

I doubled up my Puppy Dog eyes, and puted lips, as Niall Joined in.

"Fine!" They all whined, as Niall kept jumping in joy like a little boy on christmas morning.

I just giggled, as we all took our orders.


Stepping in the flat, walking side to side with Liam, as the lads raced their way up their room.

"So? How's working with us?" Liam asked, as we climbed up the stairs.

"Its fun! Crazy, wild and immature..." I stated jokingly as he just chuckled.

Opening the door, our jaw dropped.

Pillows scattered on the floor, the bed all crippled, as our sight landed on the three boys restling eachother for a kitkat bar.

"I want it!!" Harry yelled, trying to get the grip of the chocolate in Niall's hand.

"No! Its mine!" Lou added, hopping on niall and harry, as they letted out a painful moan.

"Louis! Your so heavy! Get off!" Harry yelled.

"Not until i get the chocolate!!" He yelled back.

I glanced over at Zayn on the bed on his phone.

Liam started yelling for them to stop, but no one listened.

Wow these boys are crazy, i grabbed the chocolate bar from Niall's hand.

"Hey!" Niall yelled, pouting his lips.

They all stood up, their attentions turned to me.

I ripped of the rapper, laying eyes on a dark kit kat chocolate bar in my hand.

Breaking it to 6 peices, handing each peice to the lads then me.

Letting out a giggle as i glanced at the three boys enjoying their little peice of chocolate.

Niall, Harry, and Louis stood up coming over me, and killing me with a bear crushing hug.



I tried to update as soon as possible! So i gave you this boring chapter sorry!


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