Chapter 16 - Begin Again

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Seeing someone accompany me, his innocent face, messy hair, as he sat next to me, legs crossed, his position facing me.

"What are you doing here still awake?" I asked him.

"Should i be the one asking that?" Liam smirked.

A smile formed my lips, as i glanced down at his brown peering eyes.

"So what are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Nothing.." I simply replied.

His fingertips under my chin, turning my head to face him.

"I know when you're lying. Tell me.." He stated.

I raised an eyebrow, as he displayed a playful smirk on his face.

"I promise you, its nothing. I just miss my parents.." I replied, facing back at my legs.

"The concert's tomorrow.." He stated.

I nodded my head, as i noticed him drinking from my cup.

"Hey! That's mine!" I snapped.

"Well, its mine now.." He teased.

Nudging his side, as he just chuckled.

"Vy?" He asked.

"Hmm?" I questioned.

Silence before he replied, the only sound was the water.

"It's... I jus... I... Never mind..." He sighed, a deep breath escaping his lips.

I furrowed my eyebrows, before nudging his shoulder.

"C'mon, tell me!" I pleaded.

Fiddling with his fingers before replying.

"I want us to start again, no mistakes, just start something new.." He stated, pleaded eyes.

Letting out a sigh, as he letted out a deep breath.

"I know, never min-"

"I'd like that..." I cutted, his face lit up, a smile forming his lips.

"But, maybe keep it from the lads for a few days?" I requested.

"Sure.." He replied, his smile not leaving his lips.


Finding out that the concert is tomorrow evening, my first performance live.

Excited and nervous, that's normal right?

"You look so pretty!" Nicole stated, hugging me from behind.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked.

"What? It's bad to compliment my bestfriend now?" She defended.

Raising my eyebrow at her, before you letted out a deep sigh.

"Can you please lend me money to buy Christine a present?" She pleaded.

"Don't worry I'll pay you back, right away!" She added.

"Oka- wait! Christine is a Directioner right?" I asked, Christine is my cousin, which is Nicole's sister.

She simply nodded.

An idea popping out of my head, as she looked at me confused.

"What about instead a present? Something bigger?" I suggested.

"I have no idea what you're saying.." She stated.

A giggle leaving my lips, before leaving her there confused.

"Wait for me here!" I yelled, she just stood there speechless.

Heading towards Harry who was fixing his things, we were already about to leave the pool house, then Nicole showed up.

"Uh Haz? Can i ask you and the lads a favor?" I pleaded.

"Yeah sure!" He exclaimed.

"Well see, its my cousin's birthday today, and she's a Directioner is it okay if she meets you guys?" I pleaded.

"What about she meets us, and goes to a concert?" He suggested.

"Aw Harry! You are the best!" I yelled, hugging him.

"I know!" He smirked.

"I'll go tell Nicole!" I exclaimed, pulling away, as i quickly ran back to where Nicole was.

"So, have you decided to tell me your idea now?" She teased.

Whispering to her my whole idea, as her face instantly lit up.

"So when?" She asked.

"Later tonight.." I replied, as i whispered to her the whole plan.

The lads already knew, because we told them.



So i have'nt updated! Sorry! This is just a filler, before the dramatic and tragic parts! So yeah! Sorry if its a bit boring!

Love you all xoxo


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