1: I Don't Sound Like Nobody

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I was 14 when I wrote this it's embarrassing but with the Elvis movie so many people are reading this now. bare with me yall lol

July 18, 1953

  "Elizabeth Woolridge Grant!" My mother called to me. I opened my eyes and groaned. I did not feel like getting up today.

I ungracefully pulled my blanket off me and sat up in my bed. I yawned and stretched. I climbed out of bed and put on my slippers.

I walked into the tan carpeted hallway and instantly smelled my mothers cooking. I grinned to myself. I love her cooking. It tastes how the feel of pulling a big fluffy blanket out of the dryer feels.

I walked to the baby blue style kitchen and saw my brother sitting at the small table wearing his pajamas and a untied blue bathrobe. He looked exhausted.

"Morning Charlie." I rubbed the already disheveled hair on his head and sat in the chair next to him. He yawned.

Charlie is my fourteen year old brother. He is going into nine grade in the fall at Humes High School. He has chestnut brown hair and almond eyes. Most girls his age say he's a heartthrob, but I don't see it. Of course, he is my brother so what is there to see?

Then I saw my dad come in, buttoning the last button on his white long sleeved shirt.

"Morning!" My mother smiled at him. He kissed her cheek. "Pat dear, can you help me with this tie?" He asked. "I just can't get it right."

She chuckled at him. "Of course, Robert." She turned and tied his black tie. "Thank you."

I don't understand how they can be awake so early. My parents are always morning people.

My father sat down at the table with us and my mother set his coffee in front of him. "Thank you dear." He said and took a sip.

My daddy was a business man. He has been for all my 18 years of life. And you can tell it's taken its toll on him. His hair thinned and gray, wrinkles on his face, dark circles under his eyes. And he's only 50.

My mother on the other hand is the fountain of youth. She's 46 but looks 30. She has short blonde hair, always big and pulled behind a headband and blue eyes, like mine. I also have her blonde hair.

Then I heard my sisters screech down the hall and running footsteps.

"MOM LOOK AT THIS ZIT!" Caroline cried. She prefers to be called Chuck though. She pointed to the acne on her nose. "Honey it's fine. Just wash your face. Now sit down and eat breakfast." My mother put plates of food down in front of us. My sixteen year old sister scowled but sat down in the chair next to me.

She is going to be a junior. She reflects my mothers looks. I feel insecure sometimes around her because she's so beautiful. Blonde hair and blue eyes. Thin body. All the guys love her. I get jealous.

We all ate together, my parents engaging in small talk over the news today and how rock and roll destroys our brains and how it's the Devils music. I just blocked it all out.

When I finished breakfast I excuses myself from the table and went back to my room to get ready.

Now I know how the fashion of today is all dresses or skirts in bright colors and whatnot, but I prefer black.

My outfits consist of a black shirt sleeves shirt with a old jean jacket pulled over and a dark shorter than it should be but not terrible skirt. I brushed my long hair and teeth. I also put on a bit of makeup. I was ready.

I found my dad still reading the newspaper at the table. "Daddy I'm ready." I said. He gave me a smile. "Okay, lemme grab my keys." He stood. My mother came back over to me and put a paper bag rolled at the top in my hand.

"Here's lunch. Have a good day sweetheart." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "You're so grown...you've turned into a beautiful young woman. I'm proud of you, Lizzie." She said and gave me a hug.

I laughed but hugged back. "I'm just going to work, not overseas." I said. "I know darlin, it's just it feels like yesterday you were going into kindergarten. Now here you are, graduated from high school and got your own job."

Then my father piped up. "Cmon Liz." He said. "Bye mom." I said and turned to follow my dad outside to our Chevy.

"Love you! Say hi to Marion for me!" She called.

Okay so I work at Sun Records. It's not a big label or anything. Just a few black soul singers. Marion Keisker is my aunt, and she convinced Sam Phillips to give me a job there. I mostly clean or get drinks or run some errands for Sam. I don't mind it. I like working there.

My father drove me down Union Ave to Sun Records where a bright "Memphis Recording Studio" shined in the window.

He pulled in front of Sun Records. "Bye daddy." I kissed his cheek. "Bye pumpkin."

I got out of the car with my bag lunch in hand. I walked into the studio and I saw Aunt Marion sitting at her desk.

"Morning Lizzie." She smiles brightly. "Sam isn't in this morning. Will you do me a favor? Will you run and get donuts and coffee for breakfast?" She asked. "Sure." She handed me her car keys and her wallet. I set my bag on her desk.

"Thanks. I'll be back." I turned and walked right back out the door. I turned left and walked past the dinner and down the small alley to the parking lot. I found Marion's caddy and hopped in. I turned on the engine and pulled into the street. I drove down Union Avenue to Beale Street and found the donut shop I regularly go to.

I pulled around and found a spot in front of the shop. I got out, grabbing the keys and wallet, and went inside the small shop.

There was no line this morning despite it being 8 am. Usually there's hungry people waiting to get there donut and coffee fix before work.

I quickly got what I needed and left. Two coffees and a box of donuts.

When I got back in the car, I drove down Beale Street, then turned into Union Avenue, then around to the back, then went around the diner and into Sun Records.

I could barely get the door open with everything in my hands.

"Oh dear," Marion jumped up and grabbed the items from my arms.

She opened the box of donuts and dug in. "I put, oh excuse me," she covered her mouth because it was full of chewed up donut. "I put your lunch in the fridge."

After I washed down a donut with the hot coffee I said, "thanks."

I was reaching for another donut when I heard the door open.

I turned my head and saw one of the most handsome boys I've ever seen. I knew him from school. He was quiet. His name was Elton I think. I never knew him personally. He's quiet.

"Hello." Marion smiled brightly.

"Hi ma'am. I'd like to record a record. For my mama. It's her birthday." He had a strong southern accent.

"It's costs four dollars." She said. "That's all right." He replied. He looked nervous. He glanced at me with his soft, icy blue eyes. I felt my heart melt.

"What kind of singer are you?" She asked. "I sing all kinds." He said.

"Who do you sound like?" She questioned.

He shrugged. "I don't sound like nobody."


Lizzie is played by Lana Del Rey (Lizzie Grant) and yes I know everyone thinks she looks just like 1960s Pricilla. I just love her so much. And we basically have the same name. Lana, Alana. If we had a ship name it would be my name, which is freakin awesome.

And Marion Kiesker does not have a younger sister that I know of. The family I made is pure fiction.

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