Chapter 8 - Broken Memories

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Sitting on the balcony of my room, legs curled up to my chest, as i brought up the hot cup of choco to my lips.

Glancing out the sky, as the sun began to set, my phone rang several of times, and never answered one.

I was comfy in my oversized sweater, in black leggings, and just a pair of socks, the necklace that hanged around my neck was never taken off, cause all i knew is that it came from my bestfriend, and not my ex boyfriend.

Just fiddling the chain in my fingers, as i glanced at the open sky, bringing back the mug up to my lips.

I sat there so long, lets say i was there until stars showed up.

Hearing footsteps from the stairs, my heart started to thump, knowing i had no one with me.

As the figure caught my eye, glancing at the blonde girl, concerned face, folded arms on her chest.

She just hugged me, as i cried on her shoulder, she was like my sister, the only person who was there for me after Liam and i broke up.

We sat on the balcony for couple of hours, i laid down on her lap, with her playing with my hair.

"I brought movies and ice cream.." She stated, as she finished up my hair.

I sat back up.

"It might cheer you up.." She added.

I took a deep breath before we both stood up, closing out the balcony's slide door behind me, we both headed downstairs to the living room.

Bringing down fluffy pillows and a large soft blanket, pushing all the sofa's together, as i made my position on the bed like sofa.

Glancing at Nicole, sliding in the disc, of her movie selection.

She jogged to the kitchen, coming back with 2 spoons.


I was alone, litteraly alone, execpt for those weird black suited guys my dad hired to watch over at night.

I asked nicole if she could sleep over, hearing her light snores next to me, giving me out on a giggle, my back to her, i was just thinking through stuff.

The memories washed over me, leaving marks of tears on my face, glancing out the window, seeing the moon, and the stars surrounding it.

I was'nt sleepy, i got up quietly, opening the slide door, and heading out the balcony.

Hugging myself, as i rubbed my shoulder for warmth, feeling the fresh cold wind hitting my face gently.

I glanced out the sight, seeing every star, fighting up the tears that almost showed weakness.

And i don't know how to handle it anymore, its like im tired of this all over again.

Hearing my ringtone from inside, i quietly grabbed my device and went back out.

From: Harry 

"Rehearsals tomorrow at 8 x ;)"

Just glancing at the device in my hands, and back at the stars, those nights i kept myself up from crying, from trying to hold on. Is it een working?

"I never wanted this..." Whispering to myself, as the continues of tears dropped down my face.

Im hurt, im broken, and im tired.

A deep breath that followed another, i went back inside locking up the slide door, as i climbed up to bed, forcing myself to sleep, as it worked...



This is short.. I apologize.


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