2: Elton Elvis Same Thing.

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"Okay, well do you have four dollars?" Marion asked. "Yes ma'am I do." He smiled, showing his straight white teeth. His brown hair was slicked up all cute lookin. His blue eyes basically sparkled.

Marion asked, "before we get started, would you like anything to drink? We have coke, pepsi-"

"Do you have Dr. Pepper?" He asked. "Yes," she turned to me. "Hun, please grab Mr..." She looked back at him.

"Presley." He said. Elton Presley.

"Mr. Presley a Dr. Pepper please." Marion said. "This way, Mr. Presley." She said. She opened the door to the recording studio and stepped in with Elton behind her. He also was holding a guitar.

I also followed them in but went straight to another door which led to the back room with the fridge. I opened it and reached for a Dr. Pepper. My hand closed around the cold bottle.

I went back into the studio and saw he was sitting on a stool. I could see Marion through the window setting up to record.

"Here Elton." I said. He chuckled. "Thanks Elizabeth." He smiled. He remembered my name? Well I remembered his. I smiled back. I felt my face grow hot so I handed him the drink and turned and went into the room on the other side of the glass.

Marion pressed the microphone button.

"State your name and the song you'll be singing, then sing for us." She said. Then she pressed 'record'.

"My name is Elvis Presley," he said and I felt so embarrassed. I had called him Elton!

He must have noticed my embarrassment because he smiled at me.

"And I'm singin' My Happiness and That's When Your Heartaches Begin."

Then he began to strum the guitar.

"Evening shadows make me blue
When each weary day is through
How long to be with you
My happiness."

My jaw dropped. His voice was the most perfect and holy thing I've ever heard. So dreamy. So pure.

I saw Marion's jaw dropped too.

Sam's words popped into my mind. 'Find me a white man who can sing.'
Well Sam, you just got one.

By the end of the song, I was blown away. Elvis Presley was the greatest singer ever. I've known him since he moved to Memphis, but I've never really known him. Sure we went to the same school, but I never really talked to him.

Only on one occasion, when he asked me to a school dance. I turned him down though. I was already going with my boyfriend Jack. I felt bad though. And I feel even worse now. Now that I realize he's a heartthrob.

He was always quiet. Never really fit in. Only had a few friends.

Marion whispered, "Sam has got to see this guy." I nodded. "That's what I was just thinking." I said.

Then he played the second song. Again, blown away. This guy had potential.

Too bad Sam wasn't here today. Today of all days.


After Marion finished everything, they were done.

Elvis thanked Marion. "Thanks Mrs. Keisker. My mama will sure be happy." He smiled. I just wanted to kiss his face off.

We were all about to walk out of the studio when Marion grabbed my arm and held me back for a second. Elvis didn't notice. He kept walking.

"Hun, get yourself a piece of that fine young man." She said. "Marion!" I yell whispered. "I'm dating Jack." I said with regret. I suddenly wished I wasn't.

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