24: There You Go

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I was standing in Elvis' room folding laundry and throwing dirty laundry in the basket while he and Red West and a few other guys were calling people on the telephone in the living room and discussing remodeling the new house Graceland.

I reached for a white button up shirt but noticed a peculiar red mark on the collar. I pulled the shirt up and off the bed and my heart fell once I saw it. It was a red lipstick stain. Anger and thoughts of betrayal flooded my body. That f*cking bastard.

I stormed out of the room and towards the living room. I stopped outside in the hall once I heard him speaking on the phone.

"Listen I just can't talk now. I'm home." Elvis whispered to the phone. I turned on my heel and ran to the front door and outside to my car. My bag and shoes were still inside.

I got in my car and left quickly. Fans were gathered around his house, which were another reason why we were wanting to move quickly and once they spotted me a few ran up to talk to me before I left. But I slammed my car door and sped off. Tears were streaming down my face as I was driving. I punched the steering wheel multiple times in anger, which just made my hands throb. I sniffled and turned on the radio, and of course Elvis' voice came through.

"Don't be cru-" I shut the radio off and drove home in silence.

When I got home I ran straight to my room. I stood in my room with tears streaming down my face as I looked through my records. I pulled out all the Elvis ones and tossed them behind me, hoping they'd crack or break.

My hands came across one I didn't remember buying. I pulled it out of the stack and saw Johnny's face. I sadly grinned to myself and slid the record out of the cover. I stepped over to my record player and took off the Elvis record I had previously played and tossed it like a frisbee. It hit my wall and bounced to the ground.

I put the Johnny record on and listened. I crossed one arm over my chest and my other was bent at the elbow and my hand pressed to my cheek.

"You're gonna break another heart; you're gonna tell another lie." The record sang. I instantly thought of Elvis again as more tears poured down my face.

"Well here I am and there you go, you're gone again. I know you're gonna be the way you've always been. Breakin hearts and tellin lies is all you know. Another guy gives you the eye and there you go."

I wiped my cheeks.

"There you go. You're gone again. I should've known, I couldn't win. There you go, you're by his side. You're gonna break another heart you're gonna tell another lie."

I had to wipe my cheeks again. The phone next to my bed rang and I jumped. It has startled me. I took a deep breath and ignored it. No one was home except for me so I didn't have to worry about anyone answering it. I had a suspicion that it was Elvis. I had the temptation of ripping it out of the wall and tossing it across my room.

"Because I love you so I take much more than I should take."

"I want you even though I know my heart is gonna break." A voice said behind me along with the record. I jumped and turned around.

"Johnny?" I asked. Johnny nodded. He stood leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed. The record was still playing behind me. He stepped towards me.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I said and sat on my bed. He sat next to me. "Okay, now tell me what's wrong." He pried me.

I looked into his brown eyes. I longingly wished it was the blue pools I fell in love with instead of brown mud.

"I think he cheated again. No, I know he did. But what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

He put his arm across my shoulders and I leaned into his embrace. "If you were mine you wouldn't deal with this. Elvis, is well, a symbol of sex. And nobody can help it. He has a million girls throwing themselves at him." Johnny said. I wasn't soothed not calmed down at his words. But I did hold him tighter.

I wanted to hurt Elvis like he hurt me. I tilted my head up and pressed my lips to Johnny's soft cheek.

Johnny took his chance and turned his head and pressed his lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him on top of me, my back to my bed. His hands traveled up and down my body as our lips went wild on each other.

His hands tugged on the hem of my shirt, and I let him pull it over my head. His lips traveled to my neck and I went limp in his arms.

"I love you Liz. So much." He whispered in my ear.


Later that night, I was laying in bed staring at the dark ceiling. The only light came from the street lamp outside.

There was a knock on my bedroom door. Crap. I jumped up, naked, quickly covered a sleeping and naked Johnny with the blanket and prayed he wouldn't stir in his sleep. I rushed to the door and opened it partly with my face only showing.

"Lizzy are you hungry?" My mom asked. "No thanks mom, just uh, tired. I'm gonna go to bed." I said. My mom nodded hesitantly. "Who's car is out front?" She asked. My heart dropped.

"Uh, Johnny Cash's..." I said regretfully. "Oh he's here?" She asked. "Where?"

"He uh, is sleeping right now. He's not feeling good. I'm just taking care of him right now but he's uh, not feeling good. Mom I gotta go." I said running out of excuses.

She raised her eyebrow. "Alright?" She walked away from my door and I closed it, sighing in relief. My eyes traveled back to Johnny. I pulled the blanket off of him and saw he was still sleeping. Lips slightly parted. Black hair all tussled.

Realization swept over me. I slept with Johnny. I cheated on Elvis. Johnny cheated on Vivian.

I pulled on a pair of underwear and a loose t shirt. I sat on my bed and put my face in my hands.

What have I done?

I felt Johnny stir and a hand placed on the small of my back.

"Are you alright?" Johnny asked groggily. I lifted my head and nodded.

"I'm gonna - get home." Johnny said and slipped out of my bed.

He pulled on his clothes in silence. He sat next to me while pulling his shoes on.

Before he got up, he leaned over and kissed my cheek. Causing me to feel worse.

"Bye Lizzie." He said. I looked up at him in my doorway. He left like he came. "Bye." I said quietly.

I was left alone with my thoughts. I heard Johnny's car fire up in the street and take off. I buried my face in my hands and cried.

"I will make Elvis happy. I'll make him want only me. And if he cheats again...I'll...I'll try harder." I said to myself. "I won't make him angry."

I got on my hands and knees and reached under my bed for a bottle of liquor I had hidden there. I sat with my back against the bed and sipped away half the bottle while wiping tears off my face. "I'll make him happy." I kept telling myself.

The phone rang again and I jumped. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Hello?" I heard my dads voice answer the phone. A few seconds later, he called out "Lizzie, it's Elvis." From down the hall. My eyes went wide and I put the cork back on the bottle and slipped it under my bed. I jumped up and pulled on a pair of shorts and walked into the living room where the phone was sitting there, waiting for me.

My dad left the room to give me privacy. My mother who was seated on the couch knitting stayed though.

"Hello?" I trembled.

"Heya Liz. Why did you leave earlier?" He asked.

"I-I had a headache. And I came back and took a nap." I lied. I caught my mothers eye. She gave a look of disapproval.

"Are you gonna come back? Want me to pick you up?" He asked. "I guess. I'll drive myself." I said. "Bye." I said quickly and hung up.

My mother stayed silent as she was knitting but I knew she was disappointed in me, and I felt even more guilty.

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