16: Walk The Line

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June stepped onto stage, smiling and waving at the cheering crowd.

"They want to see us together," johnny said. "Well quit that clutchin on me I'll sing with you but quit that clutchin John." June said with fake happiness and tried wiggling out of Johnny's grasp. "So you got me out here now what are we gonna sing? Or is that where your plan ends?" June asked.

"I always like that song Time's A Wastin lets do that one." Johnny said. June looked angry. "Ohh I don't know about that. What about your hit song Big River?"

"Well Big River's not a duet. Let's do Times A Wastin." Johnny persisted. June covered up the mic and said something to Johnny that I couldn't hear. Luther and Marshall and Holland began playing Time's A Wastin.

I new June didn't wanna sing it. I wouldn't either. She recorded it with her ex husband. I could tell by her face she was uncomfortable with it. But she sang along with Johnny, looking annoyed.

I felt arms snake around me and laugh. "Jerry!" I shouted and laughed. He kissed me on the cheek. "Oh Lizzie." He picked me up and spun me around.

"What do you want, Mr. Lewis?" I asked. "Oh nothing, just saying hi. Is that wrong, darlin?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and looked back and Johnny and June.

After about forty seconds into the song, Johnny kissed June on the cheek. June stepped away and gave him a venomous look. "Don't do that!" She shouted and ran offstage. Past me and down the hall.

I took one look at Johnny and ran down the hall after June. She slammed the door a few seconds before I got to it. I could hear her sobbing. I knocked on the door.

"Go away!" She shouted. "June? It's Lizzie." I said. I heard silence, then the door unlocking. She pulled it open and I saw her tears running down her face. Her makeup ran with it. I pulled her into a hug.

"June, it's okay." I consoled and ran my hand up and down her back. I shut the door with my foot and quickly locked it. Johnny could be close behind. I sat down with her at the edge of the bed and she cried in my arms.

"Lana, how I hate those guys." She said. Then her eyes went wide. "Sorry, I meant Lizzie." "It's alright. I don't mind." I said. "I just went through a divorce and I have a world of judgment on me right now. I don't need this." She cried. "I know, I know." I stroked her brown hair as she cried.

Then I heard Johnny pounding on the door. "June?" He called. "June open up!"

"Leave me be John!" She yelled. Johnny kicked the door down which caused us to jump.

"What did I do? It's a song!" He yelled. He looked at me then at June who gave him a death look.

"Just go away." She pleaded. She sat up. Johnny gave an angry look, hesitated. But left. June turned back to me. "I just wanna go home." She said. "I miss my family." She fell back into my arms. "I know, it'll be over soon."

"I miss him. I miss Carl. I wish he didn't leave. What am I supposed to tell Carlene? 'Daddy didn't care no more?' I don't know what to do." She admitted. I didn't know what to say to that.

"Everything will work out in the end June, I promise you that." I said. But I didn't know if that's a promise I could keep.

I stood. "I'll be back." I said. She nodded and wiped her eyes. I left her dressing room and went to Johnny's. I heard him smashing things and breaking glass.

I swung the door open and found Johnny pulling a sink off the wall.

"Johnny!" I shouted and put my arms around him trying to stop him.

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