18: I Love You Because

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Funny and embaressing story to share - a few weeks ago I was listening to Suspicious Minds on my school laptop through headphones and the bell rang and I closed the lap top and unplugged the headphones. Then i went to my English class and about 10 minutes into the class (which was dead silent) I opened the lap top and Suspicious Minds began blaring during the class and I was dying. I tried to close the lap top but it kept playing even though it was closed. The video wouldn't pause and the class started to laugh at me and it was so embarrassing. Tru story.

September 5th, 1956

"I really can't believe I'm here." I said while staring out the limo's window at the lit up city with Elvis' arm around my shoulders. I was in Hollywood. Where all the movie stars are. Elvis chuckled at me. "You're cute, Liz." I turned my head and looked at him. He looked at my blonde locks.

"You should dye your hair black." He picked up strands of my hair with his free hand. "Nah," I said and looked back out the window. "I prefer blonde."

Colonel Tom Parker, Red West, and Dennis sat in the seats across from Elvis and I. They had come with us. I was still uneasy around Dennis. He gave me the creeps.

But here, now, I felt save in Elvis' arms. Like I could face a whole army with him beside me. I smiled to myself and laid my head back on his shoulder.

"What?" He asked, noticing my smile. "Nothing." I said. He raised an eyebrow but looked away.

Red handed Elvis a copy of the Love Me Tender script. "Practice your lines with me." He said. Elvis took the papers. If I didn't make it clear earlier, Red West is Elvis' stage manager.

Elvis cleared his throat and they began to say the lines. I tuned them out and took in the city. I was in Hollywood! Why wouldn't i?

After checking into the hotel, I sat on my bed and stared out the window. The streets were busy and packed with cars. People headed down the sidewalk from both directions in a hurry. There was a few shops and cafes along the street also and people sat at tables eating and drinking. The sky was dark and the only lights were street lamps and bright neon signs that glowed in delight.

It was around two am and even though I was wide awake, Elvis suggested we go to bed.

"Elvis!" I whined. "I wanna stay awake. I'm in Los Angeles! How often is a person in Los Angeles?"

He sighed. "Lizzie I'm tired okay? Please. I promise tomorrow will be better. We just got here later than expected. Tomorrow, no Tom or Red. Just us okay?" He said. "Promise?" I asked.

He grinned. "Promise." A sly smile came across my face. "All right," I said looking up into his eyes as he stood above me.

"But," he added and played with the hem of my shirt. "I'm not too tired."

"Oh, pelvis." I laughed.

September 6th, 1956

The next morning, around 11 am, Elvis rolled over and put an arm around my naked body.

"Happy birthday baby." He whispered tiredly in my ear. My eyes flew open. "It's my birthday?" I accidentally said out loud. Elvis laughed and I felt embarrassed. "How could you forget your own birthday?" He asked while laughing. I shrugged.

"I guess I've been so overwhelmed with everything lately I plain forgot." I said.

"Well," Elvis adjusted himself so that he was laying on his bent arm with his fist pressed to his temple, his face over mine. "I'll make today a day you won't forget." He smiled. I grinned at that thought. I loved him so much. I can't even stress that enough.

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