Chapter 20 Part 2/2 - Finally

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>>Violet's P.O.V<<

Several movies with my two bestie's some serious chats, and came to funny laughs.

Seriously? These two can always make my day better by just showing up.


"Niall is a good guy.." Nicole stated, as we both got ready for bed.

Niall left 5 minutes ago, my eyes were about to close shut, when i heard guitar strums from out the balcony.

Nicole furrowed her eyebrows, as we both got up, heading out the balcony, my eyes searching for where it was coming from, then landed on a tall figure below, a curly hair guy, his dark green eyes peircing up at me.

His eyes sparkled, as he sang words with the tune of his guitar.

"Going back to the corner, where i first saw you. 

Gonna camp in my sleeping bags, im not gonna move. 

Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand, 

Saying, if you see this girl can you tell her where i am. 

Some try to hand me money, they don't understand. 

Im not broke, im just a broken hearted man. 

I know it makes no sense, what else can i do, how can I move on, when im still inlove with you.

Cause if one day you wake up, and find that your missing me, and your heart starts to wonder, where on this earth i could be. 

Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place where we'd meet. 

And you'd see me waiting for you, on the corner of the street.

So im not moving... Im not moving..."

A smile on my lips as he continued the whole song.


"Harry.. It's not your fault..." I said, as i took a sip of hot choco, as he did the same with his cup of choco.

My back leaned on the balcony fence, with Harry next to me.

"Yes it is, Liam-"

"I heard... Harry? You should'nt listen to him, its not your fault.." I cutted his sentence.

"If there's someone to blame, it should be me.." I whispered.

"Why? You never did anything.." He replied.

"I came in you and the boys life, i feel like im ruining the band, i just feel like im not supposed to be here, sometimes i feel like i just want to qui-"

"No... Violet" He pleaded.

Taking in a deep breath, as he hugged me.

"Please don't." He pleaded.

I pulled away, as i glanced at the open sky.

Nicole was inside reading her favorite novel.

"Don't worry, i won't.." I whispered with a smile, as he smiled back.

"Violet? I want to confess something to you, the fee-"

"Harry.." I pleaded him not to continue, cause i know where this was going.

He likes, or should i say "Love me" but, its so complicated. Harry, is like a brother, his amazing so fun to be with, sweet, loving and i just can't hurt bare to see him hurt.

"Just hear me out?" He asked.

Letting out a sigh as i nodded.

"I have strong feelings for you, you are simply amazing, fun, everything a guy likes in a girl, anyone would be lucky to have you, Liam was lucky to have you, i know you still love him, and i won't get away with you two anymore.." He stated.

A smile forming my lips.

I just hugged him, as he hugged back.

"Friends?" He asked.

"Friends.." I replied, as i hugged him tighter.

"Well i better get going, i need to apologize to the lads.." He said, as he smiled at me.

"Okay, call me, tell me how it worked out.." I instructed, as we both walked down the stairs to the front door.

"I will.." He happily replied, giving me a peck on my forehead, as i waved goodbye at him.

Watching him get in his car, as the car drove away.

Walking back in the house, a smile on my face.

Everything was finally getting better, i just wish i was'nt talking too soon.



Friendzoned in a goodway, but finally everything is getting better! How's this chapter by the way?

Special thanks to ItsJustMeSofeea, i demand you to check her stories out! She's awesome!!


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