3: Peter Pan

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Elvis Presley called me two weeks later. Two weeks of agony. I waited by the phone day after day with no calls from him. Only Jack or some girlfriends of mine.

But no Elvis.

When he did call, only my brother and I were home. I heard the phone ring in my sleep. I had passed out on the couch after work one day and my parents and sister went to a movie for my sister to see.

So there I was, sleeping on the couch and my brother shook me until I woke.

"Hm what?" I asked groggily.

"Someone is calling for you." He said. I sat up on the couch and trudged to kitchen. I picked up the phone from the counter.

"Hello?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Lizzie? It's Elvis." His dreamy voice came through the phone.

"Elvis hi!" I said. I instantly perked up and was wide awake. "I'm glad to hear from you."

"Yeah glad to talk to you too. I've just been so busy I woulda called you sooner if I coulda." He said.

"Oh it's fine." I said.

"Do you wanna go to the drive in with me tonight?" He asked.

"Oh," I said. I have a boyfriend! "I uh, well... Don't you have a girlfriend?" I tried to change the subject.

"Yeah, so? As friends we can go." He said.

"Well, okay. My parents have the car tonight though." I said.

"I can pick you up." He said.

"Okay. When?"


I looked at the clock on the wall. It's 8:47 pm!

"Sure." I said. I have him my address and we said our goodbyes.

I rushed to my room to fix my hair and makeup which had been destroyed in my nap.

Before I knew it, Elvis was there.

He knocked on the door and of course Charlie answered.

"Lizzie!" He shouted. I took one last look in the mirror at my redone hair and makeup and left my room. I went to the foyer and saw Elvis standing there with Charlie. Elvis looked so handsome with his brown hair slicked back.

"Hi Elvis." I smiled wide.

"Hello Lizzie." He returned the smile.

I walked over to him. "Charlie this is Elvis. Tell mom and dad I went to a movie with some friends okay?" I said.

He gave me a suspicious look. "Okay?" Elvis turned and walked back outside.

"Charlie, please don't tell anyone about this." I said and ran out to Elvis' truck.

"That's who I work for." He said when he saw me reading the words. "I'm studying to be a electrician." He added.

"Oh, cool." I said. He opened the passenger door for me. I thanked him and climbed in.

He had the radio turned down low as we drove. He kept asking about me. I was surprised he cared that much.

"How long have you worked for Sun?" He asked.

"About a year. That's when Marion convinced Sam to let me work there. My sister might be joining too. Or maybe working at a beauty salon yet. I hope she goes to the salon though. I couldn't stand her all day long. Even being at home with her is too long."

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